Most Recent Messages in ICDs

when amiodarone fails

My husband has had a ICD since 2003. He has been on amiodarone off and on since then. He tried other rhythm drugs like sotalol, dronedarone, mexiletine, without success.. At present he is on 200 mg of amio and 200 mg of mexiletine daily. The mexiletine makes him unbalanced. His ICD continues to shock him on a regular basis, weekly. Which makes his life miserable. Now they want to increase the amio again to 600mg a day. I worry because amio can be a dangerous drug, he already has neurological pro...


ICD Interference?

Does anyone know whether radio activated dog training collars, such as the ones sold by Innotek , which operate between 2112 and 219 MHz, can have any negative affect on my Medtronics ICD. I just had it implanted December 5 and I'm still pretty paranoid about it.





Hi, I am relatively new to the blog and I would like to say it has been very helpful to me. I was wondering if anyone else has a 3 lead? I just had my St. Jude ICD/PM 2 lead replaced yesterday with a 3 lead, due to my low EF and V-Fib. The new model will sense when my upper chamber is pacing, sending a signal to the bottom chamber so my heartbeats will be synchronized. I am very hopeful I will see a positive change in energy etc.



hurting shoulder

hi, had my icd a few months now all was well until lately i have an aching pain in my shoulder is this normal?


An ICD Crossroads

In 2000, at the age of 34, my doctor here in L.A. noticed a strange heart rhythm. After many tests, a cardiologist suggested that I MIGHT have something called Brugada syndrome, a sudden death disease, even though I was asymptomatic. The abnormal rhythm was caused by a drug I was taking at the time, but the culmination of these factors led them to suggest an ICD implant, which I had. In 2007, I had the unit replaced and over the years, both devices never delivered any therapy whatsoever.


ICD And Pace-Maker "I'm new to the Message Board"

Hello everyone, I am a female, I have a long standing history of heart disease on both sides of my family. My first heart attack was when I was thirty-two which left me with extensive heart damage. I have CHF, and recent diagnosis of COPD. I had a Pasemaker/defibrillator, 2 leads implanted on February 14, 2008 "on Valentines Day" I have tremendous pain in my arm and blood clots were discovered two weeks ago. Long story. I am pleased that I found this web site and message board and hope I can mak...



  • by Ajay
  • 2008-12-06 01:12:53
  • ICDs


I got a ICD + PAcemaker (Combo) device 2 months back. Everything went well for the initial 2 weeks and slowly i developed loss of breath. I had discussions with my doctor and per his advise my medicine for pumping the heart and for BP ( Medicine Cardace) was increased to 2.5 mg BD. It helped me initially with no episodes of breathlessness but again I am developing the same problem. My doctor advises taking Lasix during these episodes however I need advise from all who have got thi...


ICD Shocks

My mother had a pacemaker then got "upgraded" to an ICD. That leaves me wondering if the eventual plan for me is the same. If you have an ICD and it has "delivered therapy" how would you discribe the feeling?



When you get a cold...

Hey Gang!
It'sme schocked. Quick questions. I am 11 months inon a defrib and I notice every time I get a cold I have a stabbing pain sometimes above the box, sometimes below and sometimes in my rib cage... Normal or not normal....I liked to know cause maybe I should get checked. If there is anyone that can help please do. Thanks...



I just got shocked for the first time last night. I've had my ICD for about a year and a half and was doing some cardio type stuff and felt winded. I just stopped to rest a bit, I didn't feel like I was going to pass out or anything and within 5 seconds BAM it hit me. It didn't feel anything like others have said on here though. I just remember hearing a loud POP! sound in my head and seeing a flash but I don't remember any sort of pain involved with the shock. I was pretty freaked out by it tho...


Phantom shock

  • by lb151
  • 2008-11-15 05:11:48
  • ICDs

I had read online somewhere about the phantom shock. It seems after you have received a shock,your brain may record this. In a dreamlike state you can relive it. It happened to me the other night. I'm sure it was a dream,because if your ICD ever fires,it isnt something you have to wonder about. It sure did disturb a good nights sleep. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how often.


New Machine!

Hi All,
Haven't been on for a while but I read comments every day.
My quesiton is I just received my ICD interrogation machine.
I was wondering from members who have one what it's like. Do you feel it, mine has a speaker they can talk to me on, and any comments you may have. Just weird to have this device next to your bed reading your heart! Guess I better be a good girl!

Hi Candi51



Another newbie from downunder!

Hi there, I have been lurking in the shadows here since my hubby Graham had a dual chamber pacemaker fitted in early March to see if it would provide G with some relief from A.Fib. Unfortunately it has not. His cardio in conjuction with the E.P. thought the next course of action should be an A.V. Node ablation. Neither of us were that keen On this route but if it meant better quality of life for G we would go with it. We have just received a letter from the Hosp where the A.V.Node ablation would...


Ela Ovatio DR 6550 ICD

Hi Everyone,

I have had my current ICD for about a year. Last time I went for an interrogation it showed 69 arrhythmias in a 3 month period and it was pacing 8% of the time. I went in today and had it read. It showed no pacing and no arrhythmias.I have not read about any problems with the ICD model or maker. Does it seem right that after 8 years of cardiac problems, 5 shocks and hundreds of arrhythmias that suddenly all is well with my heart? My cardiologist didn't seem concerned and...


a little laughter

in one of the support groups i belong to a member had quite an extraordinary story of macabre humor. as his story goes, he was preparing some string beans for cooking, which he was holding in his hand when his ICD went off shocking him senseless. when he regained his senses, he noticed that the beans he was holding in his hand were letting off steam, as though they had been cooked.
i kid ye not. sounds like something out of ripley's believe it or not. the whole group had a good laugh at...


ok i'm just gonna ask it.....

this is totally embarassing but i'm curious so i'm just gonna go ahead and ask it. i'm sorry in advance if i offended anyone, that is not my intention....
ok so is it ok to use a "vibrator" while having sex if you have an icd?
crazy question...i know but i am serious when asking. i feel weird asking my doctor and i figured if i was gonna ask that this would be the place to do it.
thank you in advance to whoever responds!!!!



Hey is there anyone that wants to hit the chat room up friday night and late night. just let me know or PM me.


Living Wills and ICD's

I am trying to find more info on Living Wills and Advance Directives in association with having an ICD. I did find one really good article with info but not neccesarily specifics.
Here is the link if you want to check it out-

I do have a device clinic tomorrow and I will also ask there and pass on any new info I find.


Defibrillators Are Lifesaver, but Risks Give Pause

I'm beginning to wonder if I really needed an ICD after reading this article in today's NY Times:


St-Jude CRT study

bcme136 , Yes i am in the st-jude crt study.I told the doc as long as it doesnt cost me anything or extra dr visits or trying to make defib zap me they could study me.Wish I could get discount on dr bills for being in study


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!