Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Struggling with recovery

Hi everyone,

been a while since I have posted here. I am 23 years old and just had my third pacemaker implanted this past Monday here in Ottawa, Canada. The procedure went well and there were no complications. I had a new lead installed as well. This is my first procedure as an adult and it's been very weird from my previous two. I was discharged on my first day and my follow up has been scheduled for in June. I've just been noticing every single thing way more and really strugg...



I just had a pacemaker implanted on April 21, 2023.  So, as yet I don't have a week under my belt.  

I was worried because I have a cold and spent the first days of this new adventure coughing, etc.  I was worried I would cause the wires to move or something come loose but, I have read many of your posts and am hoping from what I read that wouldn't happen.

They had trouble putting the first lead in and it was pretty painful at times.  Sometimes I a...


Pacemaker implant

Just fort those who are discouraged.   It took me 4 months to adapt to the pacemaker implant.  I entering my 6th month and have felt fine for the entire 5th month.  

For the first 4 months my pulse rate was all over the place,  I talked with the doctor several times, they checked out the pacemaker and it was ok.  

But it took my body 4 months to accept it.  All is good now and I a rebuilding my strength and stamina.

Good luck...


May have messed up

Not sure if this is a big mess up or not and I can't find enough information to know which way. 

I got my dual chamber pacemaker installed 4/17/2023 so I'm about six days post op. I've been very good about not lifting my elbow above my shoulder. Until this morning when my arm managed to get free from my sling when I was half asleep and I ended up stretching my whole surgery side arm above my head for a few seconds.

How likely is it that I yanked on a lead or dislo...


ICD bulge near armpit

Hi everyone, I had my ICD inserted Feb.7th 2023. 

I have noticed that when I try to lift my left arm, there's a bulge right by my arm pit. I feel the icd in there, the edge of it. It's annoying cause it makes it hard to shave under that armpit and wash there. It's like it's too close to my armpit. Also, when I'm washing over it, it's like I'm pressing on it and moving it around, and it makes me nauseous. Then, when I try to sleep on my right side, my lef...


Pacemaker post op experience

Hello, I'm new here and new to this whole pacemaker thing. Just curious if anyone has had experience with shortness of breath after surgery and if it goes away? It's not severe and I'm not sure if I'm even imagining it. My original surgery for installation was on April 3rd, but they had to go back and do a lead revision last Thursday April 20th. 
I had a lot of shortness of breath while one of the leads wasn't attached properly and now I'm somewhat...


Can I get top surgery?

Hey y'all,

I've had a pacemaker since I was 12, and a few years after that, I came out as trans since then, I've been wondering if it is possible for me to get top surgery since I have a pacemaker and I've been unable to find anything the covers this and I'm just wondering if anyone has any similar experience or anything that is comparable. Thanks for any help you can offer.


what is recovery like?

this may be a bit of a redundant question, so my apologies! i'm pretty young (16) and i'm getting a pacemaker in soon. i have ABSOLUTELY ZERO clue what to expect for the recovery. my cardiologist makes it seem like the procedure will be very easy w. little impact on life afterwards, but i was wondering to how much that's true? what does it feel like afterwards? what is recovery like? 



Loop recorder scar question

Hi all,

I have a loop recorder and I've not been able to find an answer to this. Is the loop recorder anchored/secured in place at the point of insertion? Sounds like a weird question but mine feels to me where my scar is is also attached to the recorder itself. In fact I'm sure it is, if I gently lift my skin I can see it pulls the recorder with it. It's not painful, and it's healed well I just want to know if that's how it's supposed to be? 



Hi everyone ! 

It's been 2 months since my ICD surgery. It's on my left side. I've been sleeping on my right side ever since. Haven't slept on my left side yet. I'm worried I'll move the pacemaker or squish on it or make it sore by pressing on it ?! However. When I turn on my right side, my breasts are quite heavy so when I turn, my left breast pulls down on my pacemaker and it hurts. And I wonder if it's moving the leads. Don't know how to get...


Wearing a bra

Hi, I am 38 years old and suffered a cardiac arrest back in Janurary. They had to revive me twice. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and spent a month and a half in the hospital. They inserted a pacemaker/defibrillator on February 7th. Ever since, I have avoided wearing a bra with straps, one with support, because I'm scared by wearing one that it pushes up the breasts, and by doing so, it's pushing up against the pacemaker. I am scared it might move the leads ? Shift the pacemaker out of p...


Pacemaker and propranolol

I am new to this forum so I am delighted to find you and sent this first to an outdated list but a kind person put me right.

 I am repeating myself therefore but I had my PM done only last week in London and will eventually be paced at St Thomas's. My op feels ok but I am one of those with a Sick sinus and have Brady and Tachycardia. The PM should cope with the Brady but other than an AV node ablation which I am unhappy about I am trying to cope with the Tachycardia with Propra...



Testing continues for my upcoming aortic valve replacement #2

Just had an angiogram and everything is clear!

Scheduled for a femoral artery & heart CT Scan in a few weeks. After that, I'll sit with the surgeon again about my options.

In the meantime, I've been "negotiating" with my EP. He wasn't wanting to push my MTR above the default 130 due to my severe insufficiency. I finally convinced him that I would be carefull and he put it at 150 whic...


How to phrase this.... for the ladies?

.... hmm. So. I'm 2 weeks (tomorrow) since surgery, and had my first checkup, staples removed (steristrips in place), and I think things have been tweaked as I'm not as light heated and having as many kerthump or palpitations moments as pre-appointment - HOWEVER - something is still vexing me - and I don't know if it's a girl with ample bosoms thing - or if men can relate - but.... I feel like I have to hold my left boob all the time when I'm walking. Which looks stupid, a...


post recovery shortness of breath

I am 5 days post surgery. I have a biventrical CRT-D pacemaker. I am still experiencing shorntess of breath at about the rate of 25% as before surgery. Not to the degree before surgery but still with little physical exertion. Called my docs office and the nurse read by bluetooth report and said my heart and pacemaker were functioning "normally." They are not. I have intermittent pain on the right side of my heart and the aforementioned shortness of breath.

Could the PM be...


Lasting pain

Hi all,

I posted this message earlier today and got notification that someone responded. Unfortunately, when I wanted to check the comment I was locked out of my account and my message was gone. So trying again.

First I would like to tell you how a joy it is to read all the support en knowledge that is shared among you guys. It’s heart warming.

Here’s hoping you can settle some of my anxiety as well.

My story is a long an complex one. I’m 29 year old...


Pacemaker replacement

Hi does anyone have an epicardal  pacemaker? If so what is the surgery, hospital stay and recovery time, mine is due to be replaced for the first time?


Heart rate during exercise

Hello again

I've been dual chamber paced since January after aortic valve replacement surgery resulted in total heart block. I’ve noticed recently that my heart rate during exercise can be as low as my resting heart rate. An example from today, whilst doing a 3.5 mile walk I encountered a steep hill which was hard work to walk up. I checked my heart rate at the top of the hill and it was around 60bpm which is my normal resting heart rate. I was quite surprised by this as I fel...


So new to this

Had pacemaker implanted almost 3 weeks ago.  Dr. also put me on propafenon - 1 every 12 hours.  Was so wiped out, couldn't sleep at night then slept during day.  Head congested, constipated.  So Dr. changed it to 1 a day. We will see if that makes a difference.  My question is, if I have a Pacemaker why do I need a med as well. My blood pressure has always been on the lower end.  


New pacemaker

Hey I just had my pacemaker replaced and I'm only on day 2 but still having a lot of soreness what is a good way to deal with the soreness outside of the medicine I was prescribed 


You know you're wired when...

Airport security welcomes you.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.