Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Ref percent used on my PM

Hi Cathryn: Appreciate your e-mail reference to percent
of usage on my PM. I don't go back for (3) months and
then I will know what true percentage usage on my PM .
Other wise I feel great and so far a good recovery.
Again thanks for your e-mail information, The PM Club
is great to obtain information and I truly appreciate
the compassion that is shown from the members.
Gene Ray


Pregnancy and an ICD

Has anyone had a successful pregnancy with an ICD? I am thinking about having another baby and would like some advice... Thank you!


External defibrillator

My husband had a pacemaker (no ICD) inserted in March with his ventricle being 100% dependent. He's doing well but tires more easily and seems to be more affected by the heat this summer(??). My question......If he has a heart attack, and an external defibrillator is used, how will that affect the pacemaker?

This site has helped us both alot and I thank you all for sharing your experiences!



i found out to-day that i did not drink enough. it was 34 degrees here which is almost 100 so it it was hot. drinking lots of water and of course a little bit of sports drinks are good if you can drink them. it especially effects me now since my pacemaker the heat i mean. i become dehydrated easier so i have to watch that i get enough water. to-day it will be hot agin but we expect rain. yesterday i was in the pool all afternoon. so remeber to drink as we need tobe hydrated in this weather jessi...



May be with this new information, we can get some answers.
I was able to track down the name of the main hospital in Birmingham Alabama.
Brookwood Medical Center, 2010 Brookwood Medical Plaza, Birmingham, Alabama, 35209. Ph # 205-877-1000
Fax # 205-871-0534
It's a start in the right direction. I could be completely wrong, but with Lenora's credentials, it makes sense that this would be the likely place for her to be.
I haven't...


Debit card reader gone haywire!

I stopped at a gift store to buy some thank you cards and when I was using my debit card in the card reader I noticed when I typed in the code the reader was causing a vibration up my entire arm and across my chest! I took my hand off of the reader and it stopped the sensation. I tried to retype the code and again it did it again. So I told the cashier and she said yes she knew about the reader and it was "acting funny" all day! I told her it was effecting my pacemaker and it could quite possi...



Well people, it seems that all your attempts at reaching Lenora have failed.
You might as well accept the fact that Lenora has flown the coop.
The last message, ( or one of the last,) she posted, dealt with her dog having been attacked by another dog, while she took him on a walk.
I know how much she loves that dog, from some of the stories she shared about him occasionally. And if anything happened to him, it would explain her silence.
She strikes me as a private person, and...


More info on endless pain?

HI again everyone! I am writing my next chapter in this crazy saga.....

Thank you to all for your suggestions and concerns. I am pursuing every one that I can.

I just had another scan called a gallium scan done to see about infection and/or inflammation. I retrieved the report myself as it was sent to the wrong doctor. It came back mostly inconclusive; the only thing I had was a "faint" spot on the scan around the pacemaker, possibly indicative of infection or inflammation....


Once again!!

Hi everyone!

Well, just when I thought that I was doing well enough to return to work...bam!

I just finished two weeks off after my pacemaker implant and was building up my stamina and such when Saturday evening, during Mass, I collapsed after feeling some heavy dizziness coming on. I tried to breathe through it, but nope. I awoke with two parishioners standing over me and my head in the hands of my wife as I lay in the pew. Fortunately, the one fellow next to me was a r...


Pacemaker Dependent and Pregnancy?

Hello everyone! I'm a 28 year-old pacemaker dependent woman wondering if anyone here has had any complications from being pacemaker dependent and pregnant? I have the approval from both of my EP Cardiologists, my OB/GYN and my Perionatologist to get pregnant, but my parents are against me having a child because they fear that I will go into CHF. BTW- my husband and I have been married for over 3 years, and I've been pacemaker dependent since the age of 25. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afr...


New pacemaker...

Hi everybody! I am 20 years old and just had a pacemaker put in last Friday. I was just wondering if it is normal to constantly feel it pacing. I'm not sure if it's just me being really sensitive or if I should get it checked out.

I am really happy I found this website! Have a great day!



Hows it going pacemaker ppl.?
greetings from san diego, ca.
my names Carmelo, aka el Guapo, ( the bad guy from the movie three amigos, not say'n im a bad guy, just thought he was funny.) with the name Carmelo or el Guapo you would think i would be able to speak some spanish, to my regret i cant speak a lick of it (blacksheep of the family) its kinda sad since i live about a stones throw away from the t.j. border. oh well. anyway all this pacemaker stuff is very new to me, my doc. just...


Thanks for advice and support!

Oh my gosh- I'm so excited and thankful for the replies to my questions/concerns. Thanks to everyone who offered advice. I'll let you know how I do with my surgery. Thanks again :)



I am a 51 years old and have an ICD implanted 5 days ago. I have been sleeping on the couch because the nurse told me not to lay on my sides for the next month. I seem to remember my doctor telling me I could lay on one side or the other, but I don't remember which one. Does anyone know, my back is killing me!!!!!



Thanks for update information

To: Surferman,Jenny, and Sharon
I appreciate your e-mail reference to tennis in couple of
weeks. I will definitely not rush into playing any kind of
sports for at least 6 weeks after reading your e-mail to
me. I was going by what the Doctor stated, not that he's
wrong but its my heart and I want to enjoy all the benefits
later when I am sure its ok to do everything. Thanks again
for the reminder. If I had not read your e-mail , more than
likely I...


Ahh! I'm getting a pacemaker on Monday!

Hi everyone! What a great site for info and support. I'm a 31 year old female who is getting a pacemaker on Monday 6/25. Just wondering if anyone has any good advice or suggestions for me. I'm concerned about whether I'll be able to wear my bra right away- I can't stand going without one! Also concerned about pain, as I'm having an EP study at the same time and will have 2 incisions. Any advice or info would be great! Thanks!


PM rate question - please take a look

Maggie, my Border Collie, just got her PM implanted on Tuesday. It is her second generator. Anyway, I take her heart rate a minute or two after a short walk and it is down to 65 or 70 bpm. That is the bottom of her range. How fast does your PM slow down after activity is over? Is it a pretty rapid transition? Her "normal" dog rate should be around 95bpm.

I'm just wondering if we have a problem with her setting.


Received my PM 6/20/07

Every thing so far has went well, stay overnight in Hospital
and haven't had any problems, little sore at the implant location
but otherwise great. Told I could take up tennis again within
(2) weeks, that sounds great but I won't till I know for sure
that its not to soon. I love walking, in which I am doing
since I have been home. Gene


Airport security - not bad at all!

I had my first set of airplane flights post-pacemaker this weekend. I'd read all of the posts on here about the good and the bad things that everyone has experienced when going through security. For what it's worth, mine went completely fine - the staff at both airports were very nice, polite and above all, extremely respectful. If I'm going to be groped in public, I can't imagine it gets much better than that.

The funny part of the story was when I approached the security agent at...


Funeral Home????

Jessie whats goin on?????

email me, Colleen


You know you're wired when...

Your life has spark.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.