Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Pace and ablate

I am a 79 year old active lady living in the UK who has had AF since 2006

I am due to have a pacemaker fitted tomorrow with av node ablation following to control my AF which has got out of control when i had to stop Flecainide.

I am apprehensive about tomorrow so hope there are some kind people on here who can alleviate my worries. After the procedure i would like to know how to manage the restrictions on my arm movement. I understand that I will not be able to raise my arm above...


post pacemaker change pain

I just had my pacemaker changed out after 10 great years of use. I have total heart block, so it is always pacing. The initial implantation was easy. Very little pain. This time I am in quite a bit of pain. During the surgery I could feel so much pressure, like my insides were being really pushed around. The wound is so sore that walking is difficult because my breasts pull down and I can't wear a bra. Everything feels bruised and I wonder if anyone else has encountered this. At time...


Fluttering sensations

Pacemaker fitted one month ago. In the first week I was getting similar symptoms to pre pm, fluttering, feeling faint etc. I went back and the pm was adjust up from a base level HR of 55bpm to 70bpm. Things are vastly improved since but I still get fluttering, it almost feels like the pm is "kicking in" like a clunky gear change on a car! I'm due to go back to pm clinic in two months. Any advice?


New Member

I decided to retire Dec 2020 at age 75 but my life of leisure was abruptly interrupted by a stroke 2 weeks later. Hospital discovered that unknown to me I had been experiencing a series of mini strokes. A loop recorder was inserted in my chest to monitor the permanent A-Fib that I had been dealing with for some years previous. After a short stay in hospital with therapy I went home to pick up on where I had left off preparing for a caravanning holiday with wife but again was interrupted by my...


TAVR Implant Completed

So I had my TAVR implanted yesterday without issue. I already feel better and can breath deeper and have more energy. I'm sure that will continue in the weeks to come.

Pretty much right after my implant, my BP increased which they said is normal. While getting ready for discharge, I had a very short bout of VT that I barely felt, but they saw it on their monitors and wanted to make sure it wasn't valve related. They said it wasn't. Possibly just the heart being pissed about...



this is probably a redundant post! i'm a 16 yr old who is about five days post-op from getting a pacemaker implanted. i was previously very active (however, i had to stop about a couple months ago due to the fact i just had no energy from my heart condition) and i have been itching to resume activity for a LONG time. i was just wondering how long i should wait post surgery to start working out again? my doctor said there was no restriction except for just moving my arm but i'm st...


TAVR Surger

I am home from TAVR surgery.  I noticed my pacemker kind of hurts a bit...not bad but I am wondering if being moved from bed to table to bed and to table again for a second surgery due to some internal bleeding, if this jarred my pacemaker out of position and if so, will it slip back into place?


Discharge from hospital

Hi, I am having a Biotronik placed June 1st.  I asked my doctor how long I'll be there and he said it's usually a same day procedure, but to be prepared to stay overnight.  I guess my question is, exactly how long did YOU stay?  I abhor hospitals and want to spend the least amount of time there as possible.  What do I need to do to break out of jail quickly?


After 1 month of my surgery

It's been more than 1 month after my surgery and I am feeling well. There are no complications or anything except some random pvc's. As I am only 28 years old, I am now a little concerned about my leads. like how many years they are going to be in a proper shape ?! This is the only concern because I read that the lead extraction process is super complicated and a majority of the patients who had to go through this lead revision process ended up having serious heart problems later in t...


Leadless pacemaker

My son is 13 year old. He had a dual chamber PM implant in March 2023. He is feeling good after the implant. He had two episodes of syncope because of AV block. As my son is too young, I would like to connect with young people with PM implant and would like to know their success stories.


TAVR Update # ? (I forget)

I heard back from the Interventional Cardiologists offfice today. I am cleared for TAVR without any stenting. Originally he was worried about coronary artery occlusion, but my situation was reviewed by other Boston area specialists along with Carpentier Edwards (Sapien) and all agree I'm good to go. My pre-op is next Wednesday, and my surgery on 06/01. I'll report back as usual. Thanks for all your support! 


Anxiety with leads being moved

Hi there,

I am almost at 3 weeks now since surgery. I feel great. I'm fully back at work, driving and my life is pretty much back to normal besides not being able to lift five pounds. However, now I'm worried that with me being back to my regular life I might have pushed myself too hard and my leads might have moved. There's no sign to point to that but I just have anxiety. Is there any sign that would tell me my leads have moved? Should I be worried? It's jus the return...


Update - TAVR

I saw the Interventional Cardiologist the other day. He is concerned that my left coronary artery could get occluded by my current valve leaflet when they are pushed aside by the new valve. He said I would have a heart attack on the table - OUCH! He said it is too close for him to decide alone so he is putting it out to other cardiologists as well as Carpentier Edwards as he is looking at the Sapien Valve. The surgeon doesn't think it is an issue. However, I'm glad for this doctor'...


Post implant dizziness

Does anyone have experience of have dizziness after in the days after PM implant?


My post op experience

Hello all,

Instead of only asking for advice and complaining about my pain and soreness, I wanted to give back some comments to others going through the same thing. My intial PM surgery on April 3rd, and then my lead revision on April 20th. So it was 17 days from the first to second surgery then 17 days to today.

So initially I had issues with breathing and a lot of soreness preventing me from sleeping. I'll pretty much blame the missing wire connection they had to fix. They t...



My biventricular ICD is close to skin erosion. It is not infected. It’s really painful. So next week they are doing a pocket revision into the muscle. Just wondering how painful it is, how long it takes, and what is recovery time?


Implant surgery

Pacemaker fitted two days ago. Getting occasional fluttering sensations in the chest similar to pre implant symptoms. Had ECG which is fine. Has anyone experienced similar sensations and do they pass?


Recovery, week 2ish

Hello again,

I apologize if I am making an issue for perhaps no reason at all, but I have questions about my recovery from my lead revision 13 days ago, to my initial pacemaker surgery on April 3rd. 

I have been feeling pretty strong and getting much better but since yesterday I feel a bunch of soreness and pain on my shoulder upper arm and a lot of stiffness around the incision location. Is it normal to feel such stiffness ? I met with the cardiologist team last...


2nd ablation

Hello all,

I had an ablation 2 years ago for Afib and a PM installed about 15 months ago.  I do feel better than I did prior to the ablation and the PM install but afib is back.  I have some symptoms but nothing compaired to 2 years ago.  I see my EP next week, I do not know what they will suggest but I am guessing a second ablation.  I did not like the recovery period after the ablation, it was almost 2 weeks of very limited activity before I felt better. ...


Update - All tests for TAVR complete and I passed!

So, it's a go for TAVR if I choose to go that route. I have seen the cardiothorasic surgeon, had a CT Cardiac and pelvic scan (checking for CAD &  my femoral arteries). No CAD or other issues and everything is a go. I still have to see the interventional cardiologist before the procedure is schedulled. I've been gouging my eyes out reading up on the latest research between TAVR and/or SAVR.. If you haven't been following, or read my bio, this will be a valve in valve proc...


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic man.

Member Quotes

Sometimes a device must be tuned a few times before it is right. My cardiologist said it is like fine tuning a car.