Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads

New to PM

How do you monitor your PM? Throught phone app or through a stand alone monitor box? I have Medtronics. I have option of either. Just wanted to find out which one was better. Thanks!


No longer a success story

I received a call from the pacemaker clinic yesterday saying that my monitor was showing abnormal readings. I attended the clinic today and was told that the leads in the rv and ra were not working properly and were running down the battery. I have a CRT pacemaker which I received in May 20 after my dual lead pacemaker caused lv systolic dysfunction. I received it in January 20 due to Bradycardia.

The EP doctor turned off the rv and ra leads and left the lv lead. I was told it was...


Leads and MRI's

I had a Boston Sci pacemaker removed in Feb 2022 replaced with a Boston Sci ICD  Vigilant. However, I have 2 Boston Sci leads and 1 Medtronic. Have been refused an Mri of my head and neck because of this when all are supposed to be compatible. Never told why the use of different leads. Any ideas?


Struggling with the thought of my battery running out

I often feel like I don't have enough time, as if my batteries will run out and I won't be able to have them replaced on time. It doesn't feel good. 


Upgrade to an ICD

I have learned I have an LMNA pathogenic genetic variant, which can cause bradyarrhythmias (already have) dilated cardiomyopathy (already have cardiomyopathy) and sudden cardiac death. I recieved a CRT-P device 3 years ago that left me with subclavian vein stenosis. 

I presume  that if my EP suggests an upgrade to an ICD, that the new leads will have to be inserted via the other subclavian vein. Would she then put the ICD on the same side as my pacer, or would it have to be im...


Wire has pinching pain

Hi my pm was really installed too close to my shoulder where it moves up when I raise my hand. Since I had a hematoma on the 2nd day of my installation, am scared I moved the wire. My pm was installed Feb 2020, but today I can feel some pain under my breast pinching na pain. I can say it's the wire since that is where the lag time i had some twitching on that area and they fixed it by adjusting the set bpm 60 at least.  Is there any chance the lead pulle...


Impact of MRI on Leads

How do they prevent the leads from wanting to be pulled out of the heart when in an MRI?


Battery 0% and ERI before Pacemaker change????

I have had a pacemaker for over 30 years, since my late 20s. I have a Medtronic Percepta MRI Bi-Ventricular pacemaker which I am totally dependant on. The pacemakers last about 3 years between changes.

For the last 22 years I have had the same Cardiac Specialist, who has takne very good care of me, but who is now retired. During my time with him, he replaced the pacemakers when they reported there was about a month before reading 0% - once the reading reported 3 months battery life left...


Pain and swelling from wires

I got my pacemaker about 10 months ago.  I still have swelling and pain in my shoulder, armpit and left side of my face.  My EP did a CT scan and blood work and said everything is fine but the leads restrict blood flow in the vein.  He said that's common and eventually the other veins will expand to make up the difference.  It seems like it's been a long time already and I don't see any other posts about this.  Has anyone else had experience with this situ...


Medication caused battery depletion

I am making this post because something crazy happened to me and I want to share as I remember frantically searching for answers: 

 I am a female in my 20's who had to have an emergency pacemaker put in after the doctor got too close to my AV node during catheter ablation surgery (for WPW) and now have surgically induced 3rd degree heart block. 

Anyhow, obviously surgery just caused more problems for me and original arrhythmia was not cured...


battery change and update

I went to my EP today and and my head is still spinning to find my battery is down to less than a month (looked at votage as well).  Last week I had 3 months, a couple of weeks before that was 2 months, so bouncing all over the place.  

I wil be upgraded to a CRTD from an ICD.  He wanted to do it tomorrow or Friday, but due to the anticoagulants I take, it will be done next Thursday or Friday.  It will be changed from Medtronic to St Jude/Abbott (that's who...


Battery question and weights

Hi guys, 


I implanted my first pacemaker ever on October 28, 2021 so approximately 10weeks. Two weeks ago I went to see my EP and I saw that my battery was at 95%. Is that too little? If I spend 5% every two months my battery will die in 3 years, Right? 
-Also, I feel like ive been holding weights more than I should (my puppy for example he is 14kg) and I am a little worried if my leads moved or something? Is it really easy to move the leads? 


Life expectancy of a lead


What is the life expectancy of a lead? I've heard it is acceptable to review every 20 years, adding a new one or extracting the old one (which has risks) I have a DDDR PM dual chamber, RA lead is doing fine, RV apical lead has problems, dislodged at first attemp, made a scar tissue and needs high voltage, i'm not sure but sth like 8mv is required for safety margin, which i think drains more battery. What would you do if you have a 20 years old lead? This gonna be my...


Battery Change

I am havng my pacemaker battery changed tomorrow. Does anyone know restrictions after surgery?  Is there much discomfort afterwards?



Hi guys,

I have an Abbott/st Jude PM, Assurity/ endurity PM2272, implanted May 2019. It is part of a recall, no action required it says, unless malfunctions of course. Small number apparently. Just found out.

trouble attaching the notice but basically moisture can get in the unit and can short it out.




Scared, battery is low

I am getting scared.  I have a St Jude dual chamber ICD, pacing artial 90% ventricle 20%.  SSS, right atrium defect.   I live in the US.

This is my second, soon to be 3rd pace maker.  I was implanted in 2011 with this device... I have been told I had 2 years, 6 months later, 1 year,  2 months later 10 months before I run out of battery.  It is dropping quickly.  Mathematically I am at less than 9% battery life.   They (Kaiser Insurance)...


Having problems with pacemaker

Hello all I am new here, I had a duel chamber pacemaker placed on nov 3rd 2021 started a few days later with twitching in my right side and diaphram found out the lead came out of place, so on november 16th 2021 they went back in and my pacemaker had fell down in pocket so he sowed it down to chest muscle and sowed the leads down and left more slack, well yesterday day after that surgery my lead has moved again, he said my heart just won't take the screws to keep it still so I am waiting...


Pacemaker Replacement

My dual lead pacemaker is due for replacement next week, and the doctor said I should get an ultrasound of my heart to make sure it is pumping properly in case he needs to put in another lead.  This is making me nervous because just one more thing to worry about.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  Thanks so much, Holly


may need 3rd electrode…

I hadn't downloaded my pacemaker for a couple of years and just discovered that my ventricles went from 11% dependent to 100% dependent.  The electro technician was explaining that sometimes the left ventricle which doesn't have a lead could get kind of asymmetrical, and it could lead to heart failure. It looks like I have a complete heart block now. how much harder is it to get a lead into the left ventricle than the right?  It must be more difficult than the...


Beeping icd

I have a Boston scientific and the Ep guy said it looks like 3 months left. Today and last night it's beeping I just had the second set of beeps I heard. 12 hours apart. Anybody had this happened. I called the Dr waiting for a call back 


You know you're wired when...

You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.