Most Recent Messages in Complications

Strange feeling

When I sit in our living room that has a huge big screen tv, surround sound, stereo equipment, and computer system, I feel like I have more of my fluttery episodes than in any other room in the house. Could any of these things be interfering with my PM?


Shortness of breath


I'm new to this site and I've found it quite informative. I've had my PM for three weeks and I haven't had many problems. The main one being shortness of breath. They made adjustments two weeks ago and it's not as bad, but while laying in bed last night I had some problems breathing properly. I have the PM for atrial fib. I did have the av nodal ablation. I've always been very symptomatic with it. Has anyone else had similar problems? After six ablations, I was hoping that t...


pain in my arm and armpit

Hi everyone
Its been a few weeks now since my pacer was put in (dec18) i have still been having lots of pain in my shoulder and down my arm its not a constant pain , when it hits it hits very hard and hurts so bad , almost like a burning pain , i was wondering if anyone might know if that could be angina? i have talked to the nurse about at the doctors but she just dismises it at pain from the procedure. Im worried something else could be going on with my heart? On the brighter side i...


Pacemaker lead infection

Hi all,

Back in october I posted that I was having my pacemaker leads and box changed due to a fracture in the lead. Well it's now january and I'm only getting back to my computer now after all the complications I've had.

After my surgery I had two new leads and a new pacemaker box inserted. The old lead had pulled out a bit but they had to leave most of it still inside. About two weeks later I noticed I was breathless when walking so I went back to the doctors about it. I...



Hi. Around 7 yrs. ago I was diagnosed with AVNRT and had to have ablation done to correct arrithmias (sp?) that were crippling. The ablation went wrong so I was left with complete heart block and a pacemaker. Don't get me wrong, my pacemaker is my BEST friend! It's just, now when I thought of these fast heartbeats were gone, here they come again. The EP said that he didn't know why it was showing it's ugly head now. He said that if it gets any worse that he will put me on meds to try and contro...


Palpitations 2

Following up: I saw my cardiologist yesterday and he noticed that my pacemaker was loosing capture. It looks as if my heart needed more juice, because I have a high thresh hold. He increased the voltage to I believe its measured as 3.5mV and NO MORE PALPUTATIONS AND I FEEL GREAT!!!! Last night, I slept like a baby. Thanks to all that replied to my original posting (Christmmpace James, Meadowlark, Pinkypie). It really helps to know that your not the only one in this boat.



My name is Pedro and I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed with WPW in 2000. I had an ablation and a pacemaker implanted in 2000 and I was good then. The pacemaker was replaced in September of 2007 and just noticed a problem 2 weeks ago. It seems that every time I lay down on my back or most other angles, my heart skips beats as I deeply inhale or yawn and keeps skipping until I sit up again. This gets very frustrating because I have not had a good night sleep for a while. I also almost...


Problem with shocks from pacemaker.

I had my pacemaker put in on October 2, 2007. The first night after the pacemaker was put in; it started shocking me (it felt like someone was poking the center of my chest with an electrical wire). I was having problems breathing, between shocks, and it was very painful. The nurse (after about an hour) got in touch with my doctor and he prescribed a muscle relaxer. I don't know if I passed out or the shot put me to sleep. The next morning as soon as I was awake, they adjusted my pacemaker....



Hey everyone How is it going. I just have a quick question. Has anyone had a problem with static shocks, you know when you touch someone or something and get a little shock? Today I seem to have a lot of that going on. And you can see that im charged because my hair is going everywhere. I just want to make sure that its normal and there isnt anything wrong with my device. I know its silly but it is driving me crazy. I hope everyone had a great day.



Another question about 2yr old w/pm

I have a question....i asked something the other day and got great answers about my 2 year old w/pm....he goes to the doctor on the 7th to address the issue of the coughing while exercising. however someone said something in the reply that struck a nerve and hoping someone can also add something....when my son was born he had that hole in his heart that is common that usually closes up by the time they are a couple of months son's didnt close up...they said it's completely no...


bulging pacemaker

Hi everyone
I had my pacemaker put in on 12/18/07 , i have had constant pain since then and the cardio nurse told me it was healing fine ??? i have noticed the last two days it seems like it is bulging out a lot! i can tell something is happining b/c my skin feels really tight. Has anyone had this happen?


Medtronic InSync III (8042b)

Does anyone have difficulties with their Medtronic InSync III ICD? I have the above pacer installed and am pacing biventricularly. This is my 5th pacemaker, but 1st defibrillator. I am also curious how many of you have congenital heart defects. I was born with transposition of the great arteries and received my 1st pacer at 9 years...



device on recall

just discovered (myself) that my guidant insignia is on recall (my serial number is specifically) I'd had device failure (complete loss of telemetry) which is specifically mentioned in the recall although this only appeared within this last 6 months and has progressed from intermittent to complete. I've had my pacer for 4 years, has anyone else had their device fail this late on after the recall? (mine was in the initial batch of recalled devices implanted before march 2004)



Dizziness and Numbness

My dad got a pacemaker put in 2 months ago after have severe dizzy spells to the point of almost passing out. He wore a monitor for 48 hours and they discovered his heart was stopping for up to 4 seconds at a time.

After the surgery he felt fine for 3 weeks, but then started to have the episodes again. They last from a couple of minutes up to 10 minutes. During that time he is very dizzy and his right side becomes numb (his tongue, arm and leg). All through the episodes his pulse rate...


Cardio called, V tach issues

My cardiologist called tonight, seems my chart was flagged after my pacemaker interogation. Gee it only took them 13 days to call..... anyway, he was very concerned because I had a lot of v tach going on during the pacer ck and was symptomatic. The tech had said something about they might want to add an ICD to my pacer... would they have to replace the pacemaker and put in new one with ICD? Confused and quite frankly scared. I did some research, this v tach thing sounds scary. How can I have thi...



Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to ask if anyone had any burning around their incision site. Its been 3 weeks since my surgery and every time i touch around the incision it burns and yesterday it was oozing and bleeding. Sorry If this grosses anyone out but I just wanted some answers. It is just driving me crazy because when i move my arm it rubs my bra strap and hurts like crazy.



I get better advise here than at Drs

Hello all, and hope everyone had Happy Holidays. Last week went to cardiologists for pacer check, the tech said I am now totally dependent on my pacemaker, I was in active AV Mobitz II block during the test as matter of fact. Now here is what I am astounded about. Six months ago, he told me I was pacing 0 percent atrial and 36 percent ventricle and had about 10 years left on my battery. This time, I am 100 percent both atrial and ventrical and only 3 years left on my battery! I was to say the le...


Having a pacer repositioned

Hi everyone. I had my pacemaker put in in May 2007 and really have not had a comfortable day since. My pacemaker is very close to my armpit and borders on the edge of it. It limits my range of motion. It's uncomfortable to reach my left arm across my body to put on deodorant or reach for something. I still get pain and burning down my arm - not as bad but still get it. The area is still sensitive when touched. The doctor who put it is says "It's a little more lateral than she would like but...


robotic lead placement

Hello, I just discovered the PM Club website, and after reading around some of your posts, I decided to join.

I am 51, and I got my ICD in March 2007. I'd only been diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (which they said was most likely caused by a virus that attacked and damaged my heart muscle) in October 2004. The first time my cardiologist mentioned the word pacemaker (about a year after my initial diagnosis), I cried. They said the cardiomyopathy, coupled with a left bundle block arrhy...


Should I or Not!?!?

Well I just got some news that I was waiting for, however I wasnt ready for it. My EP doc that wasnt for me getting a PM told me he is leaving it up to me! Im in total shock. Yeah, I knew this was comming, but I didnt know what I would do about it. He uped all my meds and told me to think about it and get back with him. I feel horrible w/ all the meds and I dont want to rely on them forever, but then again once i choose the pm I cant go back. He said the PM would help alot but he is worried abou...


You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.