Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

update 1-A on high rate episodes

On Dec 5th recieved an email telling me that via the patient portal for the Heart Specailist i have a new message.  Looked an sure enough there was one from the Medical Records division.  They had finally responded to my email of Nov 2,2022. Saying there have been 2 recent tranmissions of 9/20/22 and Nov 27,2022 .She had printed out the summary and arrththmia log events for each transmission. Would leave them up front in an envelope in the records cabinet.  And i can pick them...


Replacement device - still no home monitor

I have third degree heart block from a surgical complication when my aortic valve was replaced in 2014, and so before I left the hospital a pacemaker was implanted. I didn't have any arrhythmia or other electrical issues before the valve surgery, and frankly I have never really noticed any difference now that I am paced.

Anyway, here we are 8 years later and the original Medtronic device needed replacement owing to getting low on battery. After a number of final tests on the day of&...


Phone used for transmission

Having my medtronic pacemaker generater replaced and will be moving to the carelink heart App. Have any of you had issues with the type of cell phone you have being compatible with the App?

Thank you in advance...



remote transmission results from sept 20,2022

I just recieved the results, took many tries.  I knew i should wait at least a week before contacting the Heart Center.  Then we had Hurricane IAN come.  So waited another week.  Than through the patient portal send a message to the EP who signs electronically(this time on 10/2/2022), no answer from his office.  mean while i had written to the cardiologist that i had planned to eat some trigger foods.  No answer from her.  Then i called the pacemaker clinic(...


Pacemaker replacement


Not posted for a long time now. I recently had my device changed after 7.5 years ( can't believe how quick it's gone). Went from a St Jude's to a Biotronik, both duel lead
Proceduce went well , just a horrible few seconds whilst my heart decided if it was going to beat on its own. I have complete block but still retain an intrinsic rate of approx 30 bpm. 
Unfortunately I'm having problems with exercise and my new device, settings were put to my pre...


Rate Response change?

I am wondering if anyone has ever heard of a situation similar to mine. I have had Boston Scientific Accolade since May '21 after fracturing a lead with my Medtronic.  I am a swimmer and my EP and I thought I would get a better rate response for that activity with the dual sensor.  That turned out not to be the case and we concluded that only the accelerometer was effive in the pool, and that wasn't great.  I was learning to live with it.  About 3-4 weeks ago, I no...


Ventricular threshold continues to increase

I have been on 3 monthly checks this year because my ventricular threshold is steadily increasing from 1v to 2.9v (in 9 months).
I have a DDD pacemaker for total heart block after surgery for valve replacement and subsequent infective endocarditis.

The cardiologist doesn't seem to be concerned, just says come back in 3 months. Should I be worried?



Have a Biotronik pacemaker which I had fitted nearly six weeks ago. It was set at 55-120 I seem to remember but am having episodes of 52-140. Will it not work properly until after the ablation?



Pacemaker results

Hi everyone, I have a St Jude Endurity fitted in Oct 2020 for total heart block after heart surgery.

Last year's check showed VP 99% AP 26% and ventricular threshold 0.4ms 1.87v (previously 1.2)

This year's check showed VP 77% AP 22% and ventricular threshold 0.4ms 2.7v

Also, battery life was 10.9 years last year and 6 years this year.

I would appreciate an opinion on why you think the numbers have changed?

Thanks a lot


Heart rate spike

My pacemaker is set at 55 bpm, and usually is right there. Lately, though, after a glass or two of red wine before bed, it spikes to 80 bpm, with no chest pain nor shortness of breath; my Kardia Card reads out its ECG info as normal rhythm, normal bpm range (50-100), with no sign of Afib or other irregular rhythms. My bpm usually pops back to the pacemaker setting of 55 after 48 hours or so. What goes? Has anyone else had this unsettling experience?


No signal from Biotronik monitor


My Biotronik monitor has been working fine for the last year, by my bedside, but recently it has stopped sending reports to my hispital. I was given a new monitor and I checked my mobile data signal by my bed, all fine but still nothing.

They are trying to figure this out but I wondered if anyone else has had this same issue? Thanks, Julie 


Continuity of Care during pacemaker checks

Hello everyone,

I recently had a pacemaker check, which I will do a separate post on. May I ask, do you usually see the same pacemaker technician, once you have found one that you can work with?  

My recent pacemaker check started me thinking about what I should expect at a follow up.  Although published some years ago, I found the attached link well worth a read:-

Like most medical intervention...


Biotronik daily check

So, I've had my Biotronik pacemaker for a year now then just recently I realised I wasn't feeling the daily wire check it did, so I phoned up my hotline to my hospital and was told they'd not received anything from my bedside monitor thingyfor 21 days! Sounds like they were about to send me a letter, but surely after about 2 or 3 days they should contact me?

I was told to move it elsewhere in my bedroom also to switch it off and on again (classic 🥴😆) and giv...



I had a Saint Jude PM installed about two months ago.  I am very active (69 Years Old) and do about an hour of cardio on the elliptical or treadmill 6 days a week.  I also do some light weightlifting four of the six days. My heart rate used to be 48-50 is now set at 60.  I do have some anxiety from the procedure and get the jitters when I am resting, and the PM wants me at 60 beats.  I am getting ready for my first adjustment in the next ten days.


Change in pacing percentage

I have been diagnosed with Type 2 heart blocks and have had my pacemaker for 4 years; I always pace at less than 1%. At my interrogation yesterday it showed that it is now pacing at 20%. This seems like a huge jump. The tech thought it probably had settings that needed to be adjusted; my EP sort of shrugged and said "maybe your blocks are getting worse. I wouldn't worry about it." He did order an echo and asked me to come back in 6 months but didn't really seem to...



So my threshold is set at 60bpm before the pacemaker kicks in. I saw on my smartwatch that it had been dropping to 47 bpm at night before it kicks in. Should I be concerned? 


VT??? Please help… @AgentX86 @Tracey_E @crustyg @gemita …. and others?

Hi there guys 

It's been a while. I wondered if I could get some advice as I’m really concerned and it's affecting my day to day life significantly due to worry. 3 days ago I had a heart rhythm episode. For context, I have a Micra leadless in the right ventricle and it seems that I feel it when it kicks in (very rarely I’m hardly paced at all). I either have sinus node dysfunction or vasovagal syndrome. I needed an emergency pacemaker due to a long pause. M...



Newbie here. Have had pacer 18 months. Have been complaining of short or breath for close to year. Always told pacer was ok. Yesterday was told after nuclear stress test that pacer was NOT working correctly. Got called to pacer clinic and had nurse and doctor reset some things, I got walked about quarter mile to see if breathing waz ok during that time. It was ok. So now today I'm on my own. We will see if it works. I sceptical because they reset it 5 months ago and breathing got worse.


Just A Tweak

Being a newbie who stalked the forum before my implantation a few weeks ago, I have been hesitant to post my experience wondering if my personal story had any merit in helping anyone else. However, if even my experience could shed some small light on anyone else’s concerns, it could be of some value.

I am a 77-year-old male, with serious bradycardia and had an ablation for AF about two years ago. I had a Biotronik Edora 8 DR-T implanted. The procedure was unremarkable and after an...


dropped beats

HI. At a recent visit with a new cardiologist they said that the settings on the boston scientific biventricular pacemaker were "too close to the threshold" and that there could have been dropped hearbeats. Has anyone heard of this or experienced this before? They didn't explain very well (a) how that could happen, in terms of the science behind it and (b) how a person would feel if that did happen. Any information would be much appreciated! 


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

Without this little machine, we would not be here.