Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings


Please delete the word "long" from in front of "NOT" in the preceeding post.

Also should read "senses".


Bionic Beat


Thank you Nimrod

Thank you, Nimrod, for the information. I'll let you know what transpires. Getting information here in England from the medical profession, or worse, its self-important support staff's akin to drawing their teeth without anaesthetic! Will avail myself of suggested e-mail address and give them something to mull over today! Kind wishes. Wannabe



Does everyone that gets a icd get a LHM? If not why not?


Rate Response and A.Fib

Can anyone tell me, please, whether the rate response feature is always deployed when the patient has atrial fibrillation as well as bradycardia? My pacemaker ID card from ELA states the mode is DDD (rate response evidently off). The card from the PM clinic at our local hospital claims it's DDDR (rate response evidently on)! Have only this evening discovered this discrepancy. I go for an interrogation on Tuesday next week when I hope my status might be clarified but wondered if any of you knowle...


pacemaker change


Just wondering if anyone else here is in a similar situation to me.

I was really poorly in 2002, my heart failed and i was on ICU. Dialated Cardiomyopathy was the diagnosis i was given. Leter that year i had two ablation procedures performed but to no success. I actually ended up with burns on my back - has this happened to anyone? I then had my pacemaker fitted. I work in a hospital and see my technician around quite regularly, on thw wednesday i asked when she thought...


Daughter had pacer checked

My 18 mos old had her pacer checked yesterday and the doc did some adjustments. He said everything looked good but that he had increased the voltage.

Last night she had a real rough night. Could it be because of the new settings?



I have an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow and my first interrogation of my pacemaker. Are there any specific questions that I should ask? I am new at this and just seeking advice. Thanks so much!


Settings for atypical atrial flutter

have paroxsymal atypical atrial flutter and have a pacemaker implant with the heartrate set higher than my underlying natural heartrate.

My cardiologist states that he hopes that this pacemaker setting will prevent the rogue heartrate being allowed to step in. I have until recently been free of any instances of irregular heart activity for 5 years - so the logic is undoubtedly sound.

However he states that if atypical flutter does manage to creep in, the pacemaker will clo...


Pacemaker Check

I had my pacemaker inserted on June 4....have not been feeling alot better than before it was inserted...had an ecco done last week and have a mild to moderate aortic valve doctor has not check the settings or done anything with the pacemaker as this normal...when do they first check them out...any feedback would be so appreciated. vtlaney


low pulse rate

Hi Everyone,
Got a pacemaker 2 years ago because my heart rate was dangerously low. Been fine for 2 years...excercising, lost some weight, health has been good (I also have Atrial Fibulation but I rarely feel it and so far it is only 1% of the time).
Recently used a friends blood pressure home device to check my BP and pulse rate. BP always comes up fine but pulse rate is constantly 59,58. My friend said that's good and the the low rate is probably my areobic excercise paying off. Ho...


New Setting and Good News....

Hey, everyone!

I have been doing some research here on individuals with third degree heart block and I wanted to change the Rate Response setting on my Guidant 1291 from on to off.

I have been having difficulty with uncomfortable heart beats, irregular heart beats, and faster than normal heart beats. These would occur off and on at any time. Bending over would raise my heart rate to much. Walking to the car would send it to around 109 - 110. Although this was not uncomforta...


Well, went back to the doc and....

Well, I went back to the EP for my next checkup to see about going of Sotalol all together and swapping to a 25 mg dose of toporol XL.

I got some good news and some not bad, but not good news. I had no Vtach episodes, but apparently I had a couple of very short (1-2 sec) relatively slow afib episodes.

So, my EP wants me to stay on 80 mg/day of Sotalol and just take an aspirin everyday. He said they are so infrequent that he isn't worried, but it's not exactly what I wanted...


My heart's back...

So from the recent replies I have gotten, I think I am going to ask for an EP study with mapping to be done to see if my heart has made a new pathway. Maybe that way I will have some answers. Would it be possible to actually heal all the way so I can have my pacemaker removed? That would be the ultimate!!! Thank you for all of your help...Pacie


My heart's back...

I recently posted a message about my heart trying to beat on its own again. I'll try to be more clear this time. In May of 2001, I was fitted for a pacemaker because of complete heart block. I had recently had an ablation done to try to correct dangerous arrythmias which was successful but my heart decided it didn't want to beat no more than 23 bpm after the procedure, so I was then fitted for a pacemaker. After all those years and 2 pacemakers later, my heart had gotten worse and wasn't beating...


My heart's back...

Hello all. I went to have my interrogation the other day and the nurse that does the interrogation found something that shocked the both of us. When she was checking my battery she noticed that my heart was trying to beat on its own. You have to understand that I had an AV ablation trying to fix my fast irregular heartbeats and after that my lower heart wouldn't do anything, so now I have 'my little friend'. She adjusted it where the pacemaker would only kick in when my heart wouldn't beat after...


good check up

my 15 yrs old daughter had her pm checked out yesterday it was good but she usesit 30% of the time but she is good for another 2 years now so i am happy


checkup by phone?

I have an appt. to have a checkup by phone next week. Since this is the 1st time ,I am not sure what it is that is being checked. The battery of the pacemaker or me ? If they are checking how I am pacing can they also change settings by phone? I am asking because I have been experiencing extra beats since my new lead was implanted on May 22. I had a holter monitor test about 10 days ago but so far have not gotten the results. The extra beats are annoying but I am not sure whether I shou...


doing very well

Hey guys,
I know i've done a bit of whining during the last 10 months, mostly about feeling pacing (usually during sleeping and waking me up many times per nite). But during the last 2 checkups they made adjustments that improved it to the point where I hardly notice it. YAY!
Mine is for syncope.
Lowered my minimun rate from 60 to 50 the first time,still pacing about 12-20 times/nite. Then lowered my pacing from 120 to 100. and adjusted one of the leads to hardly kick on at a...


Good to go

I had my first checkup Wednesday for the Guidant PM Implanted 5/16. The female technician who was an LVN ran all the tests in my cardiologists office and assured me everything is looking good. She did not make any adjustments. She merely printed out a report for the cardiologist and scheduled me for another scan in four months. However, I have an appointment with the doctor in two weeks for a followup.
My cardiologist, who has been treating me for CHF for three years, set the PM for 60 BPM...


life after a pacemaker

hi everyone,
I am wondering how many of us feel that we are totally back to the way of life that we had before the implant. I am doing well but not back to where I was a year before the PM. Am I asking for too much? My EP doctors don't seem to care if my energy is not the same or that I sometimes get lightheaded going up stairs. Should I learn to live with my limitations or keep after the PM clinic. In the clinic we never get the same doctor twice. All are EP trained card. but they spend mo...


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.