Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

The Final Milestone is Here

My last restriction from the January 11 PM surgery was "no repetitive arm motion for 90 days" is finally over. After being cleared, I have been going to the fitness center 4 or 5 days a week working on Precor lower body machines. I checked in with the PM Clinic today and was given the only restriction as no rowing machine because that pull-back motion could impact my subclavicular lead. I am meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow for advice on the equipment I can add to my ro...


1 month after pm

I'm 76 with a healthy heart but SSS. I was told by my husband 50 years ago, a cardiovascular surgeon, that I had bradycardia.  I have been mostly asymptomatic and active up until the implant a month ago. Everything went fine but I had tachycardia 170 bpm on the 4th day and returned to hospital to be put on a drip overnight. I returned home with a low dosage beta blocker. I had never experienced tachycardia for more than a few minutes prior to pm. My incision healed quickly with...


Lead Extraction Experiences Please!

Hi everyone - I am getting this in June - and would love to hear people's experiences good and bad, and any tips or things to be aware of.  Curious about healing time vs just having a lead thrown in as well.  I am going leadless so will not have that issue. Thanks so much!


1st time

Hiya, I am GinaM fron UK.. 52 yrs old. I had a dual chamber ipacemaker nserted on Tuesday.for inermittent  high degree AV block. Still feel sore & fragile. How long did it take for the soreness to ease up. Also did anyone go back to work a week after the surgey? Newbie with questions


How soon have you had an MRI after generator change?

I just got a Medtronic Azure XT DR this morning to replace an Advisa with low batteries. Easy peasy! I haven't even needed a Tylenol.

I need to have two MRIs. One for my brain, and that one's overdue. It's part of follow-up for the brain surgery I had last August. The other is because my liver is acting up, and they haven't figured out exactly why yet.

The Medtronic policy is apparently that I will have to wait six weeks post-surgery, even though the leads are not...


My Experience Switching from a Dual Lead to a Leadless Pacemaker

Hey everyone! Abi here, I know there are quite a few members currently considering switching from a traditional pacemaker to a leadless. I think I am the first one to make the change so I thought I would post about my experience and the process. This is going to be quite long though.

TLDR: It is fine. It makes more sense to get the first time to avoid the scars and the healing time, but it limits cardio and takes more effort and expertise to program.


So I t...


Micra pacemaker

I'm having a Micra pacemaker surgery the third of April. I'm wondering if someone on here has that pacemaker?  If so how long did it take to recover and get your energy back?  Thanks for any input. 


a better way to treat A-fib using "pulsed field ablation"

Just read online in our local Sarasota, Fl paper, that our public hospital physicians are among the first in the nation peforming Pulsed Field Ablation.  A breakthrough therapy to treat people with atrial fibrillation, or irregular heart rhythms.  Treatment of patients with paroxsmal(periodic) or persistent atrial fibrillation.

Traditionally, catheter ablation is a technique in which heart tissue is treated with extreme heat(radiofrequency ablation) or cold(cryotherapy) to des...


Much more frequent pvcs and pacs four weeks after implant

Since I had my pacemaker implanted four weeks ago I have had many more pvcs and pacs which are uncomfortable.  My Apple Watch picks them up and I have about 4-6 per 30 sec. ECG  and they are fairly constant.  I just want to know if this is common after implant and if experienced, when does it seem to calm down.  My first doctors appointment after implant isn't for another 4 weeks. I did have  checkup with the nurses in the clinic after 1 week and I did experi...


Help for after surgery

My mom (77) just had pacemaker surgery. She will be going home tomorrow or the next day. What are some "things" you wish you had right after your surgery?  Or things you did have that highly recommend?  How can I help make things easier and more comfortable for her?  
I did buy her some front closure bras and some button up shirts. Someone suggested a bidet- so I've got that ordered too. 
The cardio Dr makes it seem like it''s not going to b...


Under pec muscle

I asked about getting a micro device but since I have an older style Medtronic device they said surgery would be brutal removing the leads etc. They suggested a new device placed under the pectoral muscle so I wouldn't see it.  Anyone have this done and was healing easy as before?


shortness of breath after pacemaker replacement

Had pacemaker replacement 10 days ago  Healing well  Today have shortness of breath and fatique  Any ideas of why?? 


Swelling at insertion site



I had my pacemaker put in 10 days ago and yesterday I noticed swelling around the device/pocket. It's not red, hot, or painful. The incision looks really good and seems to be healing well. The swelling is more like a bump, best way I can describe it, if I flatten my shirt over it you can see a bump or lump. Is this normal? Do I need to go to the hospital? Thanks 


The Famed SIX WEEKS Has Arrived!

Today is officially six weeks from my pacemaker implant of January 11.  This week I have been easing into raising my left arm up more little by little and today I can do a full arm raise. 

Like many here, I was totally unprepared for what I would go through, surprised that I even needed a pacemaker ASAP (a what?!), led to trust it would be routine, and told I could take Tylenol for any discomfort. Two mornings later I was in the ER from not managing the pai...


Mitral Valve repair

Can anyone share an experience on Mitral Valve repair and the "back to normal" life that I am led to believe will result after the operation. I can barely walk across a room without getting exhausted. I cant bend over without nearly passing out, I sleep with an oxygenator to combat waking up gasping for oxygen (it works beautifully) I suffer from sever E.D., my toes are tingley numb, fingertips too, and I force myself to walk any distance. I was diagnosed with moderate regurgitatin...


Atrial Flutter

After 2 months of atrial flutter, I saw the cardiologist yesterday and am having my fourth ablastion this MondaY. THANK YOU NHS.( 4 days wait). Bloods and swabs etc. taken for a general anaesthetic in out patients.

I have had a flutter ablation previously on rhe right side. I have had two fibrillation ablations.

What did I learn?

Atypical flutter  - this time in the left atrium. Why? residual effect of the two fibrillation ablations. Still some electrical activity in th...


Easy replacement

Hi y'all, replacement surgery #1 was yesterday, Feb. 8th and it was easy breezy - just like you said it would be.  So thankfull for your knowledge and guidance.  I won't be kayaking for 6 weeks :0).

I now have an Azure XT DR MRI. 

It is in the original pocket - so no pain from that.  Plus have not had any on the incision and am following all my doctor's requirements to ensure it all stays good and healing as it should. The app is loaded and fun...


10 day post op pain

Hello all! I just had my first PM placed last Thursday, I am 30 years old and had a dual lead PM inserted. My incision is healing nicely, however, I've been having some hot, pain, tingling, and numbness down my left arm into my fingers, under my left breast feels very tender and sore like it's also healing from something? Right under my incision the skin hurts to touch, isn't hot or red,  but extremely painful. I also am having a hard time still managing some pain in the left...


Antibiotic pouch

I just had a different Medtronic pacemaker placed December 27th and am having some strange pain beneath the surgical site that gets worse when any amount of pressure is applied to it. It's definitely not infected so I was wondering if it could be the antibiotic pouch breaking down or if anyone else has had similar pain? I'm hoping it goes away because it's very uncomfortable. 


New Dual Chamber Pacemaker

I am revising my post from yesterday as I now realize it  was a bit  confusing

I am attaching the cardiologists notes for clarification



 In 1997 they put in a single chamber pacemaker due to a tick byte. I had third degree heartblock. Initially my pacemaker was pacing 77% of the time and  went down to 1%. I was in great shape...execizing and no issues

This past May, I had open heart surgery due to a leaky aortic valve and ne...


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.