Most Recent Messages in Complications

moving pacemaker

They are going to move my pacemaker from my shoulder to my abdomen so I can have radiation on my back chest area for cancer treatment. Has anyone had this proceedure done?




I had a Medronic Dual Chamber P.M. install in March 2006 after collapsing with a full heart block. Since having the p.m. installed I have experienced episodes of feeling that I am going to blackout. These episode's last from a split second to 10 seconds. I have seen my cardiologist who has scanned my carotid arteries, heart, kidneys and I wore a heart monitor for ten days. In addition my p.m. has been checked several times and is functioning correctly. All test have shown that n...


PM Lead goes down not up

Hello, Had a St Jude PM put in last Oct. Got Broncuitus in Nov and coughed for over a month. St Jude tested th PM today and said something was wrong. Dr sent me for xray and found one of the leads in my heart was going down to the lower heart area with the other lead. Now I have to go in to the hospital Thurs and have it changed or a new lead put in. Has anyone ever had that experience? Mr Frog


Incision still bleeding

Hi, my mom had a pm in Sept.06 then in Dec. 06 she had to have it removed due to leads misplaced and major infection. A week later she had another pm put in on her right side and now here it is April.07 and she is still having blood coming from the new site. I'm wondering if it is possible that her body is rejecting the pm or if there is some major infection going on inside.


pain at site,?use of tegretol

Hi. I have had my pacemaker since mid January and am having pain at the site, my dr says I'm too thin, the pacemaker is still moving around in there!! Has anyone ever been prescribed Tegretol for this problem? The dr. is reluctant to redo the surgery. Help!!! Thanks, Karen


irregular beat

I have had an av ablation and am 100% pm dependant. I had real bad symptoms with the afib that all most made me crazy. When I got my pm in two years ago I haven`t felt any wild thumping in my chest at all. All I can feel is my pm pacing my ventricules. Feels like a normal heartbeat, although I am still in afib. Thursday night my body kinda got jerked around real bad and I could feel my heart out of rhythm for about 1 hour or so. I have not had that problem since I had my pm. Has anybody got a cl...


tingle in left arm

please let me know if anyone else has had any tingling in there left arm, it seems to be getting worse as the weeks go on. dont want to go to the e.r. if i dont have to. thanks


EMT's and a pacemaker

My brother had his first pacemaker put in 10 years ago; it was replaced almost 5 years ago. It was checked in March and scheduled to be re-checked in May for battery life. In May it would have been 5 years old. He died suddenly this week without having any known problems. When the EMT's came and were told that he had implanted pacemaker, they said they were not picking up any signal from it.

Does this sound like battery failure? I called the measurement company and was told the E...


Having a good time..

Hey everyone i am so glad that i have found this site! its great. Well i know that this question may be something that alot of people look down upon but has anyone had any complications with their pacer because of drinking? Im 22 years old and like to go out and have a good time. I am just afraid that something could happen. So if some of you have had experience with drinking with your pm and could tell me about it that would be great! thanks



Hi I don't know if this is the right forum for me. I do not have a pacemaker but my 46 yr old husband had one implanted almost 3 weeks ago and life has gotten worse not better.
He had the PM put in after a car accident indicated that his heart was pausing. We were told that shortly he would be better than ever. He was a healthy man, walks 8 miles a day, doesn't drink, smoke, or eat poorly. He should have bounced back quickly from the procedure??? His dr. wants another blood test in 3...


AT 500

Is there anyone out there who is having problems with this model. It was great at first, then about six months later I started to feel really awful. They went in and found out a lead wasn't turned on, I felt great again, now I back to feeling awful.


Recalls on faulty St Jude ICDs

There used to be information in this forum about recalls on faulty pacemakers & ICDs. I don't see anything about that now. How would I find this information. Thank you. Marcia



Posted by ChristMMPace on 2007-01-29 15:35

Six years ago I remember being at work with a Holter Monitor strapped to my waist and the guys telling me I looked like a science project. We laughed and carried on about it all day long. The next day I return the monitor back to the Doctor's office and resumed life as normal. A few days later I was at work and over the radio I heard of an airplane that struck the World Trade Center. Everyone paused for a f...


chest pain/short breath after pacemaker

I am 60 yr old female with dual lead pacemaker implanted Feb. 20, 2007. During surgery I felt pain, (same pain I experienced with cardiolite test). I spoke up, they said it was just them testing the pacemaker and NO, I would not feel that again - BUT I do - It is the same pain I feel when they test it. I feel it and it causes me to stop walking (rest) only after walking accross a parking lot, next door to the neighbors, or even the vibrations when riding in the car. It will stop when I stop...


infection vs. rejection

Hi. I am a visiting nurse. My patient, who became my friend, who became like my family, is back in the hospital to have her pacer replaced, again. Her first pacer lasted about 3 years and she went in to have it replaced last week and after 5 days it was not capturing and she needed to go back to the hospital. They opened her up and replaced it and found that either she has an infection from the leads or she is rejecting them. Has anyone else ever experienced this?


What to do?

I am 33 yrs. old and I got my pacemaker put in May 2006. Right after the sugery I felt chest pain and was told that I had an effusion. This went on for 6 weeks...they did an echo weekly and told me it would go away. I was very unfortable but hung in there thinking it would pass. Well it didn't, in July I had tampenade and almost died. They redid a wire that was loose and had to make a pericardial window in my heart tissue to drain the fluid, 16 oz.

I am writing this post because...



i meant in the event of failure of the pacemaker do you have time to go to a hospital. i believe i understood in the past you do jessie



Hi there everyone... I was just wondering if anyone has ever felt there PM kick in (so to speak lol) I was busy all day and the first time I sat down today I felt my PM start beating.I have never felt it before and it felt slow to pick up to me.My heart rate was 40 for almost 2 min.(the PM is set for 50) but I felt light headed for a few sec. and then it was hard to get my breath and I could feel every beat (felt hard) from my head to toes. My heart picked back up by itself after a few mins but...



I need wonderwoman to tell me what my comments are saying. She the only one who can see invisible things, like her invisible Please help!




Hi there everyone... I was just wondering if anyone has ever felt there PM kick in (so to speak lol) I was busy all day and the first time I sat down today I felt my PM start beating.I have never felt it before and it felt slow to pick up to me.My heart rate was 40 for almost 2 min.(the PM is set for 50) but I felt light headed for a few sec. and then it was hard to get my breath and I could feel every beat (felt hard) from my head to toes. My heart picked back up by itself after a few mins but...


You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

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Without this little machine, we would not be here.