Most Recent Messages in Complications

Needing some advice

I just had a mechanical heart valve and a pm put in Oct 2007,
I have been haveing problems with my left arm, all the way from
neck to the elbow, I cannot lift it. and it hurts when someone
bumps it. I thought it was arthritis but my doc says it is the pm wires.


PM Beeping

Thank you for your response. I didn't know that cary_58 wasn't a member anymore. Marilyn, I have just had this new one put in Nov. '07. I wouldn't think my battery would be down by now, but then again who knows. I ran the other one down in 5 years. I am hoping this one will last longer. I have heard some people say that their drs told them there was no way that they could have heard it beeping and then I have had others tell me that their drs said it could. I'm just a little mixed up right now....


Go to chat

Scadnama go to chat. I have something for your syncope


cold weather effecting pacemaker

Also, does the cold weather have any impact on discomfort of the pacemaker area? Sounds dumb, maybe, but just curious. We are in the Wisconsin tundra, so to speak......thanks.


replacement at 90 year olds

My father age 90 is about to have a replacement after seven years. He is very healthy active man, no major problems.
His doctors seem to have no concerns about doing this at his age, I am very anxious to say the least. Is their anyone who has had a replacement near or at this age, I would very much like to hear from you.


PM Beeping

this is to cary_58. what did your cardiologist say about your PM beeping? did he say that it was possible? And if he said yes, what made it do the beeping?



Got my pacemaker a week ago and feeling crap. Heart rate was 30 beats resting but now set to 60.

My trouble is when getting up or walking out it feels as though I have just run a mile. Heart racing and feels like fluttering in the stomach.

Doctor says I am anxious and this is causing the extra beats which I am now getting.

Any suggestions



PM Placement Problem?

I had a av node ablation in Feb. 2007 and have a Biotronic two lead pacer. I am 100% dependent . My arm underneath on the pm side has a fluid sack (lymph gland) about 2 in. by 4 in. Under my arm by my breast is sore and seems irritated. I wonder if my pm has moved for I have a point sticking up on one side and it seems to be bothering under my arm. I am 73 yrs. old and was disgustingly healthy before I got hit with Afib in 2006. I wonder if it is serious enough to warrant having it moved....


Pounding/Rapid Heart Beats


I got a pacemaker on December 14, 2007 after having two episodes of passing out with a very low heart rate (one while driving my car on November 28th). I still haven't been able to go back to work because I feel so lousy (no energy, extremely tired, pounding heart beats, very dizzy). On Saturday I was walking into a store and my heart was racing and I thought I was going to pass out. I immediately went back home and went to sleep for four hours and felt horrible the rest of the da...


what happened?

After my implant surgery in october I haven't been able to feel my left shoulder and part of my upper arm and the skin there is very white. Did something bad happen in my surgery that my surgeon didn't tell me? Whats wrong with my skin?


PM beeping?

Has anyone ever heard of a PM making a beeping noise? I always thought it was just an ICD that beeped but the other day I could have sworn I heard a faint beeping noise. It was very quiet in the house at the time I heard it and I couldn't find anything else that it could have been. It sounded like it was right there under my nose, if you know what I mean. I don't want to call my clinic with this question, I'm afraid they will think I am crazy if I am wrong, you know?


Sensitive to food/drink

I was wondering if anyone is really sensitive to eating foods high in sugar, salt and caffeine. I will notice my pacemaker working harder and feel anxious. I use to think it was just the caffeine however sprite that is caffeine free also makes me feel this way. Is it that I'm just sensitive to my body??


pain when lifting

hi i had my pacemaker 6 months ago and everything is going fine but i still find i cant lift anything heavy with out getting a pain down the middle of my chest is this normal ?


Strange feeling

When I sit in our living room that has a huge big screen tv, surround sound, stereo equipment, and computer system, I feel like I have more of my fluttery episodes than in any other room in the house. Could any of these things be interfering with my PM?


Shortness of breath


I'm new to this site and I've found it quite informative. I've had my PM for three weeks and I haven't had many problems. The main one being shortness of breath. They made adjustments two weeks ago and it's not as bad, but while laying in bed last night I had some problems breathing properly. I have the PM for atrial fib. I did have the av nodal ablation. I've always been very symptomatic with it. Has anyone else had similar problems? After six ablations, I was hoping that t...


pain in my arm and armpit

Hi everyone
Its been a few weeks now since my pacer was put in (dec18) i have still been having lots of pain in my shoulder and down my arm its not a constant pain , when it hits it hits very hard and hurts so bad , almost like a burning pain , i was wondering if anyone might know if that could be angina? i have talked to the nurse about at the doctors but she just dismises it at pain from the procedure. Im worried something else could be going on with my heart? On the brighter side i...


Pacemaker lead infection

Hi all,

Back in october I posted that I was having my pacemaker leads and box changed due to a fracture in the lead. Well it's now january and I'm only getting back to my computer now after all the complications I've had.

After my surgery I had two new leads and a new pacemaker box inserted. The old lead had pulled out a bit but they had to leave most of it still inside. About two weeks later I noticed I was breathless when walking so I went back to the doctors about it. I...



Hi. Around 7 yrs. ago I was diagnosed with AVNRT and had to have ablation done to correct arrithmias (sp?) that were crippling. The ablation went wrong so I was left with complete heart block and a pacemaker. Don't get me wrong, my pacemaker is my BEST friend! It's just, now when I thought of these fast heartbeats were gone, here they come again. The EP said that he didn't know why it was showing it's ugly head now. He said that if it gets any worse that he will put me on meds to try and contro...


Palpitations 2

Following up: I saw my cardiologist yesterday and he noticed that my pacemaker was loosing capture. It looks as if my heart needed more juice, because I have a high thresh hold. He increased the voltage to I believe its measured as 3.5mV and NO MORE PALPUTATIONS AND I FEEL GREAT!!!! Last night, I slept like a baby. Thanks to all that replied to my original posting (Christmmpace James, Meadowlark, Pinkypie). It really helps to know that your not the only one in this boat.



My name is Pedro and I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed with WPW in 2000. I had an ablation and a pacemaker implanted in 2000 and I was good then. The pacemaker was replaced in September of 2007 and just noticed a problem 2 weeks ago. It seems that every time I lay down on my back or most other angles, my heart skips beats as I deeply inhale or yawn and keeps skipping until I sit up again. This gets very frustrating because I have not had a good night sleep for a while. I also almost...


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!