Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Not sleeping

Hi all I am a newby here. Less than 3 weeks since having pacemaker fitted. Had been ill for a few weeks but did not think it was anything like this. Ended up in the AnE department. Was admited to a cardio ward and fitted on the 4th day, I had total heart block. I am 60 years old.

The healing has gone well except I can not get good sleep. It takes me an age to get to sleep then 50mins later I am awake again. I am getting exhausted . I dont go for a check up for another 5 weeks. Andy...


A new arrival!

Hi all - just about 2 days out from my implantation (10/23). A little backstory: my team's been following me for a few years as we waited for pacemaker time (bradycardia + sick sinus syndrome + a few structural abnormalities, all congenital).  I could feel that everyday things were getting harder, so I did a 30-day monitor earlier this year to get more data (and a cardiac MRI to get images of the structural things for my EP).  The whole team agreed it was time.  So it was n...



Getting a pacemaker on 11/10 for bradycardia. Have had a slow heart rate for 40+ years. Now that I'm 67 my electrophysiologist is recommending a PM. Also had some asymptomatic Afib and Aflutter. It'good to find an online group to chat with. Looking forward to exchanging experiences.


New to this

Hi....I'm a 53 year old male who received a pacemaker this month. Would love to chat with Anyone that knows of these things. Feeling ok. Woke up today with severe shoulder pain on side of pacemaker. If anyone is feel to chat today, I'd appreciate it. Very isolated among who I know. No one understands or can relate. Tytyty



Everyone, I had a three prong CRT-D implaned five weeks ago.  I never had any heart problems, but was diagnosed with a left bundle branch blockage in a routine EKGin preparation for surgery on my hand.  I was not fatigued, short of breath and had no symptoms.  Now after the surgery, I feel tired, my legs hurt and I am generally anxious at night when I go to bed.  I feel my heart beating.  I have monitoring on my cell phone.  No one has called me about any info my...


Going in for Groin Cardiac Ablation

Hi Everyone, I hope this message finds you well...

Last year I had a pacemaker implanted and now due to Afib factors I am going in 10 days for Heart Ablation through my groin.

Does anyone have advice on what I should expect?

In regards to average hospital stay, pain following procedure and recovery...

To be honest I am stressed about this and when I spoke with Surgeon I mentioned I also had Fybromyalgia so pain is a concern and his answer was "We will give you mor...



Hi. Just got a pacer on Sunday night.  Had no clue I had any issues with my heart. No conduction issues I was aware of.  Was bradycardic Saturday evening, didn't feel well so went to the er .  Progressed to a third degree block by Sunday evening. Had surgery at 930 pm with a half hour notice. Not a hospital that had an electrophysiologist there.     My question is, is it normal to feel like I've skipped a beat when I've taken a bite of food, chewed and swa...


After effects of transcutaneous pacing

Hello all, almost nine months on from the installation of my flux capacitor and the mental road has been rocky of late. Working through the feelings and emotions with my psyche at the moment and looking to move forward. Recently saw my cardiologist and he has assured me everything is working as it should and 'normal' life shouldn't be a goal, rather a given. Easier said than done it seems.

Now, my 'recovery' question is regarding 'transcutaneous/external pac...


Pacemaker incision

Hi everyone,

I had a pacemaker put in 6 weeks ago and everything is working well.  My question is: my incision is still sore especially to the touch.  The doctor said it may be because I don't have much fat due to the fact I'm a small person.  Or does it take much longer to heal up?  Makes any sense?


Thank you

I'd like to thank you all for helping me with my post surgery concerns.  My pacemaker was inserted in February this. I didn't join, but you were my go to!  I always say that if you don't experience something, your expertise is merely from what you read or hear.  You all are like a pacemaker cabinet filled with people who have hands on knowledge.  I trust your posts more than I do my pacemaker clinic who has made a lot of bad decisions on my part and is a bit la...


New pacemaker


I had a pacemaker fitted on Thursday in Edinburgh. Due to complications with sedation, I had the operation under local anaesthetic. I felt such a hero. For about two hours, I felt great. And then the anaesthetic wore off.

The pain at the side and down my left arm is horrendous. I am not able to lie down and have to sleep sitting up, which is not something I find easy. 
I also from time to time can feel a heartbeat. Sometimes two or three. My surgeon said that I will...


ICD armpit restriction


I'm just shy of 3 weeks post op and have noticed when I try to move my left arm across my chest to wash the right side of my face or just to reach across that way it feels like the ICD/pacemaker sticks out into my armpit restricting how far I can move my arm across my chest. Has anyone else had this? Did it resolve with time/healing or is this something I need to learn to live with?



Surprise sedation

Hi everyone. So I'm at the hospital before my pm change and learned I will get light sedation after all, not just a local.  Yes!

see you on the other side!


I am due for a pacemaker change..

Between two and 5 months I am get new pacemaker.  Mine is eight years old. They check battery getting low. Not sure if I was told. The new ones are 1/3 smaller or 1/3 as big as mine from 2015, matronic. Told it is out patient procedure. In and out by the afternoon. If anyone has had a change recently.  I would appreciate any advice, or what to expect. 


Pulse below pacer low limit

Hi---new member here.
Just had a pacer put in this week with a low limit of 60. Things were going fine until yesterday, when I checked the pulse ox my pulse bounced around 40s and 50s even going to 30s once. I do have AFib and when pulse ox was registered 60 the first days was likely out of it. I believe I'm probably in it now. Even so, the low numbers scare me (I dont mind when it goes 70s 80s).


Unexpectedly extreme pain following implant

Hi. I'm new here... I just got my ICD implanted 4 days ago, and the post-surgical pain is extreme; much worse than I expected. I usually have a pretty high tolerance to pain, but this is really bad. My doctor says that's not normal, and the Tylenol I'm taking should be managing it just fine. (I got the impression they don't believe me about the pain, or they think I'm being a baby.) 

The pain is only bearable when I have ice on it, which I'm keeping on const...



Hi, I just received my pacemaker last week, is there supposed to be large bump where the incision is? The area does not hurt or look infected, just wondering if it is just normal, or maybe a hematoma? It's been there since day 1.


This newbie got the shock of her life--(no pun intended)

Hi--after 2 years of telling me nothing was wrong with my heart my cardiologist ordered a 21 day event monitor. I had a 5 minute conversation with him about the results on June 29. He told me I needed a pacemaker and he walked out of the examing room. My implant was scheduled for July 11, then postponed and then finally happened on July 18, 2023. 

I had no clue what I was going to experience and  am hoping some of my fellow members can tell me if they have experienced any of t...


New device and cardioversion

Thank you all for letting g me be a part of this club.   I have had my PM for 12 years and am getting a Medtronic PM replacement on 8/14.  However, I have been in afib for 3 months and will have a cardioversion prior to the PM implant.  A couple of questions..  What happens if I don't come out of afib with the cardioversion?  Also, what can I expect after the PM replacement  (it is only the device, no lead replacement)?  And, how long will this all...


Weird but brief complication of leg pain after PM procedure

This week is my 2-year anniversary of receiving a St. Jude PM, am finally taking the plunge and posting after 2 years of lurking.

The procedure went fine 2 years ago, no complications with anaestheia or anything.  I was sent home the next day, and felt OK the rest of that day.  The next day I could hardly walk.  I could sit down and get up out of a chair all right, but when I tried to take a step forward, had extreme pain at the very tops of my legs, like the muscles...


You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.