Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

Pacemaker settings

Had a check up today said my lower chamber was pacing at 100% and lower chamber at 84% going back in a couple of days to change settings on pacemaker because Dr said 100% was to high.....has anyone else experienced this ....I have had my pacemaker for almost 3 years


White noise

I got my 3rd pacemaker may 21. The last 2 check ups nurse mention white noise on reading. Nurse stated leads should have been changed. My next appt I asked doctor he said they are ok. My leads are 21 years old. Anyone hear of white noise?



Can someone explain the settings for AV block please. The EP was going to set mine to atrial only but when I explained my symptoms she set it to atrial and ventricular pacing at 60bpm. Not sure what this means and why? It certainly has got rid of all my previous symptoms so must be working. 


Speaking of monitoring

I was on a once every 6 months schedule, but now that my pacemaker's battery has less than 6 months to ERI, I'm being asked to send transmissions more often.

I have the old style Merlin@Home transmitter which requires I sit down, put the donut over my pacemaker and press START. As the tranmission progresses, different icons light up with a series of beeping tones. It's done when the star icon lights up and I hear a rising C-chord of beeps. Takes about 5 minutes.



Using the pacemaker as diagnostic tool

I need to take both medications: anticoagulant (have Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation) and antiplatelet (advanced CAD with 6 cardiac stents)

However, because of the high bleeding risk, this is not allowed to take both for long time.

I also have a pacemaker Medtronic Azure S with Bluetooth capability.

My question is:

Anybody having experience for using the pacemaker as diagnostic tool that allows the anticoagulant Eliquis to be taken as pill in the pocket? (only when...


Pacemaker Home monitoring

I promised to do a post on this subject.  Some members have expressed a wish to know how many of us receive pacemaker home monitoring and the frequency?   I see Tracey_E has kindly set up a Poll for all pacemaker/ICD members.  You will need to log on to see the Poll and to cast your vote.  

I am in the UK.  I have home monitoring but my husband does not.  I therefore took the opportunity today of asking the cardiac technician during my husband’s pacem...


Increase in right ventricle voltage threshold

Hello everyone,

Today my husband (83 yrs) had his annual pacemaker check at Kings College Hospital, London (UK).  His single lead pacemaker was implanted in March 2018 for bradycardia, heart block (Mobitz II/Left Bundle Branch Block) and occasional loss of consciousness due permanent Atrial Fibrillation (AF) with a very slow ventricular response rate.

We were told he has 5.5 years remaining battery life, although this of course is only an estimate.  He had no events (hig...


PM times a pulse like EFI times a squirt.

Looking for information on how the PM's parts sense and chose when and what to output to the leads.  I can't help but look at my devise like I would the ignition and EFI in my bike and car.  There's good stuff on line but it seems to skip over what I need to know.  

I'm new to the club and impressed by the level of discourse here.  ICKABOD


office visit not covered by Medicare?

I got my pacemaker December, 2021. All is great and I am feeling better. I went for my first 3 month checkup with my electrophysiologist and both Medicare and Anthem refused to cover the visit. What's up with that? I plan to call and ask why but wonder if this is common and maybe the claim was coded wrong?



I had my BPM increased from 50 to 60 and feel much better, more active, less swelling of my lower legs and feet. How often can the MICRA be increased and by how much? What are some symptoms that indicate the need for a BPM increase?

Someone posted earlier that Cardura caused swelling of their lower legs and feet but those symptoms don't show up in a web search. Can you lead me to that information?


Remote Check Notes

Hello All,  I had my second Remote Check for my dual chamber pacemaker.  I don't really understand what these numbers mean.  Is the purpose of this check just to show that the pacemaker is working correctly and how the the battery life is which is 12.9 years.  What does RA paced at 99.6%,  RV oaced at less than 0.1%, HX AF burden 0.1% all mean?  That is all it says.  No other numbers or notes.  Thanks!  Sharon


Recent remote transmission question

So I'm 3 1/2 years in with my CRT-P, and post atrial flutter ablation. It appears that I am in atrial flutter for the majority of the time, which is why I am on Eliquis.

The report says "Episodes of AF/AFL shows occaisional undersensing with periods of pacing near max track. Review of presenting rhythm suggests RV paced beat comes before LV impulse. BIV pacing programed 0 offset. "

And then later on, the recommendation is to consider VVIR programing. 

So m...


Two weeks after

Phrenic nerve stimulation, a rare complication of pacemaker:... : Medicine (

had just about exact complications, and tech provided about exact voltage ajust to cure the problem.......finally feels great, no more body slams (so far!). Removed bandage and a couple of stitches, but never got any instruction about keeping the site clean! :(. Not sre to do normal shower/dry, or?...... Any advice from experience would be greatly appreciated.


pain after checkup of heart and pacemaker

I am feeling an odd pain around the pacemaker implant site after going for my regular checkup for my heart and pacemaker.  They told me everything was good (I've had my pacemaker since April 8th of 2021).  That was on the 29th and since then I keep having little pains off and on when I move my arm and it's just around the pacemaker area.  Anyone else?


Fast heart rate all night with biotronik CL S

Hi can anyone help, I got my Cls activated for the first time yesterday after starting off with just basic levels at 60 during the day, 50at night which was an improvement but didn't give me the quality of life I hoped for. I have chronic bradycardia due to brain injury but can mount a good response to exercise, am just not so good sitting still and can't stand in one place without fainting which is why I got the PM.

The Cls function was sold to me like it would be the dogs boll...


Need help reading remote report

A friend who originally got a pacemaker because of vaso-vagal syncope asked me for help interpreting the following:

Scheduled remote reviewed. Normal device function.  
18 new VHR events logged 31 seconds to 12 minutes 25 seconds w/ rates 150's bpm; EGMs suggest SVT
AF burden <1%; longest 1 to 3 hours; V rate histogram shows ~90% binned >110 bpm; available EGM suggest SVT
Next remote 91 days. HB

Q. V rate histogram shows ~90% binned > 110bpm


Experiences with PVARP, AV delay, Min PAV/SAV modifications


Question for people with Medtronic PMs...

Has anyone had to make tweaks to their PVARP, AV delay, Min PAV/SAV settings so that they can get back into running/cycling?





Rate Response settings in DDD mode

I have a dual lead Medtronic Azure XT PM which is currently set in DDD (only). My SA node is working fine and is driving the AV node. We are currently trying to optimize the settings for my extracurricular activities.

The tech was saying that when the PM is in DDD mode, none of the rate response settings matter EVEN IF the Rate Profile Optimizatoin setting is set to ON. I cannot find anything in the manuals that supports this statement. I was wondering if anyone has any data that can pr...


Patient Monitor (Medtronic "My Care Link" ) showing lights in night

I have a Patient Monitor (Medtronic "My Care Link") non wireless model placed near my bed.  I have not been asked to send transmissions yet but the device sometimes lights up in the night and therefore wakes me up.  I do not want to move it to another part of my bedroom since my house has thick stone walls and the mobile phone signal is weaker further from the window.

I have made a cover from a small cardboard box to place over the device so that if it does this...


Boston Scientific Accelerometer /Minute Volume Exercise settings for exercise

Dear Friends,

I am due to have a pacemaker change to a Boston Scientific (thank you NHS). Just waiting for a date.  (" Please phone if you have not had a date in the next 6 weeks").

Do you guys  have any advice re. Settings  (RR & MV) for swimming, cycling, table-tennis, dancing? 

I do find my St Jude Verity PM is not so good for lifting weights, stairs,  ballroom dancing, and getting going for swimming and cycling... though I...


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!