Most Recent Messages in Complications

Dependancy on pacemaker


Last one month I am in dilemma. I was excessively sweating
when I was at physical job in my professional field. Reported the matter to Cardiologist. Feed back was fully dependant on PM. Reason was Stress, Anxiety and less exercise. Gone to my Home town. Shown to the programmer of Biotronik Dealer.
He also told the same thing. Doctor told after re chekups that I am suffering from cervical spondilitis. Due to that I am sinking
sometimes. After implantation I got some...


7 weeks post PM dual chamber

Hi! I just joined today. I've read some of the postings over the last couple weeks. I was under the impression that I'd be uncomfortable for a couple days or so, but have had several different pain problems, some of which have improved.
During the surgery something painful happened (I think it was insertion of PM) that woke me up + stopped my heart for about 20 seconds. Since then I've had sore throat/neck, armpit, breast, pacemacker pocket, and back..all on the left side. The throat/...


Jolts in Chest

I'm sorry I forgot to add to my comments about the jolts in the chest that my pacemaker has been checked several times by the Medtronics rep and the leads are working well and firing about 33% of the time. None of the jolts or any problems were picked up by the check. Strange????



Jolts in Chest

Hi- I'm 4 months into my Medtronic dual lead pacemaker for bradycardia, slow heartbeat. The process has worked fine after the initial anxiety issues but recently have experienced what I call jolts to my chest (not electronic) as if someone punched me that makes my body jump up a bit. This only happens in the evening while laying down and reading or watching TV,. There is no pain, just a jolt or bump in the mid chest area.
I am on Metoprolol .25 mg.Has anyone experienced this and found out w...


Re PM and weight loss

Hi Everyone

Just reading the previous posts regarding PM movement and weight, and wanted to say congratulations to Peggy and Belly321 with your weight loss – well done!!

Future new pacer here with a quick question. I’m 36, always battled with my weight, but since my complete heart block diagnosis 5 months ago, I’ve been off work sick, told not to do anything that makes me dizzy or SOB (which even a short, steady walk brings on, so my gym membership is suspended). Consequent...



I had my PM implanted 6/1/07 and have felt like it is helping alot. I have recently felt lightheaded ( almost like my eyes were dialated and everything was bright ) when I go into certain grocery stores. I know it sounds silly, but I'm wondering if those cooling cabinets, etc. are putting out a magnetic field that is affecting my PM. Anyone else ever had anything like this?


Thanks for help

Don, Thanks for the info. I just finished reading about someone else who had a similar problem and it too was a broken lead. I have always been concerned because my unit "flops" when I lay on my right side. I am calling the docs now. Thanks again.


Pacemaker firing

Hi, I had a dual pacemker implanted 2 months ago for sick sinus syndrome. The pacer is on demand and working less than 1% of the time. For the past three days the pacer is firing more often and I am feeling the pacing (very bothersome sensation). Is there anyone outthere with the same problem. My EP has not given me a straight answer. I want to know if this is something I have to live with or not.


1st Time Pacer,......Scared.

Hello All,

My wife is 30 years old and her EP performed several eblations 4 years ago due to acute tachy. Now she has Sick Sinus Syndrone, Arythmia (with pauses consistanty between 3-6 seconds), MVP, and sporatic blood pressure. She has passed out 4 times within the past month, believably because of her pulse remaining in the upper 30's while laying down and mid 40's while moving. Her EP wants to put in a single chamber pacemaker.

My wife's name is Amy, she is small framed...


localized pulsation

Has anyone ever experienced or heard of anything like this? If I sit hunched forward the muscles under and near my pacemaker unit pulsate. At first I thought it only a muscle twitch, but after several episodes (and other position changes are being added to my "list") I was able to assure myself it is an actual pulse - same rate as radial. I recently had the experience of being able to see it pulse through my clothing. I have been completely unsuccessful in finding information anywhere else....


Wife of Husband who died after getting PM

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write you all back. I'm very frustrated. I just now got the death certificate, after two months! And I'm not surprised to hear everyone say that it wasn't their fault and that he died of natural causes. What bothers me is that I now have most of his medical records and he has had tachycardia problems from the very beginning. I don't understand why they've never put a defib in him. I also know that when we first found that he had a problem because they had...


General weakness

I had a Medtronic two lead pm installed in December of 2006. Two weeks ago the EP adjusted it. Since then I have felt progressively more weak and tired. In addition I have a aching left arm and hand. Yesterday it got so bad I went to the ER. They found nothing else wrong, but could not check my PM.

Today it is back again. Called cardio and they said the PM could not be causing those symptoms. I insisted and am going to see the Meditronic rep today at 1PM Pacific time.


Pacemaker syndrome?

I was wondering if anyone has been dx with pacemaker syndrome here! In what i have read i am having some of those symptoms! I dont know what to do! I asked my doctor what all the pressure/pain was in my carotid artery in my neck and going up into my head was, and all he could say was he didnt know! And he walked out of the room. All he did was make some changes with my settings, because i was going out of rythem constantly! Still dont feel well! Can anyone help with some advice. Or inform me on...


Placement of pacemaker

I recently had surgery to replace my dual chamber pacemaker as the battery had expired. 8 years, not too bad. I am not so happy with the placement of my ticker :)! It's a bit higher than my last one, and there is a wire protruding and giving me discomfort. Anybody else experience problems such as this or of the like? My first pacemaker was placed to close to my collar bone, causing rubbing with my pacemaker, so I had to undergo a second surgey with that!

Please, anybody out th...


multiple firings

On avg how many times should these things go off in a day or a week


Less than 1 %

Today I'm 4 weeks post PC for heart block.All was going well till 10/12 when I experienced a substernal moderate pain increasing with deep breathing.Was dicharged 10/16 and now feel pretty good.Was Dxed Pericarditis and Hemopericardium.In hospital I was primarily observed and the echogram 10/13 was essentially normal except for a trace of fluid in the pericardial sac(the prio one 10/15) showed a small amt.This complication was due to irritation or puncture of the heart wall.Was told that there w...


less than 1% ?

Sorry the echo 10/13 showed more fld than the 10/15. Haggen


Lead letter -

My device was implanted less than six weeks ago - with - you guessed it - the potentially defective 6949 lead. I have seen several references to a "Dear Physician" letter that Medtronics sent to doctors in March of 2007 (six months prior to my implant) warning them of the higher than expected failure rate of these leads. I have not been able to find the content of this letter. Does any one know where I can find a copy of it? I am really distressed to think my doctor may have used these lea...


pain during p/m insertion

Gem, I don't know what kind of pain medcation they used when they put your p/m in. But I never felt any pain except the pressure when the doctor inserted it. It felt like he was pushing pretty hard. But that's all. No pain in the area since.


i need some advice

hello i'm new at this i need some addvice i don't know what to do i have a defibutaer and pacemaker in 2005 my heat percent was 15% now it is 40% thursday nite i took a shower and when i got out my pacemaker went off 8 times was rushed to hospital by ambulance everything was fine they said had a heart doctor going to be there on friday morning so i went to see him and my equipment went off 3 more times so the doctor put a magnet on it to stop the shocks and sent me to blgh in lincoln nebraska s...


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.