Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads

New pacemaker

I was on this forum a few weeks ago because I was concerned that I was at EOL on my pacemaker and was having serious issues. My cardiologist finally put a new Medtronic MRI Surescan pacemaker in this past Thursday afternoon. I feel a little weird and have been having kind of a tight chest with a lot of arrhythmias going on all day today. Is this normal?  This is my first battery change for me. My first pacemaker was a Medtronic Sensia. But the doc wanted me to be able to have an MRI ...


Device replaced!

I'm 2 months post Op from my first battery change! All went well. Got my first PM August 2018 for exercise induced 2:1 to high grade block. The first 9 months were a lot of pacemaker adjustments specifically for exercise. Then at about 11 mos post op my block got worse! I would only experience AV block if my HR went over 120bpm. Then suddenly it was happening at 100bpm then 90 then 70bpm etc etc until it was 24/7. 18 mos after placement the pacemaker was working 100% on demand. Scary to s...


Battery Event: Premature Discharge of Battery


Model Number L231

Device Problem Premature Discharge of Battery (1057)

Patient Problem No Clinical Signs, Symptoms or Conditions (4582)

Event Date 11/04/2020

Event Type  Injury  


Event Description

It was reported that the battery of this implantable pacemaker was suspected to be depleting prematurely. A request was m...


leads dislodgment & damage

Hi i have a question about lead damage and dislodgement in a pacemaker. 

Leads are made of CoCrMo-based alloy .

which in fact is tougher than stainless steel . 

does this mean that lead damage mainly occurs at the base of origin which is the pacemaker unit . 

would a stretch with heavy weights dislogde the leads ???  would a heavy blow away from the pacemaker unit damage the leads in the middle .

in other words would they break in ha...




I found out Friday that my pacemaker lead from my BIOTRONIK went  from bipolar to unipolar on its own due to changes of impedance. I am having it switched back ( I believe) Tuesday.

Maybe coincidental but before knowing this happened I woke up Friday and my pacemaker area felt weird- not pain but sore.

My heart feels fluttery since Friday, which is not normal. Today I got super dizzy and had to go to the floor quickly, which is also not normal.



PM battery change

Hi all!  I haven't been on pacemaker club for a few years now because my pm has worked without any hitches and because I have been experiencing many other health issues. I've had my pm for just over 10 years now. I keep asking my cardiologist how I will know I need a battery replacement. He is very vague and keeps telling me that he will be contacted when the time comes. And even the he can have it extended another 3 months (?). I saw him last in early June, 2023 and he told me I...


St. Jude pacemaker

Two months ago I was told I have 11 months battery life. Does anybody know how soon the procedure for replacing the battery can been scheduled?  


Sensitivity with pacemaker

I got my 3rd pacemaker April 2023. It's slightly larger than the previous one and I feel little pings occasionally. The area is still sensitive to the touch. Is this normal?


Sleeping position

Hi, I had my ICD placed Friday las week, having issues sleeping because I naturally sleep on left side, is it bad to sleep in that side now after 9 days? 


Electrode moved

I had a Medtronic Azure pacemaker implanted 2.5 weeks ago. At the 2 week checkup, I was told that the pacemaker is using more voltage than expected. They did an xray and compared it with the xray from the day of the implant. They found that the upper electrode has moved. In the meantime, I'm to wait and see and come back for another check up in 3 weeks. 

Has anyone had this experience? How likely is it that the electrode will need to be repositioned? And if so, how soon? So far...


Dr Wilkoff

Has anyone seen Dr Bruce Wilkoff at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio?


I am traveling there from CA the end of the month to discuss possible lead extraction.

I have two 25 year old abandoned leads that caused SVC Syndrome (90% & 80% blockages) that I had diagnosed and treated with balloon angioplasty in March.

however because angioplasty is only a temporary fix I want the abandoned leads extracted before they can cause anymore issues. I am also due for a new...


How many months prior to end of battery life can I fly


Can I fly long distnce out of country with my pacmaker showing 6 months battery life.


Pacemaker battery replacement

My dad is past 7 years on his first pacemaker battery. Every week we get an emailing report from the hospital showing the complete health, status and events on the device. Around October 2022 it showed 6% battery, 3 months remaining on the reports. Since then it has slowly made it's way down to "Battery is at 1%, <3 months remaining". It has stayed at 1% for over 3 months. <3 could mean anything from 1 minute to 2 months and 29 days. The device rep that is responsible...



Hi folks.

 I'm new here. I've just had my second pacemaker installed after 10 years on the first. My Pacemaker Tech downloaded the information some 4 weeks ago which showed I had 14 noise events on one of the leads. The surgeon who replaced my PM said to the tech "Did you look deeper at the download?". Apparently I had 2 thousand noise events which he did not pick up. The symptoms were when walking along I would black out....a terrible feeling. I would stop and ho...


Hi, and THANKS!

This is a general THANK YOU for this club and all the posts and info... I potentially need a new RV lead on my medtronic PM and it was very helpful to find this club and see all the posts here. Keep being awesome people! <3



I want to thank everyone for the comments, they were most reassuring....   


Pacemaker wires…

After a recent episode of "911" my hubby is preoccupied with my leads coming "undone".  How often does this occur?  I received my pacemaker 6 months ago......


Biotonik monitor charger

Hi All. 

I have a question about my monitor. I have a Biotronik edora 8 DR-T and the charger to the monitor dies not seem to hold. I have to finagle a bit to get the charger plug to stay in the phone port so if it's not seated in right, the monitor will not charge. This is recent, I have had this since last May and all fine up until about a week ago. I will call Biotronik tomorrow and follow up but wondering if anyone has some insight. I have no idea if just subbing out th...


Permanent AF

When I first had my pacemaker it was set up with two leads as I was in AF 60% of the time, but I was constantly gasping for breath. 

They tell me I am now in AF 100% of the time and so they have switched off my upper lead. 

Has anyone else had this happen to them and has it helped?



Moved leads

I have 25 year old abandended leads on my left side and my current pacer on the right with two more leads. I have been having symptoms for years now and finally this year I decided to pay double for better health insurance for two reasons:

1. I am due for a new generator in a few months

2. try to figure out what's causing my symptoms (when bending or exerting myself I get: facial flushing, feeling of fullness/pressure in my head and neck, distention of my left jugular vein, sh...


You know you're wired when...

Muggers want your ICD, not your wallet.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.