Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Colonoscopy with pneumonia?

Oh well, I don't know if I'll have that colonoscopy Wednesday or not. Saturday morning, I just couldn't get warm - eventually I realized I was experiencing a chill, which was followed by a fever. Next I started feeling heart palpitations, so I used my blood pressure monitor to check things out and my pulse shot up to 151. I know, for some of you that might not be a big deal, but my normal resting rate is 45-55. I don't usually get above 80 unless I'm exercising. (My pacemaker's lower rate is...


Bad day for football...

Yesterday was the regional play-offs for our team and we played Monticello from Charlottesville. I had to come... we lost. 6 to 20. Apart from that, it was 32 degrees outside, we had to cut the tips off our gloves, two cheerleaders fell and did not respond or move for at least 10 minutes, and I got hypothermia... no exaggeration. My fingers burned, my left foot was numb and I could barely walk, and my body was frozen solid. I was literally in tears and my fingers still hurt. I won't elaborate an...


Pacemaker not far away ?

I found this site a few days ago and have been reading a lot of the posts. Recently I have been having mild chest pain and had an abnormal nuclear stress test last week. I'm scheduled for a heart cath this coming week. The cardiologists said I probably will need to get a pacemaker before long. My resting rate is 45 to 49 bpm. It's been slow like this all my life without any symptoms or problems. All of this is terrifying to me! I don't know what to expect. I'm scared. I'm single and live alone t...


To those not feeling well

Good day,
I was thinking about the members that I have been missing and it occurred to me that it could be because they are not feeling so well.
I would like all of you to know that you are missed. Each time I come here and I don't see you I think about you guys. You know who you are, I really want you to say that I am thinking/praying about each of you. I understand that so many are going through tough medical times. I understand that it can take every ounce of strength just to get t...



back in chat. jess


I am SO frustrated !

I have been banned from the treadmill and my 5k training until I can get a hold of one of my cardiologists.  My husband is freaking out about my atrial flutter report of 380bpm yesterday. No one thinks I should be running, but every "off" day from training makes it that much harder to get back into the groove of things. Plus the race is Dec. 6th.
This really is horrible. How come just ONE thing can’t go MY way for a change?  I hate all this waiting.  My loca...


Hope you smile.

What’s the difference between weather and climate??

You cannot weather a tree but you can climate. ;D


Listen to your heartbeat.....:)

Now imagine it isn't so good... maybe missing a few beats or a lot.... pauses that leave you breathless and dizzy. Vertigo might be another problem... now also imagine that you can't make your heart healthy. You don't understand why, but it just won't beat right! After a time your heart finally kicks in again and all seems to be ok until you try to go out to play or to go to work. Then you are reminded that you have a faulty heart and it is just a matter of time... you'll suffer or die because y...


Electromagnetic Compatibility Information

I posted a bad link earlier - sorry.

Try this one:



My husband just turned 55, and has been getting AARP junk mail for years now. I've been tempted on mailing it in and signing us up because it does encourage him to sign up his spouse.
I wonder if I'll be the youngest AARP member if I do that.'s tempting. It's always been a funny idea to me, but I wonder if they would HAVE to oblige, or is there a set age limit.


Medical Tourism...

I noticed that the New York Times has an article about Medical Tourism to India.

They suggest that by 2010, 6 million Americans will be getting medical care overseas.

After reading and responding to pushpas' post about cost of American cardiac care, it seems very timely to make a post about Medical Tourism.

Bionic Beat


Does anyone know???

Does anyone how much roughly would it cost to have a PM without insurance.I live Nj,USA. Now that I decided to have a PM, Iam not sure of how much financial burden it would be without insurance. This is the first time we didn’t have insurance and this diagnosis has hit us like a slap on our faces. My ER bill is $10,000 in total, with two hospitals I have been to, after all the discounts excluding the doctors bills which are piling. So, now Iam wondering how would the procedure with hospita...


a couple of thoughts

"The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place."

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."

"Life is a rough road. That’s why man created 4x4’s."

I’m interested in knowing some quotes that help get you through difficult times, or LIFE in general.
I love reading quo...


I Wish I Was So Smart

We must keep records of everything.

’If somebody has a bad heart, they can plug this jack in at night as they go to bed and it will monitor their heart throughout the night.  And the next morning, when they wake up dead, there’ll be a record’

-Mark S. Fowler, FCC Chairman


Would appreciate any feedback…

Well the doctors have tried 3 times now to
get a lead to work in my upper chambers. My heart
is going back and forth between a junctional rhythm
and atrial fibrillation.

This last week they cracked my chest and tried to
attach a lead directly to the outside of my heart but
again no luck. My upper chambers just won’t
conduct an electrical signal.

The thoracic surgeon is saying there is no more that
can be done but that is a little hard...


Disapointing interrogation :(

Alright, so I had my pacer interrogation today. The EGM shed some light on what I've been feeling. Turns out that I've been having short bursts of atrial flutter/fib with a rate of 320bpm. Yikes! The longest run being about 13 seconds.
Thank heavens that pacers now are equipped with diagnostic recording. The scary thing now is I have no idea what they're going to do with me. I see a ventricular lead being placed in my very near future. If that's what they suggest, I would at least want to...


pacemaker question

I have been told I have to have a pacemaker. My passion is metal detecting - I have a new MineLab 4500. Is there anyone out there who has a metal detector who also metal detects. I have to wear headphones with this unit and it also has a lithium battery. I am very discouraged at the thought of giving up my hobby. Also, am trying to find out if a lead garment (like what is worn in x-ray labs) is an option and tried by anyone. Thanks so much ahead of time for any response!



MIG/ARC Welding


I'm a starting mechanic and when working in a garage i'm around welders and such very often. I was wondering if anyone had any knew if this was a problem and if so how far of a distance away from the welder should maintain?


Rapid Heart Rate

I have a dual lead pacemaker. It was installed on 6/25/08. It was for tachy-brady syndrome. I would have bouts of A-Fib and my heart rate would also drop to 30 bpm's for days. Like everyone else the pacer took me a while to get used to. I've been feeling pretty good for a while now. Recently it seems like my heart has been racing but my heart rate is at it's normal 60 bpm. Why can't I see this rapid heart rate when I check my pulse? Is this due to the double leads? I know when I had an...


chat dosent work for me dang.

just wondering is there any other chat programs yall go to to chat.
the chat here dosent work.




You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.