Most Recent Messages in General Posting

PM removal

I had my PM installed about 2 years ago. I didn't think I needed it then, and I still don't. I was feeling weak. My pulse rate stayed in the 40's and 50's except one time when it drop to 38 breifly. My doctor said that he didn't think I needed it. I told him that my wife said that she observered it once being 38. He recheck his information and said it had breifly and that he would leave it up to me, but I had to decide before 1pm today( it was about 9am at that time). The nurses were telling me...


PM popping

I have a strange question, has anyone felt their PM pop in their chest? Last year I was DX with breast cancer. Since then I have had 8 surgeries, including relocating my PM from the left to the right. About a month ago I had my final reconstruction surgery. Since when I move my right arm backwards or over my head, my PM actually pops. I am guessing the muscle moves and therefore causes my PM to bounce around.
MY PM surgeon was in the OR during my last surgery, and said everything was okay...


New Person

Hi, Everyone!

I'm kind of new here. I'm not sure what to say or ask. This is the first time I have ever posted a message on a club sight, so I'm alittle intimidated. Sorry.


Single Lead Atrial or Ventricle Paced.

Hello to all,
I've got a question to ask? is there any one that is Atrial Paced for Bradycardia. Reason for this question is that I am Ventricle Paced for Bradycardia ,after three Holter monitor tests they all showed that my heart stops 2/3 times during my sleep for 7-10 sec therefore PM, during the day all is fine .I attended a meeting at my local hospital and manage to catch a few moments with a Professor in Electrophysiology and told him about my condition and showed him my Holter result...


Scared of doing anything

I've had my PM since late July. After a lot of small problems, my doctor has set my PM. My problem is I am afraid to allow my heart rate to increase. When it gets over 100, I can feel myself panic. The doctor wants me walking to lose weight but I can't bring myself to do it.I won't even go to a movie or anyplace where there are a lot of people or where I'll have to walk a lot for fear that I'll collapse. I never acted like this before! Has anyone else felt like this? I have this fear that I'll d...


Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Found this at

Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Syncope (fainting) is one of the most common medical ailments encountered in clinical practice. Although frequently thought of as a condition with a neurological origin, it’s actually a cardiovascular problem - as such, a neurologic work-up is seldom rewarding. The two main causes of syncope are cardiac arrhythmias and neurocardiogenic (vasovagal, vasodepressor) syndromes. In both of these conditions, blood circulation...



Im in New Zealand at the moment visiting my son and grandchildren. A friend on this site told me to read BATMAN007s post. I have and the comments that were posted are a complete confirmation to me of the value of this site and the overwhelming decency of the majority its members who have a determination to remain in the land of the living as long as possible. On a sad note I have two friends in NZ and they have both been diagnosed with cancer and one of them has only until christmas to live. I...


Lots to say!!

Hey! Ummm, ok. First, I would like to say that we WON our football game yesterday!!!!!!!!!! I forget the score, but will let you know ASAP. The best part was that it was a semi-final regional game and if we win 3 more, we're going to states... IN CHARLOTTESVILLE! This is coincidentally where my cardiologist and the wonderful Uninersity of Virginia is located. I get to play my clarinet at church today, and then I am going to meet the National Novel Writing Month group at the Daily Grind! Oh yeah...


Looking for Orange County Firefighters

Can anyone help me with info on Orange County firefighters with a pacemaker that are still working as a firefighter post implantation of a pacemaker. I am going to have my two chamber pacemaker implanted next week, my doctor told me I can return back to work in one month post surgery. I am a little nervious about how my city is going to react. If anyone has information on any firefighters still on the job post surgery it would be a big help to me in keeping my job.



Greetings All,Had my initial PM changed after 13 yrs and now on my second year with the new one. No problems.At age 86 am still active,play golf,workout at least four times a week.
What is frustrating is that I have had complete cardio-pulmonary workups at Duke Med and no one can explain my exertional dyspnea.No problem riding an exercise bike for 30 minutes but get short of breath after one minute on the treadmill.Mild pulmonary obstructive disease secondary to GERD.Anybody have breathing...


another newbie!!

Hi everyone, i did join last week as hot heart but unfortunately my wireless crashed, i got locked in the chatroom and couldnt get out so had to email admin to remove me, in the meantime i joined again as Hot Heart.

Sooooo helloo!!!

A quick resume of me, college lecturer, thought i was fit! lol, got dogs, kids and a husband, like walking, the gym, rock music, going to gigs and holidays. Ohh i can be a bit of an online flirt as well, but i'm only playing, very happily marri...


Down Time

just going to hibernate for the winter need to rejuice my batteries....!!!!
Hope to see you all fit and well in the new year have a great festive season.... don't forget to keep sending in your donations for Blakes charity there are plenty of us ..lets hope we make the target..... all the best my good friends take good cre of your selves Peter.N



Am having to take BioFirm to help with my intestinal probs. 100% herbal and am drinking loads of water.

When you have a pacemaker am I right in hearing that you need to keep hydrated. Not sure whether I got this right or not.

Be grateful for advice.

By the way Smitty and Electric Frank you were right with your advice and it gets loads better as time passes and I do believe I trust this pacemaker more and more.

Cheers for all your support in the past.<...



I am still undecided about a PM (and a fibrillator), My question here is is a beta blocker necessary. I first experienced beta blockers about 15 years ago for another medical problem and was rendered pretty much impotent. I was getting better over time, but am 69 years old (although in great physical condition). Will a PM improve my sex life (viagra and cialis don't have much of an affect) ? Thanks.


Best career for a pacemaker participate

Hello, Everyone

My son recently graduated and was going to school and getting his degree in Process Technology but we recently were informed that most chemical plants or refineries won't hire him with a pacemaker. Does anyone have a recomendation on what direction he should go, he is an average student. He needs to be a full time student for my insurance to cover his medical bills. He is going on 9 years with a pacemaker.



I'm thinking about posting a new picture of myself with my new Bling! I would like to ask if anyone else would like to post pictures of their unique bracelets. It would be very interesting to see how the Pacer Chicks and the Guys sport their Bling!

I think this could be fun, all it takes is a digital image, an arm with a bracelet and some clever photography! he he Just think of the fun we could have with this.... We could call it "What does your Bling say about you?" hee hee. I will g...


withdrawal from beta blockers

Just wondering if you can have withdrawal problems from beta blockers. I've been on them for a good 10 years and now they have me stopping all meds for good to see how I react, so are there problems with this that I should be looking for. Thank Stacy


about mri

Are any of the pacemaker manufactures working on pacemakers that will allow us recipients to have an MRI? I heard that this type of pacemaker is being worked on.



gastric bypass

ok gang tell me about the pro's and con's of barriatric surgery my doc gave me his blessings and all is well with me except having a bmi of 54 i walk until my knee gives i swim walk in the pool i watch my salts fats and i do not over eat "well" i have my moments i stay very active my heart function test has been normal for over 18 months i am 47 i have alot more living to do and i don't see to many 6ft 380lbs men walking around over 60 years old i have had my icd pacemaker since jan 2005 so let...


time stamp

I think posting you are waiting in the chat room is great.
can we post in the chat room a note what time you leave the chat room one might est.what time to come back


You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.