Most Recent Messages

power tools and machines.

I use every power tool I own which is a pretty long list and I,ve never had a problem. I,m very big on the firewood and do alot of work with chainsaws and never had a problem. I have VT and am the proud owner of a Guidant ICD. I say live life its why I had it put in. Thanks, Zapper.


hey peoples!

Blake, you could go ahead and send me that extra $50 from the photo album ;) lol jk
So, where to start….? Oh, I guess from the beginning.
I think I told you about the surgery I had last month? Everything was okay after that (except feeling a lot of pain on the incision site….not to mention feeling like a piece of paper with the staples they placed on the incision). But, my sister kindly offered to help out by using her staple remover she purchased at an office supply store….in which...


3 month checkup

Hi everybody:

I went this morning for my 3-month checkup and all seems to be OK. During the test, he (electro-physiologist) ran some diagnostic things on the computer, including speeding my HR to 100 and dropping it to about 40. At the lower rate I felt very lightheaded and nauseous. It reminded me of before I had my PM.

Do these all sound like the normal parts of an evaluation? From now on, I will start with the monthly phone checkup, and he tweaked my PM to increase effic...


i need some advice

hello i'm new at this i need some addvice i don't know what to do i have a defibutaer and pacemaker in 2005 my heat percent was 15% now it is 40% thursday nite i took a shower and when i got out my pacemaker went off 8 times was rushed to hospital by ambulance everything was fine they said had a heart doctor going to be there on friday morning so i went to see him and my equipment went off 3 more times so the doctor put a magnet on it to stop the shocks and sent me to blgh in lincoln nebraska s...


Again, working in a large industrial setting

Thanks to all that replied about my inquiry about wearing a pacemaker and working in an industrial environment. I really appreciate your feedback. To add further, I have had the pacemaker for 2 years. I am 58, and have always been very active. I have played racquetball for 20 years, and still continue today. However, since the pacemaker, it has been extremely difficult. I hear of others that go about normal activities such as biking, tennis, etc, without problems. I can't help but wonder if the...


Still no pacemaker but more tests and proceedures..

Hello from down under..
Well I can report that I have still not had a pacemaker put in..It has been close but they like to do this as a last resort here..I some times feel that I am in the Pacemakers Club on false pretences..
I had a cardioversion some months ago which only lasted two weeks..
Now this week it is to be a Radio Frequency Ablation..I wish they didnt tell you all the things that can go wrong and just get on with it..Was hoping I would be knocked out for it, Oh no jus...


nebraska pm people

hello are there any people here from nebraska i live in nebraska city nebraska would like to talk to some people around here my email address is if you want to talk with may god be with us all


Photo Album Coming Soon ...

Thanks to the generosity of members who donated, the photo album will be online as soon as our Web Developer can get it done.

I have emailed him asking that it be added to to his "to do" list and I will follow-up with a phone call on Monday.

I truly appreciate the support received and know other members will too once photos start to be posted.

Thank you,



New to the club

Hi, I just had a pacemaker implanted a week ago. I'm 43, and I was having symptoms of dizziness and fatigue while exercising. This was a whirlwind, as the surgery was done as an emergency after review of my Holter monitor. I feel so much better, but am a little apprehensive about what this means for the future. I was very active. I bicycled regularly, and my doctor has restricted this for 6 weeks as he doesn't want me putting any excess weight on my arms. My implant area is a little tender...


Re: Biventricular Pacemaker- questions

Thank you BaBlocker for your comment.
All that info. been very helpful. Now, I just need figure it out few things on my own about that doctor. Why he is providing misleading information's to me time after time and.... Something very "strange" is going on.
Can you please contact me:



Photo Album Fundraiser

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that the photo Album should be up and running soon.
I, as many others have donated tonight and we should of hit the magic number! I am more than grateful for the excellant information and support during the last month since my PM surgery. I want to thank all of you who answered my questions, Smitty, and Karen A. and everyone else! I am going to have my first check-up this coming Friday with my cardioligist and hopefully also ge...


A funny one

Hi everyone.
I have not posted for a while, but had quite a reaction to my lousy sense of humor yesterday.
I was having coffe with a group of people I know and the topic of airport security came up. Everyone wanted to know how It went with the hand searches at the airport.
I couldn't resist and told the whole table that the cute 22 year old blonde woman was fun, but the gay french guy had me worried.

I'm not sure that group is going to let me back to the table again :...


Sudden Increase in Heart Rate while Exercising

I posted a few days back about flushing and minor increase in heart rate. The Feedback was appreciated. No all of sudden after 2 months of cardio rehab at about the 2 mi mark of my 3 mile run/walk I will get pressure in my chest and my heart rate will go up to 106-110 for about 30 seconds and then come back to normal levels. I am going for a stress test on Monday, but has anyone else had this experience.



Outboard motors

I have a St jude p/m installed in August of 07. I was told not to use a chain saw because of a problem from ignition interference. I sold the saw, but now I'm wondering about outboard motor's ignition systems. Does anybody have any info on that.


New Pacemaker in for 36 hours

Hi everyone Allan (41) Edinburgh

Well i have my pacemaker now.

The actually procedure took less than an hour and was totally painless.I didnt feel cables go into my heart it only made my heart beat a little faster .

The cut site is very tidy that does ache quite a lot for first 48 hours but pain killers help.
I have been up and about every day but by about 1 pm i am totally knackered but i feel strong in mornings is this normal. i guess it will take a while...


Biventricular Pacemaker- questions

Hi everyone:)

First of all I just want to say thanks to you all for all the replays and a very helpful information's.
I am schedule for my pacemaker replacement on Oct.-30.
Finally I was able to find out from my doctor that he is planning to use a Biventricular pacemaker to provide a back-up. I had an AV-node ablation.

BaBlocker I do have all that info. from you on that Biventricular pacemaker, you did say that that pacemaker can serve as a back-up. You seem to be...



Two years ago I passed out at work do to an arythmia. That night a defibrillator was implanted. About a year after that, I started getting panic attacks. They were finally starting to go away when I got my first shock a couple of weeks ago. Now, I've been having dreams about it shocking me again. At least, I hope its a dream. When I wake up suddenly I don't really know if it is a dream or if it really shocked me. I still don't. I had one last night. The panic attacked harder than ever....


New Guy

I am 54 years old. I have worked as a Firefighter/Paramedic for 27 years and have been an avid hiker and Backpacker longer than that. I Just got my Pm a month ago after being diagnosed with SSS and Bradycardia. When the doctor told me I needed a PM I asked him 2 questions. Will I be able to continue working at my job and can I still go backpacking. He said get a desk job and go fishing instead. I would have walked out of the office except my wife gave me that look (you know the look) so here I...



Hi...Ive had my pacemaker about 7 weeks. For about 4 or 5 years previous to that I would experience dizzy spells from time to time. Now that I have my pacemaker the dizzy spells seem more frequent and more intense. Am I just having anxiety? I have recently been diagnosed with hardening of the arteries in my left leg, with moderate blockage. Will take some advice from you.


ready to push the limits

Hi Gang, I just found this site and immediately registered. I'm only 2 weeks post-op but the swelling is gone and I've resumed biking (and was walking from day one). I was a competitive distance runner for 45 years so I'm chomping at the bit to race again. I have a PM currently set at 60-105 but my cardiologist is aware of my excessive addiction to aerobic activity and said it will just stop feed-back when I exceed the device's programmed upper limit (which I'm sure I've already achieved several...


You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.