Most Recent Messages in Complications

New pacemaker questions

Hi! I'm Julien and I got a TAVR on 7/19/23 then a pacemaker on 7/20/23.

I have questions about a few activities. First, I like to build 50s style guitar amplifiers from parts. Some have hefty power transformers and all have output transformers, I'm not sure if it's safe to do. Of course I know to not put both hands on it but I still could get a minor shock but nothing that would run through me to ground. My real question is about any electrical field from a transformer, of c...


Fell on Shoulder..

Hi.. I fell hard on my left shoulder( pacemaker side) 7 days ago.... Pacing is fine, but have soreness in the left armpit and when I sneeze.. Thank you...


Widened QRS Duration and QTC Interval

I had my PM implanted about a year ago for symptomatic 2:1 AV block and though I feel somewhat better am still suffering from severe othostatic hypotension. My BP is dropping up to 40 mm upon standing. While trying to get to the bottom of this Ive noticed my EKG numbers dramatically worsened after the pacemaker.

QRS 86 to 152 
QTC 428 to 502
PR   178 to 248
HR 70 bpm, leads -Apex placed, Dual paced 73 yo male. 97% paced

Im a little concerned as I just...


Recent ICD/Pacemaker implant and apple watch said AFib today


I'm 34 and recently recieved the diagnosis of left ventricular non compaction, after having syncope for years, and recent tilt test that found I went into asystole for 18 seconds. Long story short I just recieved and ICD implant last week and am very new to this community! I just bought an apple watch to track my HR and my heart was feeling uncomfortable this evening and my watch said I was experiencing afib, which is a first that I've had any documentation (if apple watc...


Pacemaker pulsing


I had a pacemaker implanted in September 2022. For the first month I felt nothing unusual but since that time I have had intermittent but very pronounced pulsing, showing up in my abdomen, directly under my ribcage on the left side, so pronounced that I could take my pulse just by watching the movement of of my shirt over the abdomen. This pulsing often wakes me during the night and is so pronounced that my wife can feel it from her side of a wide bed. The cardiology department...


on going problem with double pacemaker

I had a double pace-maker put in 18 months ago - took 18 months and finally a loop recorder inserted that told them my heart was stopping for 14 seconds whilst I was asleep.  Right from the start I have had a pain middle of my chest - now and then to start with - I have been back 4 times to pacemaker place and each time they say the p.maker is fine working perfectly. Paid to go back to heart consultant twice  as it is quite painful now - does not happen when I am doing things - main...


Heart pain with physical exertion


I have had a biotrnik Edora for third degree complete av block for a bout a month.  I though i was going to be able to do some liftening especially with my right arm/hand.  I am finding it increasingly difficult to bend over and pick things up, like the occasional weed in the yard.  I also find carrying things with my right arm/hand causes pain in the heart and down the center of the chest where I assume (though I may be wrong) the wires are.  My device ge...


PM movement and vein thrombosis

Hello everyone,

i would like to tell you my experience as I have taken great encouragement from reading here the accounts of others.

I had a subpectoral implant nearly three month's ago for Sick Sinus Syndrome. The actual procedure took an hour and a half under local and was not pleasant. 

Like others, I found the post-op pain much worse than I had been prepared for.  I perhaps should have suspected this because thankfully I was given a good...


accelerated junctional rythm

Anyone have a junctional rhythm abnormality? 

My pacemaker is working well but I have this additional diagnosis of accelerated junctional rhythm.

Now being treated with calcium channel blocker - I feel better but still have some symptoms.


My whole world stopped

Hi everyone across the world.

I'm doing OK with my pacemaker friend, Gerry.

However, I experienced a very strange, for want of a better word, 'episode' today. 
I was watching TV. Got up to go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. No warning. Everything stopped. I wasn’t dizzy, lightheaded or anything. Numbers came into my head. Very bright. I thought it must be the beginning of something serious. I stopped moving and truly thought I was on my way somewhe...


CRT-D Extraction

Well they finally extracted the pacemaker and the leads after 5 infections to the site.  It wasn't plain sailing as people had suggested, it was a real adventure.

Sit down buckle up and break out the popcorn.

I suffer from depression and was in a Epworth Camberwell, mental health unit for a week to settle me down for the upcomming pacemaker extraction.  I was discharged from there only to go home into a house full of Covid.  I isolated as much as I could and was...


Hello everyone!

Very refreshing to have such a civil and sincere bunch of like wired people with a common interest. I had a Biotronic 2 wire pacemaker put in just six weeks ago. I have type two heart block which caused several fainting spells caused by very low HR. So glad to have the PM which gives me the piece of mind that something is keeping my HR above 60 and it's doing that very well. So the low end is set to 60 and the high end at 130. I'm 75 and still in fairly good shape. My problem is not u...


Pre-ERI issues?

Hello all, I've had a pacer for 28 years, different generators of course. I have been less than 3 months to ERI for a month now and over the last couple weeks I've felt completely fatigued, with chest pressure, and sob with activity. I have an interregion appointment tomorrow, because the at home checks show the pacer is fine, but I don't buy it. Guys I just don't feel right, has anything like this happened to anyone else?


Some discomfort

Hi Everyone! I am 6 months post op with pacemaker insertion. I am still having mild discomfort. I was told it could take 6 months for the nerves to settle down. Scar looks good, no infection, or temp. It feels a bit itchy still and tender. I can feel the device which surprised me. When I move or lie on my side there are times can feel it. Its still achy. I have a high pain tolerance but this is a bit unsettling. Surprised I'm feeling discomfort still. Did anyone have this experience? My c...


Medtronic Pacemaker vibrations

Is it possible my newly fully activated pacemaker vibrated at me in the middle of the night? It's been implanted for 2.5 months but only fully activated yesterday after my AV node ablation. 

It was monitored after the ablation and was working normally as it continues to do. 

Any advice appreciated. Thanks. 


Finally some answers!


Sorry for my absence on here, I am in the middle of A-Levels and have been very busy! I hope everyone is well and happy. 

So following from my last post about dilation... I managed to get in contact with my old team and they have said that,

"Looking back at your previous ECHO’s they do report a dilated aorta and left ventricle. Your aortic root is normal. The dilation in your aorta and left ventricle is to a certain degree expected in your conditi...


Pacemaker Infection

Has anybody here had one? How did you feel? How did they find out? What did they do about it? How are you now?

I haven't been feeling well the last 2+ weeks and if it was the flu I thought I should be better by now. So help me out with your experiences.

Thank you, FG


heated electrical vest

Hi all....heated vests have finally arrived in NZ...yes its taken a while...just checking in if they interfere with my 3 lead pacemaker at all..? There's a bit of different information out there..mine is a St Jude Pacemaker..thnks for any info..cheers Dave



In 2011 I was diagnosed with Brugada syndrome when I was 19 so a ICD was placed..long story short I was misdiagnosed and do not have anything wrong other than SVT that was fixed with an ablation in 2018. I just found out I now need to get my pacemaker & leads removed completely. Has anyone gone through a lead extraction? I am 31 years old & extremely nervous for this surgery as it is high risk and I have two little ones that need me so I'm quite nervous. 



Blood clots

Had to go back to ER last week bp 205/133 chest xrays show blood clots in lungs Has anyone had this happen? Pacemaker has been in 4 weeks this thursday 


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.