Most Recent Messages in General Posting

weird feeling

a weird question but does anyone know why i can feel a crakling sensation over my pacemaker especially when moving my arm?


Electromagnetic Compatibility Information

I’ve noticed a lot of posts with questions on electromagnetic compatibility - good information here:

(Copy and paste the address to your browser)


Heart Healthy Eating

Protein Power for a Healthy Heart

No food group offers more versatile protection from the causes of heart attacks than protein. Lean beef, eggs and pork are packed with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. Fish delivers omega-3 fatty acids that keep heart rhythm steady and discourage blood clotting. Skinless chicken and turkey are low in artery-clogging saturated fat, and their protein keeps food cravings (and the risk of overeating) at bay. Beans—legumes such as chickpeas, black beans a...


feeling down......

I got my ICD implanted in April of 2008 and have had nothing but pain from it. I just went to another Doctor for a second opinion about my ICD because it has moved down into my armpit area and it hurts me to reach my left arm over my shoulder because it moves all the way up and over my clavicle bone. My Doc didn't suture it down obviously and seems to think if I try to wait until April of next year that it might feel better and then we can talk about relocating it. He thinks my pocket is too...


Iam glad to have found this site!!

Iam so glad that I found mary cumming's blog . SHe is the member of this club and the one who told me about this club. Thank you for your responses. I know,i may sound naive at this point but I guess iam still in denial. If I had pain then may be it would have sunken in fast(not that I want to be in pain),but it's been so easy to ignore and even forget that I have any problem. In this month me and my husband completly mastered the technique of denial and ignoring the fact. Today's Dr's visit wa...


A little Support Please!

Hello everyone.

It has been a very long day for me and I don't feel like there has been enough of the positive things. So.... I have decided to encourage Everyone to make their donation to the Heartbeat fund today. If you have already made a donation... Thank you. If you have not, please do so.
We can discuss our PM ICD problems till the day is done, but we have to be aware that it is because of the PM and ICD that we are able to do just that! No matter how much it hurts, or how...


colonoscopy, again

For my last lithotripsy I had medicine (demerol) for pain, but no benzodiazepine like versed to cause amnesia. Why wouldn't that work for a colonoscopy?



I asked for your advice, experiences and opinions, and I thank you for them. Now I'd like to express myself further: I've had gastric juices extracted from my stomach through an ng tube, a liver biopsy, a bone marrow extraction; an epidural with my first child and natural childbirth with the second (if I had to do it again, I'd go natural again); two cystoscopies with a ureteral stent insertion and removal, and four lithtripsies (kidney stone procedure) and none of that bothered me as much as t...


FYI...Drug interaction Tool

Thought I would share this link to a drug-interaction-tool that I frequently use.

Oft times...meds we are prescribed to take can have interaction potential: there can be a greater potential with prescribed meds interacting with over-the-counter meds & vitamins we might choose to use.

This link should take you to tool to use as a quick guide.,4109,,00.html .

Just sharing, pacepal


they say I need a PM

Hi all,
Last month I was diagnosed with Sinus node dysfuncton,Sick sinus syndromw with Junctional rhythm.Well this is all techinical I know about my condition right now. I don't even know what else I should be knowing. I was hoping that I could manage without Pm for a while but my doctor today asked me why I wanted to wait. I really don't know. Except for dizziness once in awhile iam totally normal. I never fainted till now. Nobody in our family has any heart related problems ,so I'll be th...


name change

does anyone know how to change our user names on this site?



Hi Everyone, I'm Back....

Hi to all members of the Pacemaker Club,

I am back from my Huge Ugly Operation......finally able to get on with my life again. :)

It was a humdinger of an op, lots of pain, etc as well as a 16 inch scar from my breastbone, then follows below my ribcage to about an inch of my back. OUCH!

Spent 6 days in the hospital, then staggered home to recover.

We arranged for my daughters to spend 4 nights, Hubby stayed for one ( in a private room) and the fir...


Hey there ya'll

Nice to see all of my fellow energizers here this morning. I'm trusting that you're tickin' away just as I am.
Today I find myself again tickled by the the "You're Wired When...." comments. LOL.
"You're wired when your pacemaker receives radio frequencies"
Well, honestly, I'm kind of disappointed that mine doesn't. Did I get last year's model? I seriously just think it would be great if pacemakers played music. You could just tap a button through your skin to control the music, a...



I'm scheduled for my first colonoscopy next week. I was awake for my pacemaker surgery with no problems. For the colonoscopy I also don't want to be given any drugs which put me "out" or be told that I wasn't "out" yet can't remember what happened. Can anybody share experiences, advice, or suggestions?




Hi! Does anyone know if having a pacemaker can affect energy levels? Also, my PM is set at 60 bpm, but I feel like it's too low for me at rest. I sometimes feel weird when I am at total rest..somehow my heart feels weighted for a second here and there (if that makes any sense) and it sort of makes me put effort into taking a breath when this occurs. Is this common? I know some people can feel the PM kick in, but I just don't know if this is it. I hadn't noticed this with my first PM of 10 years....



I think this may be very helpful ..especially to the newbies!!

Sept. 29, 2008 -- Heart disease and depression are so common that all heart patients should be routinely screened for depression and referred for professional help if necessary, according to new recommendations issued by the American Heart Association.



Disability Problems already

Well I guess its started. Off on disability per my cardioligist and three weeks after I have been off work, well actually they let me go because of absences since my fmla ran out. The insurance company that i paid weekly to have are questioning my disability could take up to a month or more. Called and they got crappy with me I thought so anyways the lady says well the excuse is a little vage, so I asked her what i was supposed to do, she goes oh well we will send your doctor a questionare to fi...


Pacer is out!!

Well, finally got the pacer taken out this morning. I am doing ok but sore. It is so wired without this thing in me for the first time in 11 years and I hope I can sleep better now that I don't have to feel my heartbeat every night.
My heart rate is now in the 70's rather than stay at 60 when I had the pacemaker, wow, I have so much energy for the first time in 11 years although I am still hurting but I have energy!


What do you call a...

recipient of an ICD.

There are pacergirls, pacerchicks, pacers and probably pacerboys. But what do you call someome with an ICD?

An ICDer?


Living With A Pacemaker

Hi Everyone! I was asked to repost here it is...I didn't compose this, I found it, but can't remember where!!

Managing Your Pacemaker

Do your part in managing your pacemaker. You may have to have someone help you, but there are certain things you'll need to do to manage your pacemaker successfully. These include:
Understand your acceptable heart rate. Before you leave the hospital, discuss with your doctor the specific maximum heart rate above your pacemak...


You know you're wired when...

Like the Energizer Bunny, you keep going.

Member Quotes

I just had this miracle implanted two weeks ago and I’m feeling better.