Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

a fib

does any one have their pacemaker set to interrupt or treat a fib?  


voltage change effects

Hi everyone hope all is well with my dear forum members . 

Thank you for your help last time . 

i went to the hospital today and changed the settings . 

although require your help again . 

the volatage that was being used on top and bottom was 1.1 , they had it the voltage at 3 and changed it to 2.1 . 

although i have been noticing slightly anxious breathing and a double breathe in quick succession since . 

questions is can a l...


Orthostatic Hypotension

I have recently been diagnosed with orthostatic Hypotension aftewr experiencing double vision,dizziness & numbness in extremities. my meds were changed as I had been given a drug which lowers my Blood Pressure & I was already on a Beta Blocker. I continue to have problems even two months after the review. 

I have now found an article where these symptoms were relieved completely by their EP adjusting their PaceMaker Rate Response sensitivity & told to tap their Pacemake...


New pacemaker

I recently had a pacemaker put in on August 23, 2023. I have felt that my pulse is too high now. Most of the time it is in the 90s.  I have had high blood pressure for a long time but the pulse part was never an issue for me. Until I took my blood pressure on August 16th and discovered that it was in the 40s. I was advised to go to the ER which I did not want to do so I went to an urgent care instead and my EKG was abnormal so they sent me over to the ER.  They did a angiogram to ma...


Sleeping with a pacemaker


I suffer from a low heart rate when resting and have now a pacemaker . 

My question is why am I having slight difficulty sleeping ? .

Prior my heart would rest awake at 50 bpm and sleep at 39bpm . 

Now the low setting on the pacemaker is 50bpm . 

So when I go to sleep and try and nod off it feels like im sitting and watching TV,  I cant drift off . 

I use to take a valium once in a blue moon a quarter of a pill would w...


Different aspect of device that can be adjusted

I recently had a couple of appointments where adjustments were made that lead to me going back to almost preinsertion symptoms. One was EF and the other was, having a biventricular pacemaker, some one had switched it to having one lead.  All fixed for the most part but I am curious about what all the things are that can be adjusted...


Right Ventricular Auto threshold


I have a dual chamber PM in DDD mode ( R turned off) for exercise induced high grade 2 degree AV block. I'm not pacemaker dependent with intrinsic rate in the 50s. Of late however, I have been experiencing sensations of heart beats ( pulsations) over the chest or upper abdomen off and on but briefly lasting a few minutes at a time. No twitches. They feel like the usual RV auto capture tests that occurred every 21 hours in Boston Scientific Accolade, but they were not. T...


Still getting used to a pacemaker

Implant date 8/4/23, dual chamber (left bundle pacing) for AV block (hx of 1st degree block, RBBB, LAFB, Mobitz I (a lot) and symptomatic 2:1 AV Block with exertion, PVCs, PACs and atrial tachycardia. Although i dont seem to get the 2:1 block with exertion anymore, i began to pace almost right away with walking exercise, i can feel it and its weird, at device check they said it was normal that the pacemaker is doing its job, but it lasts about 30 minutes after my walk. Settings AAIR/DDDR, 60-...


what the cardio's office gets paid from medicare

I happened to be on my Medicare site just now looking up what injection the ortho Doctor used on my thumb that lasted a week.  Noticed a new payment , looked it was a charge  for when i was in for my yearly pacemaker check.  Where all is downloaded an then ready to recieve the nightly remote transmissions.  If i had not know would never have realized.  It was called "programming of my dual lead pacemaker". done by the EP, whom i never saw only the pacem...


downsides to long delay pacing


Are there any physiological problems (other than the palpatation feeling) of such a long delay before the ventricles are paced? 

My pacing interval is 1.5 seconds (VVI40). So when I am in AV block a whole 1.5 seconds occurs and then my ventricle is paced. When I am sat down working or falling asleep this feels like a palpation or thud.

I am fine with managing this feeling moving forward as I know it is the long pacing interval but intuitively it does not see...



Thanks for the replies , I am going to contact my clinic. To confirm if any of my  settings where changed. 



I got check up 4 days ago been feeling like missed beats and not like before checkup and a bit anxious now


An Update

Hello, I hope all are well,

I just wanted to come on here and provide an update for my situation. I have just had my anual check up, where I had an ECG, ECHO and consultation as usual. Everything came back absolutely fine, my echo looked really good and my heart looks and was functioning completely well and as it should in a normal heart, and my consultant seemed very pleased. 

This however, leaves the question of the cause of my symptoms still a mystery, but points it very c...


Pacemaker check update

I just had my 6 week pacemaker check.

Battery life predicted: 2.3 years. Pacing in my left ventricle 30% of the time.  And the device is struggling with autocapture so is using a higher voltage than it needs.

Autocapture turned off and capture level set manually. Interval between the atria beating and the ventricle being paced extended to allow more time for a natural beat. 'Better for your heart if you're pacing less as well as for the battery.' Battery life now...


Back with a question (of course)

I'm baa-aaack! I have been feeling great and happy with life lately, and decided that I should just get on with life. I'm still doing well--eating better than ever and exercising more etc, etc. My cardiologist continues to reassure me that all is looking wonderful. I just happened to go onto my health network patient site for something or other and saw that the most recent report sent by my monitor was posted for me to view, so I thought I'd just take a look. It's mostly medic...


Looking for advice on settings

I'm now a little over a month post-implant (dual lead Boston Scientific L331) and have to say it's not going very well. My EP has been great, very responsive, etc., but to this point he's basically programmed 4 different modes with whatever their default settings are "guided by how I feel". And I'm a cyclist so I'll include that in how I feel below. 

The modes thus far (for those who are familiar with BS PM's) and the results have been:



Any thoughts on the right settings

Below I've pasted what I've been told. My own research suggests altering the pacemeker to prevent sensing the retrograde P wave. Any suggestions/


Yes, we received your transmission which confirmed that you are still experiencing some of these PMTs, although these are being caused by ectopics (premature atrial beats), rather than VIP which has been explained before). I have spoken to the manufacturer of your device and confirmed some setting recommendations, which we...


yearly in office pacemaker check

Hard to beleive another year with my pacemaker.  Again the reader would not stay on without me holding it.  Guess am to thin.  Yes, AgentX86 it does hang around my neck.                                                                                         ...


daily testing of pacemaker

I have had a pacemaker since December of 2019. 3 times a day my pacemaker is tested.  Each test lasts maybe 5 seconds followed by a few what feels like skipped beats .  Is anyone else experiening this or familiar with this process.  This happens every 8 hours.



Questions to find out what I don't know I don't know

Hello everyone, 

I have posted about my symptoms and complications since my implant on July 18.

This Friday, Aug 18 I will finally be seeing my surgeon again. Again, after hip and knee surgery--I had pages of questions for my surgeon. 

I literally don't know what I don't know. The nurse practioner I saw last week insinuated that in her opinion--I don't even need a pacemaker. 

I'm struggling to come up with questions even though I am still...


You know you're wired when...

You have a high-tech ticker.

Member Quotes

We are very lucky to have these devices.