Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

Sudden Brady Response (SBR)

I have had my pm since 03 and my new EP dr, when I had my EP study in April, said that he did not know why the SBR setting had never been set up in my pacer, given the fact that I have been complaining of syncope ever since I got it. He turned that feature on, and MAN do I feel so much better!!!! I am really upset my last EP didnt know to do that. But I am grateful my new one has some sense. I havent been having any syncopal or near syncopal events since he changed it.

Sudden Brady Re...


anyone know what a "pmt" is

hi there! i was just wondering if anyone knows what a pmt is? i have an icd and when i go to get the device interoggated my doctor always says i have some pmt episodes i guess but that it's nothing to worry about. i trust him, i just always forget exactly what it is. he explains it to me but i think i need to see it in writing to fully understand it. i know its device based but that's about it. thank you........


doctor's appointment

My doctor's office is starting to drive me crazy! In the mail yesterday I got a letter saying that they needed to change my appointment/pace maker check. This is the fourth time it's been changed. I originally was suppoused to go the end of May. About a month before it I got a lrtter with my appointment scheduled for the Beginning of June. When I called they didn't even have the other one in the system (yet I had the print out from when I made it) the didn't even have a pm check scheduled. I cou...


Rate Response

I have read how several on this site have requested to have their rate response turned off on their PM. I am wondering, are your rate response settings primarily for increases or decreases in your bpm.

My rate response reacts to sudden drops in rate (25 in 25 sec. or less). The problem being, whenever I truly get relaxed, guess what happens! Then surprise I am at 100 bpm. I am wondering if I would benefit from having my EP look at whether or not this feature is truly needed.



I got PM in Noverber of 06. I am still very tired. They have changed my meds - reset my PM, put me on a sleep aid but nothing seems to work. I am going in the 23 of this month to check the settings - was wondering if anyone knew of something more I needed to tell them. I thought after I got the PM that I would have more engery but so far I haven't.


chemical stress test

I am to have chemical stress test on Thursday, has anyone had this, and how was it?



pacemaker syndrome

could anyone tell me what pacemaker syndrome is, the doctor mentioned it in passing but didn't go into detail. thanks


HELP Please

Hey everyone!

I have a question so I pass out 5 times in the last 4 days which quite normal for me, but last night I passed out and fell down 10 feet of stairs, hit a cement block and fell on to dirt and landed on some rocks down a little hill. The next thing I know the ambulance people and the firemen and policemen are there and putting me on the board and neck brass and I was brought to the ER.

Thankfully the doctor said I was ok nothing was broken, *AMAMAZINGLY* I...


PM info websights

Hi All,
I am recovering from a lead replacement last Thurs. I can occationally feel what I believe is pacing on the lower right side of the left side of my chest. I am not sure whether or not to be concerned about it. I will see my Dr. on Friday. I need to have more general information on PM's and I was wondering if there are any other websights that would help me to understand more about my PM. My Dr. is good about answering direct questions but most of the time I don't know what to a...


My PM site

This is such a great support group! I just put in a message last night and already I have info! To respond to ela-girl response to my pacemaker is Boston Scientific, Guidant. I had the PM implated in Nov 07 for bracycardia and partial heartblock. This came on suddenly---I was diagnosed in June 07 and didin't have any symptoms until Sept 07. I am 66 years old and otherwised blessed with good health. I am an exercise "addict" and have been for 30 years. I had the lead replacem...


20 month old paced at 70bpm

My sons last appointment showed that there is probably scaring on his leed. Which is draining the battery fast. BUT, his rate had been set to 90 and the EP changed it to 70. She did this because she thinks that he was only being paced while he is sleeping. And everyones heart rate lowers when you are at rest. She mentioned that maybe he doesn't need the pacemaker at all. !!!!! OR, they will need to replace that leed wich isn't a diserable option. We will go back to the ep in late July to...


pm settings

I have been having trouble with the setting on my duel chamber medtronic. I have had a cough that started 13 months ago when the pm was implanted. The PM clinic says it has nothing to do with the divice. Last week they turned off all the bells and whistles and set my pm to 40 bpm. Now I fell lightheaded when getting up to just walking, the cough is still there and now I have to go back to have another adjustment. Does anyone have any suggustions on settings.


what does it mean?

ive had a pm 2wire fitted for 2yrs and just had my pm check up at a differant hospital than usual.
when the technicians were taking the information from the pm, they said ive had 3 heart ocurrances this year 2 in march and one in april (the latter lasted 16 hrs), but not to be concerned because its nothing to worry about unless i start to get them regular then i may need some treatment.

The problem is i cannot recall having them

note - i have tyhroid problems as well


Rate drop response

Just had my first checkup after having the rate drop response turned on. It reported >250 detections in a 3 mth period. I calculated that I was having more than 50 of these detections a day as the usage had increased from 10 to 17%. It also seems to be using up the battery faster as I changed from 5 to 3 1/2 years left. My question is, do you think that any normal person would also have this number of events ? I got the impression from the technician that this was the case. Maybe he didn't comme...


problems with my new settings

I have had my PM for about a month now-the nurse practitioner decreased the sensitivity from 90-60 beats in 30 secs to 20 secs.Since then,I have felt awful,and had several near syncopal episodes,altered mental status,confusion.Has this happened to anyone else?


My PM and Ectopic Beats

Hi Pacemaker Experts

Going to start off with my question: CAN A PACEMAKER IN ITSELF CAUSE ECTOPIC BEATS?

Since I had my Medtronic Dual Chamber PM fitted on 4th Feb for second degree AV block I've had strange beats/thumps in my chest and throat. These have now been diagnosed as ectopic beats and they have been trying different PM settings to stop it happening.

I was only being paced less than 4% of the time in AAI<=>DDD Mode set at 60ppm and gettting thousands...


got my PM adjusted

Thanks to those of you who encouraged me to get my PM adjusted. It turned out my last reading from the PM verified what I was telling the doc: I increased from 2.6% usage to 6.9% and it was almost all between midnight and 5AM. The thing was turning me into an insomniac. They lowered my bottom number from 60 to 50. They said they can still adjust 1 more thing if they need to. Already the relief is great. Sleeping well makes a big difference!


got checked

hello fellow pacers, just writing to tell you that i got checked this afternoon and all is fine, no leads have dislodged or come loose. Jenny(she is great and very understanding) who checks my pm said that it was all fine and that i have probably worked myself up into believing there was something wrong. I've been told to chill out, stop worrying if i can help it and if there is any problems then thats what they are there for so ring them. They also said it might be my medication that is making...


Need a translation

I am two weeks past pacemaker implant and feeling pretty good. I went back for my first check up and they said everything was fine. I have copies of the "quick look report" and the "session summary" but no one took the time to explain what all the information means. I have a Medtronic EnRhythm pacemaker. Can anyone tell me what patient activity measures? I guess next time I'll have to slow everyone down and ask questions.


Wierd follow-up...

Hey, k so I went for my follow-up on Wednesday, and everything was fine. About a month or so ago, I emailed my PC and asked him if he couls tell me about his job. He did, but I already knew about most of it (academic wise) and it kinda sounded like he was trying to talk me out of it... Oh, Pawgles, if you are out there, I just want to congratulate you on the nusre story, and Wingart is right, "if only we could think of these things at the time". Have a fantastic week guys!


You know you're wired when...

Trade secrets can be smuggled inside your device.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.