Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings


I just felt the need to let you all know that I saw the private cardiologist this afternon as I was told by the hospital that apart from the PM, they had detected a leaky valve which might necessitate a major op at Papworth using a pig valve. I was devastated by this and it left me terrified for 2 weeks.

The Cardiologist gave me an ECG and various other tests and pronounced that my heart was now working PERFECTLY. He made it abundantly clear that although some people's valves leak w...


Right Ventricle pacing triggering RR to go to max

Hi All,

I am a relatively healthy 50yo that had a Medtronic Azure XT DR MRI Surescan fitted 1 month ago in Houston. I'm going in for my 2nd EP appointment tomorrow after struggling with settings and the device operation.

I had the PM fitted due to very low heartbeat and suspect sinus node issues, believed to be genetic. They fittted a 2 lead system into the RV as i had an exercise induced bundle branch block that I have lived with most of my life. Diagnosed in my 20's. &nb...


GERD after pacemaker

Anyone have stomach issues after pacemaker implant? Been diagnosed with GERD after implant and I know it's due to the pacemaker but of course the doctor says no. Could my settings need tweaked?


First PM clinic post implant - Am I a hummingbird

Hi all, 5 weeks post surgery. Have an Abbot Assurity MRI PM put in for bradycardia and early heart block. Had paroxysmal AF prior also. 55 year old ex endurance training type of person, fit and well otherwise. 

I have had a fair bit of what I thought was AF during this period although no Brady obvs. Base rate is 60 and when it switches to AMS it goes to 80bpm,  the AT detection rate to switch to AMS is 180.

So the download tells me I have been in AMS for 21% of the...


AV VV Delay?

I know I've mentioned this before. Last time at the clinic we decided to leave well enough alone and not get into the CRT AV VV optimizing as in their words can be time consuming. Anyway, I've always noticed that during a rapid exertion, like running up a few flights of stairs, or a fight :), or just something that's sudden, gives me that feeling of a 2:1 block. Except that it happens with my HR around 120-130 and my max upper limit is currently set for 150. During normal exe...


EF and adding a 3rd lead

Hi all!  I may be reaching the point where I need  another lead to bring my EF up.  My 1998 PM has been pretty much problem free but when they did an echo before my last generator change my EF went from 55-60 to 45. A recent echo showed 42.  Anyone get the new device with 3 leads and did it help with your EF?  My main symptoms are SOB, low stamina, hiking uphill a real slog.  Thanks, as always!


Long Time Out Door Road Cyclist Now an Indoor Spin Cyclist

76yo with Cardiac Ablation in April '23 for Afib, now resolved post abalation. PM placment in July '23 secondary to SSS and worsening 2nd Degree AVB. I have a Boston Scietific L331, Accolade MRI. Current Parameter Settings: DDR, Lower rate 40, Mode Switch 170, Tracking Rate 135, Sensor Rate 135, Sensed AV 80, Paced AV 80, RightRate minute ventilation sensor on. These are setting the Boston Scientifc rep, a cyclist himself, tuned up the PM over 3 visits post pl...


Confused after implant

Hi all, I had a St Jude Assurity DR MRI implant 3 weeks ago. It's an active fitting. I had an early stage heart block with bradycardia before that and I did a lot of endurance training when younger. I also had paroxysmal AF over the last year before fitting. First two weeks were fine and the PM is set at 60. I am not aware of any AF episodes. Then the base rate would switch to 80bpm mostly overnight. I have very disturbed or light sleep when it does this. When I phoned the cardiac day uni...


EP appointment tomorrow - advice please

After some pestering I have amnaged to get an earlier check up with an EP tomorrow (NHS). I have two on-going issues.

1. Intermittent episodes of PMT giving palpitations occuring at the max tracking rate of 120 and which I can usually aboloish by valsalva maoevres or vigourous bending and stretching. Sometimes they self terminate after 8 or 9 beats (as they are supposed to)

2. The more significant problem for me is not being able to exercise because the PM cuts in when my&nbs...


Echocardiogram Schedule

Just wondering as I have 3rd degree heart block dual chamber pacer and two stents.  My last echocardiogram and stress test was three years ago.  Is there a time schedule to have echocardiograms?  I do have pacer checks every 6 months and 24-hour monitoring by my bed.


CLS mode on pacemaker engaged.

Hello,   My doctor engaged the CLS mode on my pacemaker recently.  I am looking to see if anyone else is experiencing issues also ?  And if so what are they...  I am nauseous  all the time and fatigued and vision issues, chest pain, also weight loss ?   Thanks so much !!! jules


Which data represent the percentage of pacemaker you are dependent on

I thought my father was 99.9% dependent on pacemaker. But actually I am not 100% sure. Is the following data represent the % you are dependent on pacemaker? Is it  "Total VP"?



1 year checkup

One year checkup for my current device today. Previous checkups not relevant because this is a new heart with a new set of problems (not AF and heart failure but intermittent high grade heart block with ventricular standstills)

Paced 40%. Delay adjusted to reduce that. My new heart has an intrinsic base rate of 100+ so lengthening the delay should not be an issue and will help battery life (currently 7 to 8 years estimated but it's too early to start worrying about that. A...


PMT Detection Settings

Does anyone know if there are any other settings which have to be considered or altered when programming a PMT Detection Rate on the Abbott Assurity pacemaker? 

Thanks in advance for any info. 


yearly in office pacemaker check

Was told everything was working just fine, asked about the leads, said they too were just fine.

Asked about any a-fib episodes while i was away, said just one for 2 hours while i was sleeping.  

Will have my next quartely transmission Sept.17 which will be from Aug 20.

Had wondered when the land phones become extinct what will happen to my transmissions.  She said my carelink was not tied to my land phone.  Which i thought was strange .  As when...


P Axis on EKG

Hi all

just reading over my EKG results from my visit with my EP last Friday I notice a big change in the P Axis but no idea what that means (even after googling don't really understand) 


Aug 9, 2024


May 3, 2024


Mar 27, 2024


Jan 9, 2023


Thanks in advance for all you guys input and knowledge! 




Functioning of sensors Boston Accolade versus Boston Proponent

I am paced 100% in atrium and ventricle and am also 100% dependent on the accelerometer and MV sensor both devices are implanted under the muscle.

I recently had a pacemaker replacement and was given the Boston Proponent L211. Before that I had the Boston Accolade L311 (battery was empty after 5.5 years). According to Boston the sensors of both models should work exactly the same.
Unfortunately, this is not the case at all and the first s...


Abnormal R waves

Recently at a Cardialogist office visit , they did an EKG, The results of the EKG showed an abnormal R wave progression. Just wondering if that is something for me to be worried about. The Cardialogist at the time, said nothing either way about this finding. Later on,at home, I checked online, and read, usually with that type of finding,while it is not always something to be concerned about, it's more important, that further testing be done to find out,why in the...


Rate Response Settings are?


I have a Medtronic Azure S DR MRI dual-lead pacemaker.

Rate Response was recently turned on, and I understand in general how it works.  Movement triggers it, it will likely have to be tweaked some more, etc.

What I'm trying to get an understanding of is - can these things below each be adjusted individually (by my EP of course)?  And if so, by how much?

  1. Sensitivity - how much movement it takes to trigger rate/pacing up?  Settings are L, M...


Volts Standards for PM wire in Atrium and Ventricular

Q1 - On Medtronic PM for about 2 months.  All going well and feel it is great to help me manage heart beat a lot better.  Doc says I have volt issue with my Ventricular (V) wire - seems it is set at 1.7 volts and Atrium (A) is set at 0.5 volts.  Doc says Ventricular should be at 0.5 volts. He has put me on significant restrictions until this gets resolved.  Looked up some AI stuff and it indicated 1.7 can be normal for Ventricular + or - simply because the V muscle is...


You know you're wired when...

Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.

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A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.