Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings


Can anyone tell me if VVI -CLS settings on biotronic evity 8 pacemaker same as VVIR settings 



QRSD & Dyssynchony Optimization

Going to my device clinic where a specialist is going to optimize my QRS duration on the 28th. They noted on my recent ECHO - "Abnormal septal motion is present, consistent with the presence of left bundle branch block." 

I interpret that as a septal flash and a clear indication of dyssynchony. All they told me is they want to narrow my QRSD as much as possible. From what I read, they are more than likely related. I have no idea what they are going to do as far as te...



My pacemaker was set vvir when I was in hospital then they set it to dddr and I'm feeling missing beats last couple of days , should I go to hospital and get checked?


Questions to ask

Good Day, All.

Next month I will have my 2nd annual in person PM check at the EP Lab. I have AV heart block and had fainting since a teen. Some VT pauses lead to a PM in May 2022. I have a genetic family history of sudden cardiac death (etiology unknown despite testing). I have a Biotronik Edora 8 DRT.

My question. I receive periodic device monitor reports, the last one being 42 pages long. SInce I will have the chance to speak with the EP TECH and my cardiologist,...


Over air checks & 11 years and counting.

So its been a while since i last came to the club site. I thought it was a good time to update.

ive had my latest pm for over 11 years and its still going strong. I guess i don't need it as much as i used to. For the past 2 years, ive been having my checks done 'over air'. Even after these 2 years, i still check that the reader next to my bed is still working ok. The only thing I dont like about it, is i don't get to ask questions. I just get a letter saying "e...


Surprise Fine During 3D Heart Scan

On 02/05/2024 I had my annual pacer exam.  The tech made a mistake as I am 100% pace and turned me off.  I went into cardiac arrest and it took the ER department to revive and restart my pacer after a reset.

 Because of the CPR, and cracked ribs, my doctor ordered a 3D scan of my heart.  The heart turned out fine and my leads are still intact.  However, they scanned my thyroid gland and found a 4.5 cm nodule.  The doctor ordered blood tests, an ultrasound,...


The story continues


As you might remember RNRVAS had reared its ughly head so I returned to the clinic. Forewarned, the PA and tech had conferred with St.Jude about how to deal with the problem, so this time they didn't tweak the AV delay, they wiped the previous settings and took a differenent approach.

It worked and I have had no more PMT episodes.Yay. One good effect is being comfortable driving again. I have even been able to give rides to a friend who was temporarily restricted fr...


Pacing rate change/rate response


i noticed from my last visit that my atrial pacing percentage has changed:

1-9-23 atrial pacing: 35%

3-27-24 atrial pacing: 59.8%

my ventricle paces 100% of the time and I'm pretty sure always has since I had a pacemaker.

i have complete heart block. 

the EP was explaining to me that my heart works fine but what doesn't work is the connection area (forget the term) where the atrial speaks to the ventricle to relay the beats etc....


yearly cardiologist visit

Said see me next year.  Blood pressure was good 124/74. Heart rate 69.  Nurse did EKG all good.  Then the doctor came in listened with stephscope all good.  Then she wrote down what i have and what i should take. The same thing every year.

Blood thinner(asperin) told her no thanks, for A Fib, Beta Blocker for VT(bottom part of the heart speeds up.  Only 1 episode last quarter for 22 seconds.

Mild Carotid Blockage( statin)

Aortic Stenosis.



Abbott biventicular pacer

I am due for replacement.  This unit lasted 4 and 1/2 years, 100 percent paced.  Low HR setting is 60.  Yesterday I noticed my heart rate at rest was 55 and stayed constant while at rest.  I called the pacemaker clinic.  I got a call back from the pacemaker tech who said he had to call Abbott technical to find out.  They told him when the pacemaker went into elective replacement they lower the threshold to 55 to conserve battery life until replacement.  Firs...


Maximum Heart Rate Settings

I'm 100 % dependent on my pacemaker. The upper limit maximum is set at 170 beats per minute. Is it harmful to the heart if a higher rate is needed during exercise? 


Did I really need a pacemaker?

Greetings, newbie here. Feel much gratitude to be part of this group. Learning a lot, thanks to y'all for your kindness and sharing experiences. 

Boston Scientific l331 PM implant on 2/12/24, all went perfect. Started feeling better the very next day. Started working out within a few days. Avid cyclist, gym workouts, walking, and just activities around the home (on 5 acres with woods). Felt better than before implant.

Before implant I just was always feeling I was missing...


Optimised AV Delay

Hi, I'm almost six weeks post implantation, had my post surgery follow-up at five weeks and I'm back for a pacing check in three months. I'm currently v-pacing a high percentage of the time and I'd like to know know if I should be requesting any specific tests at my pacing check.

In my five week follow up I mentioned my programmed av delay (250) might be one reason for excessive pacing, so my cardiologist (with guidance from the Medtronic rep) extended it out to 350 pace...


Pacemaker Check Feedback

Hi All

Thought I would feedback a couple of pieces of information from my device check last week in case it was of interest.

I have posted previously about my sensitivity to the acceleration and deceleration of the heart which normally occurs as part of the pacing checks.  After I explained that I had felt unwell during and after these tests last time, the EP told me that it was not necessary to conduct these tests until I was close to battery replacement or there had been a...


Latest checkup

Just had my 15 minutes with the pacing consultant.

Echo of October 2023 all normal with 69% EF.

Going to try halving Bisoprolol to 5mg daily to get some exercise capacity back.

Just as well I asked about battery life as one year left, which will be nine years and one month.

I hope this isn't shaping up for another battery failure as happened last time.

Old device with only manual downloads and no active home monitoring. Not optimistic.


58 day Biotronik Report from ANDREw75


58 DAYS. Key points noted.

 I feel much better with no symptoms from the medication. I can take deep breaths and have no dizzy spells on exertion. I have no trouble exercising and feel vital again. The only drawback is with High Intensity Cardio since my CLS settings are set for 130 bpm max. My EP is reluctant to raise this, and I made a joke to him about not being able to “run for a bus” anymore. He i...


Echo test

I am due to see my cardiologist , March  28 for my yearly checkup.  Had an Echo last May should i ask her for one for this year.  Nothing had changed from the previous year.  This past year have not been contacted at all about any A-fib or other high epsiodes.

Should i ask for anything else.?

Pretty sure she will again suggest a prescription drug, am prepared to say the side effects scare me, espically the one about "could cause problems with my...


Ejection fraction not on quarterly report

I see other posters to this forum talking about ejection fraction all the time.  But I don't see any mention of it in the latest report from my PM monitor, and I don't believe the cardiologists' office has ever mentioned it when I've been in there for a PM check.  Is there a hidden code for EF on a St. Jude monitor report, that I just don't recognize what it is?


Unexpected Medical Emergency

My simple update and pacer scan for any issues turned into a full-blown Emergency Room (ER) all-day real-world crisis.  I don’t have a heartbeat and my heart pacer beats my heart for me at 60 BPM at the lowest setting.  The tech wired me up and was running a full diagnostic test of my pacer.  I warned her not to go below 40 bpm as I didn’t have a heartbeat.  Well, the tech went below 40 BPM and my heart stopped and I slumped over just like 3 years ago during ca...


Am I topping out?

Pm was placecd on 1/10/2023. Today is the first day i have really pushed it ..

I played a racquet sport (pickleball) for 2 hours or so.

I would get winded at times (never did pre-op) and noticed my heart rate was maxing at around 100.... looking  at my garmin i was max 120. 

Can the pacemaker limit my max?  Is there an adjustment?

Seems like as I move and create blood/oxygen demand im not getting enough?

The device is a Medtronic Cobalt <...


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.