Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads

pacemaker leads life

I had a dual lead metronic pacer put in March 1997.  In 2013 the ventrical lead was replaced.  Any idea how long I can expect the atrial lead to last.  I am 80 years old and appx 16 months out from a battery replacement.


Distolic pacer dependent

Hello I had open heart surgery due to a growth on a damaged valve from a car wreck. When replacing the valve they cut out my diatomic receptors making me 100 % pacer dependent. I am 48 moderately active (much less since surgery and cardio issues). My doctor advised my battery would deplete quicker because of my age and activity level. I have 2.5 years left on a supposed 10 yr battery which would make for a total of 5.5- 6 years does this seem normal and secondly do the leads need replacing? I...


strange sensation

Good morning everyone,

I wonder if what I am experiencing is a "thing", or my imagination, reflux, or?

I am 2 months post pacemaker implant and Post TAVR. Medtronic, two leads, 99.9 percent paced in ventricle; .1% atrial.

Frequently, when I bend over, I perceive what I can only describe as a pulling or tightening in my chest which disappears rapidly. Has anyone heard of the leads stretching? being too short? Can this be PM related?

Incidentally, I have h...



Six months ago my battery life was 5.2 years. Today it was 3.2 years. I've never had a drop like that and I paced less this six months.  At this rate, I'll need a new battery within a year. This is my second battery and I've never had a drop like this. Anyone have this happen? Medtronic.


Twitching on Left side after battery change

Can anyone give insight why (Dr said) diaphragm pacing is what I'm feeling right after dr replaced battery, said not to worry, which I am, but why would that of happened, and she adjusted settings once, but will another adjustment fix it? 

....Also, wanted to ask , I had a CRT first, but Dr couldn't put 3rd lead in because it was right after open heart for tricuspid repair, and it couldn't go through, 8 yrs later different Dr wanted to put dual lead without wire replace...


Pacemaker replacement

I'm a Dane living in the US. I got my first pacemaker in Denmark in 1993 at age 33. I'm now on my third (2013) and second set of leads. I'm being monitored once a month (remotely) and was told I have 2 months left on the battery that was10 days ago. My 2 prior replacements were emergencies. What I don't understand is why my doctor can't get me on the schedule for a new battery. Any suggestions on how to speed things up?


Battery monitoring

Does anyone know when they begin more intensified monitoring of the battery life?  And how often they check it?  Is it at one year remaining mark or more Iike 6 months remaining?   And at these points, do they usually check it weekly, every 30 days, every 3 months.  I forgot to ask this question at my in clinic appt and was just curious if anyone knew the typical schedule.   Mine will be getting checked remotely as I am about 2-3 hours from my cardiologist.  ...


Risk in pm battery replacement procedure


I have approximately 2 years left on my dual lead pm. My Electrophysiologist cannot say with certainty that the replacement surgery will go perfectly well, but that they have the technology to keep my heart beating during the procedure. My natural heart rate is quite low (30-50bpm). Is there anyone who cares to share their knowledge on this topic?  Thank you. 


How do you find a surgeon who does lead extractions regularly?


My husband is set for lead extraction after Thanksgiving. His surgeon is the only one in the EP practice here who performs lead extraction. He says he has been doing them for years and recently extracted 30-year-old leads.

However, he probably does this procedure maybe twice a month, not the once or twice a week that many people seem to recommend as optimal.

Three questions:

1. Would you feel comfortable getting a lead extraction done by a surgeon who performs&...


Lead Extraction Stories

So I have 2 leads in each chamber. 1 broke in each.  2 leads are original and probably way too old to extract, one is capped. Not sure they are even game to try it at my hospital so considering US as option. Would love to hear how old your leads were when you got them extracted, where, complications, etc. Thanks.


Max Leads

I am very curious to find out how many leads each person has and how many have had extractions.  It is good to know as a younger person what possibilities are but also how people are functioning presently. If anyone got a leadless did you get extraction or just cap the leads after? thanks


Maximum pacemaker leads

Hi all


new to the forum and wanted to ask if there is anyone out there that has the maximum amount of leads fitted for their pacemaker? I have four sets of leads following 10 implants over 37 years. I'm 52 now and have four years left on my pacemaker battery. Just wondering if anyone has experience of having four sets of leads! And whether a different procedure has taken place to put new leads in so a replacement can be implanted.

hello, so the pacemaker is to my...


How many leads do you have?

Hi, I am very curious in this group how many leads everyone has that is past 2 pacers, and how many got extractions.  Thanks so much.  Trying to determine my next steps and fact gathering.


California lead extraction surgeons?

Has anyone had any leads removed by doctors in California? 

going out of state is not an option for me with my insurance. I am self employed... not sure if any insurance offer out of state care (that is not emergency based)?





Rapid Change in Battery Life from June until Present

Hello, has anyone else experienced a rapid change in battery life? I had 2-2.75 years in June and 2 days ago was now told 1.5-2 years.  If so, were you told as to why this occured?  Thanks in advance for responses.


New pacemaker with old leads is draining battery fast

I had a Medtronic model ADDRL1 pacemaker installed with St. Jude 1688TC leads in 2012.

Late in 2022 I had the pacemaker replaced because of a low battery. They replaced it with a Medtronic model W1DR01 pacemaker, however they attached it to the old St. Jude leads. They did not want to risk removing the old leads.

I was told everything was great, except I could never have a MRI because of the old leads.

Recently, I moved to another state and saw a new pacemaker...


Is Lead Failure after 5.75 Years Unusual?

First-time poster here, and thanks in advance for your guidance.

My 65-year-old healthy and active husband, who is 100% paced, has had incidents of "noise" over the past year. Five months ago the docs fiddled with his settings to try to eliminate it, but he still gets it now and then -- so he was called back in to the office again. This time, they had him move his arms around, and when he stretched his left arm across his body, they could see something on the monitor that...


Question on using a land phone

Hello, I'm new to this site.  I have a pacemaker. St Jude. I have Bailycardiac, slow beats.  My question is can I use my land phone safely.  Thank you, Karen


Beep sound

I just read the post about a defib / pacemaker can not make a sound. Well that is totally wrong they do emit a beeping sound for low battery or device problem. The person who said to get a hearing check should not be allowed to post to this site. Not a joke !!!



I have duel pm, same leads 5th PM since 2004. I am 76 years . Went to day for check up , don't know why but after check up, felt better than I have done for months. Nothing was said to me .

Do think they changed my settings??.


You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

Member Quotes

I am very happy with mine. I am in the best shape of my life. I lift weights, compete, bike, golf and swim.