Most Recent Messages in Complications

Not sure if my pacemaker is working

May 1st I had a Medronics pacemaker installed that was CRT-P with AV node ablation. The Dr set my BPM window at 60-130. I have had chronic AFib for years and the drugs were no longer working at all so I opted for the pacemaker. I've been in AFib for 5-6 days at least and until today my resting HR has been in the low 60's as it is supposed to be. In fact, everything has been wonderful, haven't felt this good in years. Today I felt odd and checked my BP and HR and the HR was staying...


Painful pectoral muscle by pacemaker site

I'm curious if anyone else has had pectoral muscle pain by their pacemaker implantation site? I am 2 1/2 years post-op implantation of my 2nd pacemaker, both on left side. This pacemaker was implanted by a different doctor than the 1st and he implanted it in a completely different site than the first, up high near my shoulder. My 1st was lower at the top of my breast. Also I had rotator cuff surgery on the same side about 3 months after the new pacemaker surgery. I am having constant...



Once again thanks Penguin for all your help. Will definitely contact Medtronic.

Can I ask does everyone have a Medronic thingy plugged into the mains next to their bed . I call mine The Watcher. It emits an eerie green glow and apparently sends information to my team. I just wondered if this was the norm.


Regards Y (I am not good on computers either but I try).



Thank you docklock, Penguin and Tracy E for your quick replies.

It seems sonic scaling is o.k. I would ask my team but cannot get through to them on phone , always busy. I think maybe I will stick to hand scaling by my dentist as he is left handed and apparantly its awkward for him with the lead.

NHS so busy all the time its difficult to speak to anyone let alone ask for a letter to be sent but appreciate your replies. Its all so new at the moment and I am finding it difficult to...


AV Node Ablation

Just had my 4th ablation.  this time an AV Node Ablation.   My heart rate has been going from the 80s up to 100 and down to 50.   No one seems to be particularly worried, except for me!!   Does anyone have an thoughts, information, etc.




See response below on 5/4 - you're all so dear.  Thank you!


I'm new and had my dual lead Metronics Azure pacer implant in January.  Briefly, without taking into account so many factors, the hospital did everything they could to ensure I had an unnecessary pacemaker installed.  Yes - unncessary.  I did not want it. I wanted another opinion, and they were ridiculous.  Putting a patient with a significant loss of muscle tone on a tread...


Anxiety about the pacemaker

Got my pacemaker implantation surgery done 12 days ago. Since then, I am always feeling anxious. I am 28 Year old. This thing is basically making me a mental patient. So many questions are going through my mind. After the implementation, I started to feel the problem which I used to feel before the surgery and rushed to the hospital. Doctor did an ECG test and said that my heart beat is high. It's around 120 and this is the reason I was getting the symptoms again. But the symptoms intensi...


SOB, chest pain, lack of energy

New here, just had a pacemaker implanted about 8.5 weeks ago, I believe, due to right & left bundle branch blockages that were discovered during a cardiac ablation procedure.

Since having the pacemaker implanted, I now feel worse than I did before. I have chest pain frequently (I've been hospitalized for it once), I'm so short of breath that daily activities of living such as washing dishes, swapping laundry from the washer to the dryer or walking around our small neigh...



I just had pacemaker extraction! They upgraded my pacemaker to a defibulater. Now if I have any incidents, it will send a shock.  FIRST question, I'm on 2 new medicines that I've never taken before, a beta blocker called carvedil (COREG) for heart rhythm, the other spironolactone(ALDACTONE) a water pill for heart.  One of these two is making my tinnitus worse, very loud and thumping, also dry cough, stuffy nose, not sleeping well and when I awake, I'm...


Lose my previous account

Hello .

I am sharif from Afghanistan. My mom hase techycardya.

I lost my previous account and return now with a new account

My mother is uneducated. That is why I myself this created account.

One year ago my mother infected by arithmia( tachycardia). She is 65 years old. Along 7 months she experienced 3 time fast heart rate. Then In fourth time, after 12 hour heart fast rate she had heart failure. When we carried him to hasp...


CRT-D site infection

I had my CRT-D replaced last November and since then I have had 3 flair ups of infection in the implant site.  So they are now going to monitor the next flair up which more than likely will occur in the next few days now that I finished the antibiotics.  So they are talking about a site change and system swap out which includes the three leads.  One lead has been in for 14 years and the other 2 for 7 years.  Admittedly the lead swap out was a bit of a suprise and worrying!...


diaphragm flutter

Has anyone experience flutters /spasms in your diaphragm that is related to you pacemaker ? I srted having them 6 months after my Medtronic biventricular pacemaker was put in. I am 100% paced , ventrically. Both my internist and neurologist say it's pacemaker electrophysiologist says it is not. I have had every test their is to test  triggers , with no luck.


Superior Vena Cava

I have had a tighness in the neck & prominent jugular veins for 2-3 weeks. I've had a CT scan that was clear. I'm obviously not imagining the symptoms. I wondered if any one has any ideas of what this may be? I have a single lead ICD with a lead revision 6 months ago after a failure.


Twilight anesthesia

I had my pm on 2/6. I may have to have an upper endoscopy soon with twilight anesthesia. Has anyone had one performed at a GI center and not at a hospital?



Thankyou all for responding to my concern. I cant wait to increase my fitness and this forum definately inspires me.

With gratitude.



Garmin 2 Swim compatability

Wondering if anyone with a meditronic device has used the Garmin and if so did they have any known problems?

I want to track distance and time for motivation.

Would really appreciate hearing .





Mood Disorders


44yo female, AV Heart block type 3

implantation May 2022, resting heart rate 24 at implant

I used pacemaker 100% of the time for first 6 months

now I am using 66% of the time, dr is perplexed about why


Prior to the pacemaker I was having severe mood swings and irritability. I did not know that I had bradycardia for likely over a year. My doctor has since told me that it was related to underlying heart condition and the COVID-19 va...


Upper endoscopy or co.onoscopy

I will be due for my upper endoscopy in early 2024. With a PM, is it safe to have the procedure done at the Doctor's GI center, or should it be done at the hospital as an outpatient?---in case the unthinkable happens, the resources are closer.

I had my pm mplanted in February and am a little nervous.



How soon after pm placement is it ok to have a mamogram? 


Anybody Had an MRI with a RECALLED Abbott PM 2272

I am the "proud" owner of a PM 2272 that is on the recall list of PMs that possibly were not glued together using the correct process AND I am going to need an MRI done.  Anybody had an MRI done with an implanted RECALLED PM 2272? My concern is that heat buildup from the MRI on the PM 2272 might cause the possibly incorrectly glued parts to loosen and leak.  Abbott says don't worry, they are monitoring for evidence that it is leaking.  However, since I pace 98% of...


You know you're wired when...

Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.