Most Recent Messages in Complications

Frozen Sholder

What is this and how do I prevent it?


Pacemaker for SSS now Heart beating SVT

Hello, It's been a long time since I was at the site--
In Dec 2006 I got my new Medtronic Adapta. Things have been great. I had a pacemaker checkup 4 weeks after in implant, everything was great. I was told with this pacemaker I would have it checked every six months. Well, that was in July, and I had 19 episodes of SVT. My doctor did not like the results and had the rep could to his office and have a recheck. Now I'm on a Beta Blocker(hate the side effects) again and back to 3 month check...



Have not been on for a bit but the site changes are great,love it.Anyway my question is about a fib and pacer i have been in a fib now for several days went to er and the Dr there said i was throwing pvc and i told him no i think thats the pacer he said you are probably right LOL and he is the Dr. anyway since i already was diagnosed with afib they just said call my dr see what he wants to do so i did he said double my tambacor and see him on 8/14 well the problem is i am still in a...


Pinching around PM after 6 wks.

Just wondered if an;yone has experienced a pinching sensation around the pacemaker after 6 weeks of the implant? This occurs on a sporadic basis. I have not done anything as far as heavy exertion until Tuesday. I played my first tennis game but used my right hand...implant on left side. I did lift some pebble stones in a bag that same day but have really not lifted anything heavy during this entire period. Please contact about this if you have experienced same feeling. Thanks Gene Ray


Breast Cancer & PM

I have a question fro the group:
Have anyone here developed breast cancer within a year of having their pacemaker implanted? Within a few months of recieving a PM I developed BC in the same side the PM is implanted. For the first few months following the implantation my PM was going off daily. As I recall from previous science clases, submitting a cell or other living thing, to constant shocks can cause it to grow out of control or at least much faster than normal.


Follow up on muscle spasms

Hello, well I went to the cardio and after all day of testing and x rays, I found out that the spasms are from the ICD. The upper lead has worked it's self out and wound around the generator. So next week they are going to replace the lead......The lead had been firing into my muscles. I have never heard of this, but the Dr. says the it happens once in awhile. If any of you have wierd symptoms, make sure they figure it out. Good luck and God bless you all.....


what just happened???

Hi there. Just sleeping away down here in Australia at about 1 am, when something happened!!!

I was lying on my tummy sound asleep when I was awakened by something electrical, a bit like a small electical shock and a noise like a zzzzzzzzzz. At first I thought "oh ___" what was that!!?%&#*

Well I am truly awake now and am about to look through the site to see if I can find as answer. If anyone else is out there and can help me I'd appreciate it.

I have a Medtroni...


Does anyone have muscle spasms

I have had a dual pm/defib implaneted in march of this year, all has been well...Except that In the last week I've been having muscle spasms, at first it was the area in my right ribs, then it changed to the left rib area, then it move to my left arm, then the area over the icd on the left side. I went to my primary Dr. and she said to call the Cardio. I go in tomorrow but I have never heard of such a thing. Has anyone else had these problems? Thanks and God bless you all......



Hi Everyone,
well it's been a month since I had my first PM implanted and besides a little discomfort I thought I was doing really well.
I had to go in to see my regular MD yesturday and she listened to my heart and said I have a murmur. Well this threw me off guard bc I never had a murmur before. She thinks it might be due to the PM wires or the scarring over the wires. I have and ecocardiogram scheduled soon to see what might be causing this murmur.
I am writing this bc I...


Dizzy yet again

Hello all,

I have an issue any thoughts would be appreciated.

I am 44 y.o.f.m. SSS duel chamber pm. for 4 years. When I was first implanted I spent my first year dizzy. It was crazy, I could not lean over or get up fast without "spinning" I went to my cardio dr and PCP they ran tests to no availe. It slowed and then stopped for a few years.

Well it's back. It started about a week ago. I can just sit down and I start spinning. It takes a minute to get my h...


possible pacemaker infection

Hi everyone. I am a 34 woman who had my pacemaker placed on 6/25/07 (St. Jude) for asymptomatic high grade AV block. Since 7/15/07 I have had drainage from my incision site and the site keeps opening more, it is now about halfway open. I was started on Keflex 500mg four times a day. I have seen my EP doc 2 times since then and have been to the ER twice. I am fearful that my pocket will become infected and will need my pacemaker replaced. After 9 days of antibiotics the site is still draining lot...



Hi Folks,
I had my implant at the end of April...things went very well. I am doing fine. I did start a cough..dry..and it has lasted up to this day. My GP says there is nothing in my must be an allergy. I was just wondering if anybody that the same symptom..I really don't think it is the PM but I though I would ask...I am on vasotec for the last 10 years so I don't beleive it is the drug...any suggestions/


Soreness,shoulder pain

I found this wonderful site last night and joined immediately. A big thank you to you all for describing all your initial fears and pain - at last I know I am normal.

I have been in pain since June 12 when I had my Medtronic PM inserted. Glue was put on my wound and it would not move until after a month and the pain is less intense. I now have soreness where the PM is, at the side near the shoulder and the shoulder itself. The sorenes is also all across the collar bone and across...


beating in arm

I don't know what I was thinking, the beating is in my Dad's left arm, the side where the PM is located.


beating in right arm

my dad just had a pacemaker installed last Monday. He's 82.
He's home now, but claims he doesn't feel any better. He told me today that he has beating in his right arm, and it feels warm. I asked him if it is constant, and he said it's not. I'm thinking that this might be caused when the pacemaker kicks in. I caled Medtronic, but they won't give me any answers, said to call his Doc, but it's Saturday. Any advice? Is this normal?


beating in left arm

Thanks so very much, Smitty...and Gellia2, for the info. Saw my Dad tonight. He is walking much better, quicker and more sound steps. I think he expected a miraculous recovery, wanted to feel better instantly (as the Doctor said he would). I told him what I'd read from the "clubmembers" and that all recovery times vary. I will call the Doctor on Monday. They did not schedule a follow up appt. for him after he was discharged from the Hospital. II called the office, and they said my Dad will meet...


Moving pacemaker

I had a pacemaker implanted May 24 th this year 2007 , since the first week It turns up when I lay on my right side.I have to push it back in place. The doctor said it would probably be O.K. It stays some what sore. has anyone had this problem?


Sore throat

Hi all, four weeks since I had my op, not feeling bad on the whole except a feeling of tightness in my throat whenever I try to breath deeply or attempt any excersise. Did a little swimming this morning and that really set my throat off, quite painfull for 15 mins or so. Any advise on what may be the cause of it, I seem to remember reading other posts about the same problem.



Hi! I'm twenty years old and am having problems with my pacer. It is a dual chamber, but not a defibrillator. I had the pacemaker implanted in January of 2006. After a lot of pain, I had it relocated to be deeper under the muscle in November of 2007. I was doing okay for a while, but now it's coming back, worse than ever. I have an awful pain on the left side of my chest above my breast where the cite is. The pain also goes right below my underarm on my left side. The pain has recently been radi...



Wrong years, I apologize. It was first implanted January of 2006 and then relocated in November of 2006 as well.


You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.