Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads

Beware Low Battery combined with Bad Lead

My Medtronic Revo pacemaker's battery finally got low enough to reach Recommended Replacement Time (RRT), and switch into its energy-conserving end of life mode. This end of life mode includes switching from dual-chamber pacing to just ventricular pacing.

Meanwhile, we knew for several years that my ventricular lead was bad. That wasn't an issue because my pacemaker didn't need to use it since I was (and am) almost 100% atrially paced.

But you can see th...


St Jude Vibrations at EOL

My husbands battery life went from 2 years to 6 months in only 2 months. The model is not part of a recall. The explanation given to us was that the equipment was glitchy and needed a software update. After the update, he was still at 6 months so the technician said that was the correct results based on the update. That means that the reading 2 months prior was incorrect. So, now we are preparing ourselves for the first replacement at EOL.  We were told he would feel a vibration at...


Low battery

Thank you so much for all of the information. I did see my gastroenterologist and she said to call her after my pacemaker is replaced if symptoms don't go away. My doctor was able to move my surgery up nd I'm getting a new pacemaker tomorrow. 


Low battery

I have had my pacemaker since 2/2013. It is time to replace it. I have been having a lot of fatigue and the last week or so some nausea and discomfort in my upper torso. When I called the doctor they told me those symptoms are not associated with the pacemaker low battery situation. They have moved up my surgery but I just wondered if anyone else has had this experience. 
Thank you


erosion of leads

Afternoon Guys

hope this message finds you all well. 

I got a call yesterday out the blue from the hospital to say my overnight report was abnormal and was showing noise on the ecg, I had to leave work and send them another ICD rating from my home device (I live a and work in different towns) on the drive home I was getting worried. 

anyway I arrived home and tried to send them a manual reading. This failed as I did not have the correct acce...


Need New Pacemaker Location

My first posting on this site. I was happy to learn that this club is in existence and I was hoping to get some advice.

So I've had a pacemaker for complete heart block for about 15 years and I'm on my second battery.  After the second battery was put in and the area healed, there was a lot of pinching, pulling, tugging, yanking sensations when I exercise and stretch. There's still is 7 years later. I usually try to Ignore it and do regular stre...


Battery depletion

My st jude/ Abbott pm., is part of the recall. 
implanted April of 2019.

I called to check on my last interrogation this month, I'm on Merlin. They said all looks good.  In passing I asked if my battery life is still 9 years as it was back in March. I was told it's 6?years now!   First I was not happy I wasn't notified by my Drs office, second obviously it should not drop 3 years in 3 months.  I'll be notified if it gets to EOL. That's redicu...


Lead extraction

So my son has an extra atrial lead that the docs are saying needs extraction due to a couple of inappropriate shocks. Question-has anyone had this done? Where was it done and who would be the top doc to do it? Son is 31y/o and pretty healthy otherwise! Thanks in advance.



potentially damaged leads?

hi all! for context i have an s-icd that i've had since march 2022. 

i was carrying some heavy groceries down the hallway for my mom this afternoon, and felt a strange tearing feeling inside of my lower chest near where one of my incisions was. ever since then i've felt sore and uncomfortable whenever i move my arm or my torso certain ways... it feels almost like a slight stabbing sensation, not enough for me to say ow but enough for me to be uncomfortable. my doc...


Lead dislodge

I just found out one of my leads has dislodged, after going to er 3 different times, then finally my EP dr . They can't get me in til the 20th to fixe it. However, I am wondering what should I do to make symptoms better until then. 


Noise in Lead

Hi Everyone, 

I went to my EP for a regular visit and he found out (other than my PM had again traveled under my arm) that there was noise in one of my leads, and he was concerned because I'm 100% paced in this lead.

Since then a week later I had a few late evening vasovagal episodes and this last week I can't function after 9:00. I just need to go to bed.  I let the doctor know, but he put me on medication to make my BP go higher and cannot take after 3:00. ...


Feeling good

In April I had to have my 3rd pacemaker operation since January 2020. I had been informed by the pacemaker clinic that my rv and ra leads were failing and draining the battery. 
I have a CRT pacemaker. The third lead was working normally.

I had spells of feeling unwell since last year and I was sent for an echocardiogram.I have a mitral valve prolapse which I have had for over a year.

I thought that because I have a bedside monitor anything untoward would be picked up. A...


MRI and pacemaker

Hello all,

I received my pacemaker 7 years ago this summer.   I expect that possibly later this year I would have to have my pacemaker and/or battery replaced.

Recently I have had ACDF surgery for cervical radiculopathy.  I also have lots of other spine issues including my lumbar spine.  Because with my current PM I could not have an MRI, I had to make do with CT scans and a myelogram.   My spine surgeon (and a 2nd opinion) basically said that was eno...


Lead slack or lead migration?????????something.

Got my pacemaker almost 4 years ago. Last few(well 8) months have been having problems. Lots of noise on my 12 lead ecg., chest pain when I raise my arm on PM side. A lot of ventricular fusion beats(PM and own heart beating at same time) with no block... about 4 weeks ago, I started having ventricular bigeminy and afib but also a flutter. Non of these episodes are recording, I do catch them on my kardia 6lead and they are confirmed. So, I was curious and went back and looked at my xray from d...


Post implant

this is my third pacemaker in almost 30 years. I am 10 day post implant for my new device. I still have swelling and pain that wakes me up at night. It also is difficult to turn my head, it feels like the skin is pulling. I know that the doctors had to go through a lot of scar tissue and scaring and that will make healing difficult and longer than before. But this is waking me up at night, so I'm not sleeping well. I think I need to give it more time and just relax and let it heal, but I...


Biotronik Battery

I had my battery changed last week Thursday from St Jude to Biotronik with a home monitor.  My St Jude leads are fine.  I have been hearing tiny clicking sounds which are more audible when I am lying down.   Not all the time, only towards the end of my sleep, and not so much when I am standing up.  I stopped using my home monitor just to observe but the crackling sound is still there.  Thanks guys.  It's a great feeling to have you out there.


How soon to lift weights

Just had my pacemaker battery changed after 14 years and was wondering how long do you

have to wait to lift weights again? I did not get my wires changed. Also is it normal for the area around the pacemaker site to be swollen and very tender? I dont remember being this swollen

the first go round. Thanks for any input


Pacemaker change

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the group and would appreciate any advice/comments.

It's time for a PM change and I was given two options. The auxiliary of the subclavian vein currently has two leads, and one of the leads is not functioning as it is supposed to. Option 1 is to place another lead which will be a third lead in the vein which could potentially cause occlusion (blockage) in the future, and Option 2 is to laser extraction of both...


Pacemaker dependent and battery getting low

It's getting close! I am on my 5th pacemaker, the current one was placed on valentines day 2013. So it's made it 9 years, by far the longest I've had one last. I am pacemaker dependent with no underlying heart rate. I'm getting super nervous that my battery will run out soon. My last one went into EOL 7 days after they told me I had 6 months left. Felt horrible but they got it replaced quickly. This one has said I'm down to 6 months since November. For the last 2 months it...


Living in hope

Following my last post'No longer a success story' I received an appointment on Monday for Thursday 14th to get my lead replacement.

The surgeon said that the previous leads failure were caused by the subclavian approach.

If you want more information look up Subclavian crush syndrome. Basically it causes leads to fracture and insulation breaches to develop by compression of a lead between the first rib and clavicle.

My surgeon managed to extract the two fail...


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You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

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