Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

Am I topping out?

Pm was placecd on 1/10/2023. Today is the first day i have really pushed it ..

I played a racquet sport (pickleball) for 2 hours or so.

I would get winded at times (never did pre-op) and noticed my heart rate was maxing at around 100.... looking  at my garmin i was max 120. 

Can the pacemaker limit my max?  Is there an adjustment?

Seems like as I move and create blood/oxygen demand im not getting enough?

The device is a Medtronic Cobalt <...


Am I just bone idle?

How is Chronotropic Incompetence diagnosed or do they turn Rate Response  on in the absence of a confirmed diagnosis to try to improve exercise capacity?

I had another device check yesterday and was told that I had flat histograms for the third time, with my heart rate stuck at 70 bpm (which is also my base rate).  I found that hard to believe because I walk a lot and really push going uphill.  Surely I get my heart rate above 70 bpm?  I also do some vigorous exercis...


Pacemaker Installed Today

So today is day one of my new pacemaker life. 



Boston Scientiffic Accolade L331. Settings: DDDR, RYTHMIQ - Off, Lower Rate Limit 40, Max Tracking Rate 135ppm, Paced AV Delay - 80-350ms, PVARP - 250-300ms. VRP - 250-250ms, Minute ventilation and Acceleometer both on.

I'm a 76yo life long amature cyclist, DX'ed with AFib at 65 and Sinus Node Dysunction in May-June '23. S/P PPM Placement in July '23 and successfull cardiac ablation in August '23. My Boston Scientific Tech is a cyclist and knows what I want...


Help with Rhythm Freeze

I have an appointment with my EP this week and in preparation for it I was looking at a Rhythm Freeze (ECG / EGM) from one of my downloads. It looks different to others on file.

I’m being paced at 60 bpm, and the rhythm freeze shows pretty regular QRS complexes, (approx 4 large squares between every 1 downward pacing spike - counting below the line).  However, there are also what look like mini, but incomplete, QRS complexes between each of the QRS complexes. Occasionally the...


Boston Scientific L331

Hi , I had a Boston Scientific L331 implanted 4 weeks ago , I am an Ex elite cyclist who now coaches and competes in Biathlon . 

Looking for advice on settings , I notice that when I am cross country skiing that my heart rate lags 20-30 seconds behind the effort., I have to slow down a little the for my HR to catch up with the effort. 

any advise ????

Thanks  Chris


Follow up Pacemaker care. Remote Monitoring - does it work for you?

Here in the UK, some hospitals still only provide home monitors to patients with a serious heart condition or dangerous arrhythmia that requires close surveillance.  If a pacemaker patient is stable, they might only receive a routine in person annual check instead.

Fortunately, most of us today have some form of home monitoring which when working well can certainly help to save time, money and give our doctors early warning of a deteriorating heart condition or of a pacemaker malfu...


Checkup and Settings

I just had my pacemaker checked remotely. The title said "abnormal." Then I downloaded the 2 tests. I'm 84 years old, and I have total heart block. Two months ago I had a heart attack with 90% blockage in one artery. The others were clear. My problem:

1. i contacted the physician but I doubt I'll hearing from anyone in their office in the near future.

2. I cannot read the test and I can't tell what is abnormal.

3. My question: Is it normal to be "a...


Can the doctor adjust my pacemaker for this?

With regular activities and work, etc, I feel great with more energy etc. My pulse range was 40-60 and now it is 60-80. 

My issue is that if I quickly pick up my pace walking in a hurry, or climb steps, or lift something with my other side arm like a suitcase and carry it that I get winded to the point that others notice and comment. 

Sometimes it seems if I get anxiety that it impacts my breathing too a little. 

After being winded, it goes back to normal if I...


Heartbeat in armpit

I just had a new PM put in after 10 years as my battery life ran out. I have a Medtroic Azure XT and I bascally pace 90+ % of the time in the atrium but at my first check up I was pacing 25% of the time in my ventricle so they made a slight change to my settings. I am pacing a little fast but I feel my heartbeat in my armpit , not always , but enough to be annoying and with no rhyme or reason. Originally I thought it was happeneing mostly when I woke up but now it seems to be more random any...


Biotronik Episode Code 13

Does anyone know what kind of "episode" is Biotronik Episode Code 13? I can't find an online resource that lists the codes.


Boston Scientific Accolade Exercise Settings

I  enquired ( by e-mail)  from my hospital pacemaker physiologists  whether I could get  some relief from breathlessness on exercise initiation, which remains a problem for stairs, lifting, and the start of length swimming etc. Her kind response is the following:

"I am more than happy to look at your rate response again .I am aware of the Boston literature; however my personal experience is that the main benefit is in patients whose only form of exerci...



Had ECG today just reading my discharge paperwork ,says his ECG showed complete heart block with pacing spikes noted on V4 V6  ,does heart block have anything to do with the ablation I had ? 



After being unwell for a while with irregular heart rhythms, high heart rate and BP (see my previous post), I had a three month check up yesterday and I thought I'd share it with you.

My first question was had I had any AF or arrhythmia since last time as I can feel an irregular pulse when when my HR rises to 90 to 102. I was told I had not been in AF and not had arrhythmia.

I asked about Rate Response. I was told the setting was what I needed but when I explained how my heart...


I had a helpful pacemaker check today . . .

They were training so there were two technicians present.  I told them about a few near fainting spells I have been having recently as well as some breathlessness and they confirmed non sustained VT episodes had been recorded.

We discussed the possibility of a second lead to the left ventricle, since I only have a single lead to the Right Ventricle at the moment which is now dilated, as are my two upper chambers.  They have requested another echocardiogram and are referri...


Help on CRT-D report comment

I see my EP every 3 months and my appt was last week.  They did some adjusting, but no ventricular arrhythmias.

They uploaded my report to my portal....a first!  They mentioned I am have tachycardia and pvcs, which I'm aware of between symptoms and my Apple watch.  

I have an Abbott CRT-D.  There is an alert saying "V Sense Amplitude below 4.0 mV.  

Can anybody explain the alert to me?  It actually says 2 alerts on the report but it onl...


Pacemaker settings and underlying rhythm

Since my PM implant in July I've been back several times at various places for device changes. The process I've experienced is:

- the device tech connects to the PM (in my case a Boston Scientific)

- changes/adjustments are made either based on my input or on an exercise stress test

- the device is programmed with the new settings

A visit report is produced. There's a lot of data there including the changes made and current settings. There's also quite...


Questions for my Cardioligist

Pacemaker Questions for “Docky” and “Tim the Tech”.      Feb 5th 2024. 

DDD-CLS -                   Take Thumb drive.

Hi everyone, I am hoping to get an appointment before Christmas to get my very first adjustment, I do not want to wait till February. Are these questions phrased correctly? I am new to all the terminology. Any comment...


PM service

Morning All

I've bemoaned the quality of my local cardiology service before but I think it's hit a new low.

In 18 years, it's gone from local hospital 6 monthly face to face clinics to annual "virtual device clinics" i.e a download and a phone call.

A recent letter now says that I will only get a return phone call if the numbers don't look right.

So you could go years without even speaking to someone.

It's worrying when combined with...


Algorithms to Reduce Ventricular Pacing

Further to a conversation with another forum member, I’ve been taking a fresh look at VP (ventricular pacing) prevention algorithms - in particular the VIP algorithm (Ventricular Instrinsic Preference) which is programmed on my Abbott pacemaker.

I try to keep an open mind, and to this end I’d like to even up some of the posts I have made on this forum which have related my experiences with this algorithm and PMT (pacem...


You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

In life we have to consider what is more important, the loss of the vanity or the gain of the life.