Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

cycling pacing

I am an active cyclist and  I am finding my hr can only go to 112 and then immediatedly drops to 51 bpm .    I am tired and would like to continue my progress cycling.   I have been to my medtronic clinic where a very nice technician has tried to reset my pacemaker twice.   The clinic does not have experience with someone as active as me.    Does anyone else have this problem?  

Mobitz type 2 heart block Feb 2023



Re this sad story,  why would an implanted cardio/defibrillator have meant that he couldn't climb?


Climbing, Swimming and Strength Training - Safe to do?

As well as being a competitive Cyclist I have always supplemented my training with other activities such as rock climbing / bouldering, strength training, yoga and swimming.

I have had mixed advice in regard to which exercises are safe to do due to the positioning of the leads that enter the subclavicle vein. I have been told by some doctors that repetition of movement in pull ups, for example, will cause excessive flexing and crushing of the lead under the clavicle bone and will p...


Returning to Competitive Cycle training

I am now trying to rebuild my fitness and return to a more reasonable level of Cycling but continue to struggle with the lack of information regarding this process. My question is about what the correct settings should be for the Pacemaker.

I have a full heart block and had my Pacemaker fitted on October 23 2023. On December 4th I had a DVT in the subclavicle vein. I have had this fully cleared through tests of my blood clotting proving normal although I have one final test to ensure my...


Heart rate

Heart rate question after pacemaker adjustment kind of long story..

About a year ago I decided to try HR training for 1/2 Marathon.. I went to the pacemaker clinic numerous times to get my pacemaker adjustments to where I could run without increasing heart rate to much because of body movement, meaning sensitive was lower. I also had day time rate set at 40 night time set at 35. Forward fast ,, I decided I was not happy with the clinic (because of their cost for interrogation ever 3 mon...


Low Intensity Vibration Plate: OK with PM/ICD?

I suffered third degree heart block and got a pacemaker/ICD ten years ago. I also have osteoporosis. Both these things were caused by my chronic illness of sarcoidosis. I can't exercise a lot so I'm looking at a low intensity vibration plate to help my bones. But I wonder if that might have any impact on my pacemaker. Would love input from fellow PM/ICD folks!

(I did find one earlier post on this but it's from 2010.)


Pacemakers for cyclists - finding an EP

I have bradycardia and exercise chronotropic incompetence. My age is 70. Resting heart rate 28 - 35 and cannot increase heart rate beyond 100 under rigorous cycling conditions.   From Holter monitor, ECG and exercise routines looks like I have a pause in the sinus node (PR ~ 3 to 4 seconds) and Type II, Mobitz 1 (Wenkabach) AV Block.  

I'm a competitive cyclist.  Looking for the best PM that tracking respiratory change.  Also looking for recommendations...



Hi has anyone experience of running on roads with a pacemaker fitted.

What are the dynamics of pacing when running ie breathing heartrate. 

What are the potential pitfalls and issues?


Pacemaker and Polar Fitness tracker

All kinds of interesting things I'm observing as I start to get active once again.   I have a Polar Ignite 2 which I've been using for about 2 yrs.  And I know it is not as accurate as an EKG but it is pretty consistant and the number's I see feel in synch with my perceived exertion.  That was all pre packmaker (PPM).

Now post pacemaker (Medtronic Azure, which is set at 60/130 for tracking) what I'm seeing reported on the Polar Flow app is different f...


Weight control while taking beta blockers

Has anyone found a beta blocker that doesn’t cause weight gain or make you feel lethargic and wanting to rest all the time?  If so I would like to know the name of your beta blocker and dosage?

I have read that beta blockers lower metabolic rates, which means that we burn fewer calories.  Beta blockers calm my body but they certainly reduce my desire to move around.  Is it the same for you?  With the increased health risks that accompany weight gain,...


Pacer setting is set very high....

Need some advise please if anyone has dealt with this issue:

Medtronic Azure XT dual chamber pacer implanted June 2022 for Mobitz II and LBBB, but only at high exercise > 140 bpm (minimum setting is 40 bpm bc I am normally in 30's).  55 year old male, avid runner and triathlete and no heart muscle issues... all conduction, and no clue what caused it.   Running was still awful in July 2022 and discovered pacer was only programmed to work <1% of the time.&nbs...


External device to speed up?

Has anyone used an external device to speed up their pacemaker? For activities that need the HR, but don't have enough movement to speed it up.


How to tweak your device for peak performance

Hi. I've had a pacemaker for years. I'm looking for advice on how to tweak my device to get better performance from it while biking and exercising. My own heart used to kick in when I excercised. But now I seem 100% dependent and I feel it's not providing adequate pacing for what I'm trying to do on the bike. Quite the competitive athlete here. Are there other top athletes on this site? I'm heavy into mountain biking right now. Struggling going uphill a...



No one on this forum seems to have an answer regarding all over strengthening exercises after pacemaker implant. In fact no one period seems to have an answer. Everyone that is able and is exercising is participating in their own routines. 

This is a call out to some serious and factual information regarding total strenthening exercises.


Surfing after PM implant

Hi All,

I searched on these forums and found a few posts from back in 2016 about surfing after PM installation. I'm just coming up on 3 months since surgery, and am starting to think about getting back in the water. My doc advised me to wait the full 6 months after surgery before paddling/duckdiving, since the leads and device need time to become covered with scar tissue. So I've got another 3 months but I'm very curious what my limitations will be once im back surfing again...


Heart Rate monitor

I got my PM three weeks ago and slowley got back on my bike. 

How do you measure heart rate?

My Sigma heart rate strap does not update



New Pacemaker

Hi all I had a dual pacemaker inserted for 2 to 1 block. Procedure 4 weeks ago.

I was lifting barbells compound exercises squats bench deadlifts rows military press before proceure  (3 days a week) 

I have been walking 3 miles every second day the last 10 days.

I hope to start running on the road as weights are not allowed by consultant.

I walk 1.5 miles up a 45 % gradient and heartrate stays 85-90 beats.

Yesterday I started jogging downhill and could o...


Checking in

Good morning from LA. It's been a while since I last posted. I've been preoccupied with other medical concerns until recent cardiology visits. In December I was diagnosed with a couple of cancers. First, polycithemia vera, a rare blood cancer, and anal cancer, which is more rare then PV. The latter required urgent treatment. I went through 28 days of radiation and chemo therapy plus a couple of days of infusion. I ran everyday during treatment and I continue to run. This morning I did...


Cycling. movement and PM reaction

Hi there,

I am one month post PM insertion.  Female 57 years, active exerciser, cyclist, hiker and multiple sports player. I had unexpected bradycardia in January that had me down to 32 bpm at rest.  I struggled to get my HR over 70 under exertion. Climbing stairs had me winded and light-headed.

I have been cycling indoors (low impact, no hills) to get back into cycling shape before I head outdoors.  My PM settings are 50 - 130 bpm. Recovery has been going well unti...


Ablation, atrial flutter, and exercise

The last thing I requested before my atrial flutter ablation general anaesthetic  6 weeks ago was,"Please, don't fiddle with my pacemaker settings, leave them as you find them". Did they? No. 

I have had a month of tachycardias and shortness of breath on even light exercise such as a flight of stairs. Fed up, I contacted my pacemaker clinic and they had me back.  The test of two flight of stairs nearly had me with the crash team. I really could not breath at...


You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

Member Quotes

I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.