Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

New Dual Chamber Pacemaker

I am revising my post from yesterday as I now realize it  was a bit  confusing

I am attaching the cardiologists notes for clarification



 In 1997 they put in a single chamber pacemaker due to a tick byte. I had third degree heartblock. Initially my pacemaker was pacing 77% of the time and  went down to 1%. I was in great shape...execizing and no issues

This past May, I had open heart surgery due to a leaky aortic valve and ne...


Tricuspid Valve Repair - Regurgitation caused by PM Wire

Hey everyone,

I read some of the previous forms around this but couldn't find any recent ones. I was wondering if anyone has any experience getting a valve repair? I haven't been able to find as much online about a repair vs a replacement. I am mainly curious about recovery and the patient experience.  I have had to get a wire removed before and it was brutal for me, but I have never had a valve issue until now. So mostly just trying to figure out what to expect.



Rehabilitation from Thrombosis

Hi Everyone

I have written a couple times on this excellent forum and would just like to ask for some advice on rehabilitating from Deep Vein Thrombosis.

It's been 18 days since I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my Subclavical vein, at the site of the entry of the leads of my Pacemaker. This happened 6 weeks post operation. I initially injected Hibor (Heparin) for 2 weeks and then I was thankfully moved onto Apixaban. I was offered the choice of Warfarin or A...


open heart surgery for a mitral valve when you have a pacemaker

Has any one out there had to have open heart surgery for a leaking mitral valve that has alredy got a pacemakerr? I certainly would like to hear from you.


Pacemaker placement

Hi, I am 47 years old, My pacemaker was installed at the end of March after a few episodes of Asystole and a 12 second pause but no real cardiac diagnosis prior. My question is perhaps in the wrong section but wasn't sure where was appropriate. I have lost about 60 pounds since my pacemaker was installed and because of this there is literally no "meat" between the pacemaker and my skin.. I feel like I need to constantly protect it because it is right under my skin.. I guess I am...


Post-op recovery/pain advice

Hey all,

My partner (congenital complete heart block) is 6 months out from a box change (his third) and although the wound has healed he's experiencing a lot of pain/sensitivity in the area, so I wanted to reach out and ask about others' experiences.

How long was the surgical wound bothering you?

The surgery was pretty intense (more than we expected, as the surgeons decided to both remove some historic scar tissue and bury the box deeper than his others had been) but...


Any Leadless pacers out there?

Considering the dual Avenir in late spring at Cleveland since they are experienced with it.

Has anyone got one - single or dual? How was surgery?  Did they remove the old leads?



I have sick sinus syndrome with bradycardia and infrequent tachycardia. I'm 76 and very active. I filed horses hooves yesterday and wonder if there are magnets in a side grinder. 🧐 I'll get my Biotronik pacemaker next Monday. There are so many things to learn. I've been reading as much as possible from unhappy campers as well as those who have been relatively complication free. I think mental attitude has a huge influence and I'm optimistic because I'm asymptomatic mostly....


mitrial valve surgery when you have a pacemaker

Has anyone out there had to have a mitrial valve surgery that already had a pacemaker? 


New pacemaker

I had the micra AV implanted awhile ago, but ended up needing to switch to a dual chamber pacemaker with leads. I just got the new one put in yesterday and am not sure if this pain is normal. Of course I have the usual pain at the incision site, but when I lay down or sit just wrong, every single breath I take is excruciating upon inhale. I told my doctor this and he was not listening to me and told me to give it 2 days. I just can't imagine this being a normal thing. Laying down is worse...


pending spine surgery

Hoping someone on this site might have had spine surgery.  Either the Kyhoplasty or the Vertebroplasty.   Did you have any problems?  Or was everything ok?

I beleive i would like the one that uses the balloon to block the glue from my spine.  Since i am sensitive to all glues.   The PA in the spine doctors office said i have a compression fracture and need to have surgery to fill in the space.  In order to hopefully not to have anymore f...


Post surgery restriction

So I had my pacemaker implanted 11/21. I'm still a little sore. For the most part I seem to be doing okay. I have my first follow up appointment tomorrow. I was reading through the literature that came with my Boston Scientific pacemaker. There is a list of restrictions on power equipment listed in the pamphlet. I will talk to my doctor at my follow up. I am a little concerned when I return to work. I work for a business that sells and services lawn and other power equipment. I work as a...


Difficult Surgery

I had my ICD fitted yesterday and it was an incredibly traumatic experience. 

I was supposed to have dual chamber ICD fitted by due to complications they could only get one lead in.

Basically, whenever they tried to place the lead in certain positions I started to feel my throat close up, like I couldn't breathe and started getting dizzy. The only way I could describe it is slow suffocation.

The first time it happened I tried to wait as long as possible before sayin...



Had a Medtronic W1DR01 PM implanted one week ago today. Everything is fine. I am noticing a rash on my chest up to near my neck and down around my armpit. Anyone ever experience this? I'm just using Benydryl for the itch. It's better when I wake up in the morning. Very strange.


Pacemaker implant


I had my Pacemaker procedure done six days ago.

The only question I have has to deal with my pain around the incision.  For the past couple of days, my pain is sporadic.  I go through periods, of approx. 3o minutes feeling NO pain, than all of a sudden it reapears.  The intensity of the pain is pretty much the same level as I had in the recovery room.  My pain never has been severe.  I only take Tylenol and not that often.

I was just wonderi...



Had my PM put in on Friday. It was breeze. There was never any real pain. Just soreness at the incision site. Don't notice anything different with my heart, other than a steady 60BPM, which is dramatically different from the 30-40BPM I've had for the past 40 years. I do notice a tiny bit of numbness in my left hand post op. I'm thinking that maybe the site swelling is impinging on the brachial plexus and causing that sensation? I don't think it's coincidence.&nbs...


New Device

I had my Bostom Scientific Accolade implanted on November 8, 2023 and was able to come home the following day. I was diagnosed with Winchebach 2, as well as right and left branch bundle block three years ago and during my visit with the cardiologist last month, my problem had reached the point where a pacemaker would be needed. I had no stamina and had to take three to four naps a day just  to perform my basic routines.  I am amazed  at how well my heart beats no...


Pacemaker Upgrade


This Tuesday, 11/07/23, I got a pacemaker upgrade from a single atrial lead to a duel lead (atrial, ventricular leads) due to pacemaker syndrome. The electrophysiologist also did a pocket revision and moved it up as my original pocket was in the breast tissue. I don't remember it hurting this much the last two times, and also keep getting sharp quick pains at the insertion area and by my heart. I'm taking Tylenol and keeping an ice pack on the area. Any oth...


Cleveland Clinic - Post Surgery Information

Hi - looks like I need extractions and want to plan out the best place at my age to get 2 done. Being Canadian this is out of pocket. If any of you have paid to go to Cleveland for surgery, can you send me a message so I can start planning what is feasible before I get my heart set on it?  I realize you may not want to post it directly.  I really appreciate it.


2 months Post Pacemaker/ICD and AV Node Ablation

It will be 2 months tomorrow that I had a Medtronic Claria MRI Quad CRT Defibrillator implanted and an AV Node ablation.  I thought I would be feeling happier about the decision to have this done by now, but I would say overall my arrhythmia is no better and frequently worse.  I was in 2 weeks ago and they did the final settings on my device.  They set the low rate at 70 and the high at 130.  I would say I am rarely at 70 resting.  I had to stop Jardiance for 2 weeks...


You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.