Most Recent Messages in Complications




Big changes

Hi all, I have had my biventricular pacer ICD since March 2006. It has been running very well, with it pacing my ventricles 98% of the time, but it has only needed to take over my pacing 40% of the time and the events have been minimal. In the past 6 months this has all changed, it is now pacing 89% of the time and I have had over 100 svt's each interrogation. I have also developed angina. (This is relieved by the patches and the spray) My main concern is that there may be a blockage in the...


? about my son

He had a pacemaker put in in November. Every once in awhile he gets a sharp pain where the pacemaker is and then will get dizzy and light headed. Does anyone else have this problem or know what would be causing it? I'm not sure if he gets a pain and then has a panic attack or what. His pacemaker has been checked and it working fine.

Thank you


Pacemaker Got Hit...

Hello, I'm a 34 yo male and have had a dual chamber Medtronic pacemaker for about 3 months now, working beautifully. A couple days ago however, it took a direct hit from my 9 year old son's flying elbow during some horseplay :) which shoved it inward and pulled the skin over it. It still seems to be working just fine, but the site is extremely tender and there's this internal itch throughout the entire area that is driving me insane. Seems like a silly thing to call my electrophysiologist abo...


Any Suggestions?

41 on 3rd pm put in nov 2006. 18 yr old leadwires. left arm numb, pain, tingles, twitches since nov implant. cardiol. says not related to pm. problems swallowing- throat tightens up like muscles frozen. says not related to pm.all this started in nov. dizzy spells and fainting since may. discussed putting in new leads with new pm in nov. card. insisted we get as much time as possible out of them. 6 months down the road, i am fainting. about to be divorced with no health insurance in one month. an...


life insurance

Would anyone be able to suggest/reccomend any companies that will provide life insurance? I am finding it really difficult to get a policy for myself because of my pacemaker. Thank you!


Acute Heart Attack


I wanted to ask you if you've ever been through a Triple Bypass Surgery. My aunt had a acute heart attack this passed Saturday. I'm very upset because she's like my second mother to me. My heart went out to her yesterday, the doctors had to do a Balloon and place a stent in her to open up the blockage. She feels and looks great. They said, she needs to have a triple bypass surgery. I was wondering what to expect from the post operation issues. I'm very; very hurt by t...


Alcohol effects

I just had an interesting checkup. When I was connected to my doctor's computer, he could tell when I had been drinking, such as Christmas and my Birthday, by the spikes of dysrhythmia when I had a lot to drink! Life is just a ballance of coffee and alcohol, and both seem to effect me. Combinations of the two seem to do the worst. The doctor doesn't think I can do any permanent damage, but wants to put me on cumidin if I have more episodes to prevent stroke. I think I have enough blood thin...



Hi Folks - I need help yet again. I did a search here on edema and came up with a little info. As mentioned my husband has had his bi-ventricular ICD a little less than 2 weeks. His feet are swelling and he is experiencing quite a bit of SOB (not like the flash pulmonary edema he was experiencing before which was the reason for the 3 lead). I am definitely calling someone on Monday, but in the meantime trying to get through the weekend. From my search it seems that some people have experien...


Reflux or Gas

Hello all, I am a raw recruit to a Medtronic PM to stop pauses in my pulse and resulting fainting. It was getting steadily worse with severe pins and needles in the limbs. The PM seems to be doing its job as it is set at about 70 bpm whereas my normal was 56 bpm.
However since the implant three weeks ago I get these unbearable pains in midsection just below rib cage. It hurts if I laugh and to lie down but eventually I get comfortable.
First time it happened I thought I was having a he...


pacemaker thumps every 3 hours

Hi my family is trying to figure out why our 9 year old daughter's pacemaker thumps three times every three hours around the clock. She's had an EKG at the time when it happened but no medical staff were present they say the jump on the EKG is from her moving but she never moved an inch we watch her tummy as it jumped three times. She's now doing a 24 hour holter. I feel like we're not being listened to because she doesn't actually ever loose a pulse and the doctors have never heard of a pm t...



hi all! i posted a little over a week ago about chest and throat pain when i breathe in starting after i had my PM implanted. last week (4 weeks after implant), i was on my honeymoon in the Georgia mountains with what i thought was a cold that wouldn't get better and my chest and throat were starting to hurt more, so i went to a local doctor hoping to get some meds and enjoy the rest of the week. well, the dr heard something in my heart and ordered and echo, so the next morning i went in for an...


CHF & 3 lead

Hi everyone. Another problem/question. My husband just had his 2 lead ICD (implanted 10/06) changed on Monday to a bi-ventricular 3 lead due to CHF. Came home Tues., went back in on Thurs. due to a low grade fever. Nothing showed up on blood tests. He was given IV antibiotics and now oral at home We finally got out on Sunday. They "think" he may have had a pneumonia in his right lung. When we went in on Monday for the ICD his weight was 120. When we went back in on Thursday his weight wa...


Intermittent pain


I made a moved my arm backward yesterday and got a sharp pain over my pacemaker site. It last about half an hour. It was a sharp intermittent jagging pain. It is still happening every so often. Could it be a box or wire moved over a nerve or something. Would be grateful for any info. Thanks.


Allergic to tape

I got my PM on Monday. After surgery the DR. covered my wound , and used a clear tape to cover the whole thing. Boy, within a few hours, I felt a burning. I looked, and the whole area underneath the tape was red and swollen. They removed the tape (which also removed several layers of sore skin, as well - OUCH!) I had to stay in the hospital 2 extra days due to the threat of infection. Who would think -- the tape? Barb.

P.S. The PM is doing find.


blood clots

I have read a lot on here about blood clots.
That people are more likely to have strokes after PM is implanted. My mom just had a stroke and I am concerned about that and much more.



My implant Shocks me as I grow and its gotten to the point that im loseing sleep and im getting vary mad and im ready to blow.


Thanks for your responses re Mom

Thanks to all of you who responded to my mom's problems with chest pain, shortness of breath. Karen, I hope you are feeling better, and would love to hear how your dr. appt. went (1st week of May, I believe).

Mom is still having the pain and breathing problems, and I am taking your advice Smitty, and others, and seeking a second opinion from another doctor who is not affiliated with her pacemaker implant's.

Best Regards,



2 lead to 3 lead

First of all special thanks to Smitty, Surferman, Suze for your posts. It is a comfort to hear from other folks in similar situations. My husband wants to know if anyone here has had a 2 lead changed to a 3 lead and if so how did it go? He's pretty much decided to go through with it as there isn't much choice at this point. Again this evening he was having trouble, but we hopefully avoided another ER trip with the nitro spray. I'm going to try to call cardio tomorrow and see if there is any...


changing from a 2 lead to a 3 lead

Hi everyone, I recently posted because my husband has been having bouts of CHF and several trips to the hospital because of fluid build up in his lungs. A little reminder on background - he has had cardiomyopathy for about 9 years and last Oct. had a Medtronic 2 lead ICD implanted because of v-tach. Now because of the CHF and it seems they are out of options other than a heart transplant our cardio wants us to talk to the EP about changing this one out for a bi-ventricular (3 lead). He is so...


You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

Member Quotes

I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.