Most Recent Messages in ICDs

My new ICD

Hi there. I have now got a new badge of honour. Yes, my Medtronic ICD was implanted successfully on July 4th 2007. I am grateful to be privileged enough to have such a device, considering the need in this world, just for food for most.

I knew it was an expensive item, but the cost of Australian $55,000, just for the device no doctors or hospital bills included, nearly gave me a heart attack!!! LOL. Really I only found out the cost after it was in. Thank the Lord I have paid for the to...


ICD and altitude

Hi everybody ....I had an ICD inserted 3 months ago with no warning. The Dr admitted me immediately to the hospital after a stress echo and I recieved my ICD the next day.
I have ventricular tachycardia. I also successfully had cardioversion for AF while I was under the anaesthetic. I had no pain or problems and recovered quickly and felt really good.
Some weeks later I began to feel tired and have since discovered that I am in AF again. I am medicated with digoxin and carvedilol and...


What the heck!!!

I keep getting what feels like a kick, not at all painful but very weird. It happens on my right side(my implant is on the left), and in my back. Is this a muscel spasam? Has anyone had this? I have had my implant for about 1 month and I am doing great. My device has been checked twice so far and both times they say it is functioning perfectly. Also, has anyone had a lead wire come lose? What does that feel like? it doesn't sound to good. thanks for any comments as I am new to surgery and not su...


Has Anyone Tried the EPFX/SCIO?

  • by hlamb
  • 2007-06-18 07:06:14
  • ICDs

The EPFX/SCIO scans the electromagnetic frequencies of the body similar to the virus-scan on a computer. I had a diagnostic session the other day and while they would not hook me up in the same way they monitored my wife, the session seemed to be helpful just being next to the computer.

My concern is that if they do not want to hook me up in the regular manner, perhaps this tool is not for me. Sad, if so, since it seems to be a remarkable device.


First Shock

Hi everyone,

I had my ICD put in on June 8th, and was feeling remarkably good. Before the implantation I was feeling pretty hopeless and emotionally dead, I just couldn't cope. Following the surgery I was a little sore but sort of went back into "normal" mode emotionally. In fact, I stopped thinking about the big issues and was just relieved the surgery went so smoothly. Friday night while out with friends, I got shocked once. Not only was I completely surprised by it, I was also very...


ICD then ablation???

i recieved an icd in dec. of 2006 for which appears to be a viral cardiomopthy. i have since improved about 90%. the problem is that about 11/2 ago i recieved 4 shocks in one day from av node arrhythmia. my doctor said no big deal i will take you into the lab and do ablation. this was about a month ago and i am still feeling awful from it. i have off and on again burnning over my entire chest, i have not been able to wear a bra for a full day has it feels uncomfortable, just overal...


FU airline mechanic with ICD

  • by JWC
  • 2007-05-18 10:05:26
  • ICDs

This is followup from previous posting... from aircraft mechanic with major US airline. My concerns are related to the magnetic fields and others from the engine and apu etc as I work directly on these running and not runninig.The airline has recentluy approved a company to come into the work area to meaure the fields so that it can be determined if i can return to work or not. I believe this is the first time this would have ever been done. Risk management and legal are involved as I think they...


Plastic Surgery

Has anyone ever had any plastic surgery done – perhaps some kind of fat filler around the ICD – to minimize the appearance of the "lump" you see from the device? If so I'd be interested to hear your experience. I don't even know if this sort of thing is done but I thought I'd throw it out there.


ICD and Jet engines/Flying

  • by JWC
  • 2007-04-27 06:04:03
  • ICDs

My husband , Major airline jet engine mechanic just received his ICD 8 weeks ago. He cannot return to work as the airline does not know what the magnetic fields/electrical fields are in and around running aircraft. Medtronics nor the physicians have no exp and no research related to the hazards of airline work and ICD/Pacemakers.Just running cars and arc welders as if that is what everyICD patient does for a living. The airline has been asked to hire an enviromental eng to complete the testing....



no help just complete silence


Future ICD's

I swear I'll stop posting so much soon, I just got on this site today :-). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew of advances in ICD technology, more importantly (to me anyway) the size of the devices. Does anyone know of smaller, thinner devices in the works? I've tried to find info on it but all I find is that St. Jude's came out with flatter leads. It seems like the devices haven't really reduced in size from the 90's. I think the problem is that battery technology has basically come to a hal...


Losing weight

Hi, my son is 20 years old has had a pace/difib. since 14 years old. He is now in the best shape of his life. He was not over weight - but had a football player built. You really could not see the pace/difib. before. Now that he has lost weight you really see the square spot. Do other people have it that visible?
Do you cover it? What about in the summer and swimming He is always wearing a tshirt.
Also, when you have the battery changed - do they make the incision on the same li...


More Recall News

Medscape Alerts
Guidant Issues Advisory on Early ICD Battery Depletion
from Heartwire — a professional news service of WebMD

Steve Stiles

April 11, 2007 (St Paul, MN) - The Boston Scientific division Guidant is warning physicians and patients [1,2] that some models of its Vitality, Vitality 2, and Contak Renewal 3 and 4 lines of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator (CRT-D) devices may require...


VT, ARVD faulty lead?

I am 56 years old and have been having episodes of VT over a number of years and 7 years ago I had an ICD implanted and prescribed Sotolol. I have tried Nebivolol and Flecanide but find Sotolol suits me best, however any more than 120 mg per day gives me a headaches and sleepless nights. I was diagnosed as having ARVC (ARVD in USA). Over the past 2.5 years the incidents of VT have increased considerably and I have had quite a number of shocks. In October 2005 I had ablation and was f...


Data Storage

I have a question for those of you who have new models of pacemakers implanted. Does your model store data? In other words, can the doctor download all heartbeats since the last checkup and see any abnormal behavior by your heart? If so, this is an awesome feature that can help determine when problems hit. If not, it is a much needed feature by all PMs.



In July of 04 I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, with a 15 - 20% ejection fraction. I also have CHF and COPD. I had my ICD implanted in February of 06. I felt like a whole new person at first. I received my first shock about 8 months ago so they raised me to 180 threshold. Again, I felt great. For the last 2 months I have been very tired, I never feel good and I get these sensations in my chest that feel like I am going to have an anxiety attack but they go away after a few...


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