Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Max Heart Rate Set Too Low

Hi All,

I have Brady Bradycardia so pacemaker was installed to keep it at 60bpm. I just found out 3 years later that the pacemaker also ramps up my heart rate faster and limits it to 150bpm. At the time of install they did a stress test and my heart worked great ramping up and recovering quickly. Now I find working out that my heart rate ramps up to 150 and stays there no matter how much more I push. I am used to seeing my heart rate reach 175. Also now it stays at 150 while recove...


Minute Ventilation - Patients Age

I have a BS Accolade L331, and am trying to set up the MV feature. One parameter is  "patients age". What effect does this number have on the overall results of the Minute Ventilation. I am 83, and wonder if a lower setting would improve results.


Rate Response/Beta Blocker

Background: Had a Medtronic Azure implanted in October with a lower rate of 50 bpm and upper track of 160 bpm. Rate response has been turned off. I'm an endurance runner (I do a few trail ultras a year and have two road marathons planned in 2023) and also do CrossFit a few times a week. The pacemaker was implanted for bradycardia/sick sinus syndrome/marked first degree AV block and a suspected exercise-induced left bundle branch block. There were a lot of AVNRT episodes captured on a Holt...


A V node ablation

Has anybody out there had a AV node ablation and pacemaker , and do sports eg cycling , golf , swimming .

how do you feel . Are sports possible . Do you feel tired . Any problems 


Accolade Accelerometer and Minute Ventilation Settings

I just had a Boston Scientific (BS) Accolade L331 implanted. I am a biker and the Pacemaker (PM) has been of no help so far on my bike trainer-a Wahoo Kickr hooked to Zwift. I am going in to the EP in early January to get the PM adjusted. I am 83 and have been biking since I was 71 on a Roubaix. What settings should I ask the Techs at the EP lab to adjust and what would good numbers be. I have App A the programmable options from the BS set up book. So, I would be looking at MV Response factor...


Prostate Cancer and Pacemakers

I have had lone Afib since mid-2006, diagnosed with an old Holter monitor. Send data via telephone. I was put on metoprolol 50 mg and coumadin. Thus, when I needed meds for the Prostate Cancer (PCa) my oncologist looked for heart friendly ones. Note that I am now 83. When I took up biking again, in 2011, I noticed that hill climbing was problematic. My cardiologist agreed to cut the 50mg metoprolol to 25mg for the summer, when I was biking outside. That made a huge difference in climbing abil...


PM Location & Having it Re-Located

I am new to the group and 6 wks to the day of having my Bost Scientific PM implanted.  I am a nationally-ranked masters swimmer and have been out of the water this entire time + a week or so pre-implant as I was wearing a heart monitor and then had one implanted to better monitor my rhythm.

I feel the placement of the PM is too close to my left shoulder and am concerned that it will interfere with the free movement of my arm in the various swimming strokes.

Not necessarily sp...



I have had a pacemaker due to Bradycardia. I still feel it when those episodes kick in, but the PM stops it going below 70 bpm. I think it happens sometimes whem I exercise because I feel tired and have to slow down. Anybody else with this issue? 


Returning to strength training 9 weeks after crt-d implant, but no reference about activities from hospital staff


I live in Thailand and had a crt-d implanted Mid November.  Before that in June I had a stent placed and leading up to that I was so darn tired that I did not excercise in 2022 at all..

Weight/strength training is not a real part of the business day in Thailand, the Fysiotherapist has no cue and the surgeon and cardiologist just listen to what I well them and then 'advise'.

I want to return to weigh training mid January and that was fine with them. I ask...


Best settings for running

I had a Biotroniks Edora 8 PM implanted almost 90 days ago.  I am an avid runner and triathlete.  I am having issues finding the correct settings for me.  Right now the sensitivity is set to high and the max HR is 130 but I hit 130 really quickly.  Does anyone have any experience with this?



I have persistent atrial fribrulation and am scheduled to have a pacemaker implanted 1/20/.

I'm 68 years old and an avid cyclist. My EP doctor has recommended a Boston Scientific PM because of its ability to measure breathing in order to raise heart rate rather than Medtronic's motion sensor since upper body movements are minimal while.

I'm wondering if anyone in PM club has a testimony to  the Boston Scientific's ability to sense respiration?



Return to exercise following pacemaker + pneumothorax

Hi all :) 

I've had my pacemaker fitted 6 weeks ago and was one of the lucky ones to have a pneumothorax as a complication that required a lung drain (would not recommend). I'm a 25yo who loves running and triathlons so have SORELY been missing my exercise, but have had problems with chest pain (lead dislodgement and recurrent pneumothorax has been ruled out) and fatigue with a graded return to exercise (began the return after the 2 week mark as recommended by my EP an...



I had a pace maker fitted about 6 months ago can I do kettle bells and weight exercise or is it not a good idea. I am an avid runner and I back running 4 times a week but was worried about weights 


Raising left arm six weeks post

   Hi, my PM procedure was six weeks ago.  I've been very careful and all is going well.  I would like to return to the gym and resume light strength training. I feel like my left side has atrophied!  I have been walking and riding the recumbent bike.

   The PM Club has been such a wonderful resource for me.  This experience was so sudden and unexpected ~ my doctors answer my questions but they can't provide the support that you do.  ...


Heart rate while running

I've had my Medtronics Advisa DR pacemaker for 8.5 years doing great. I haven't seen a EP for years, at my last appointment at the cardiologist I requested a referral. I went a week or so ago, at the visit I expressed concerns that my HR doesn't go up enough while I'm running. I wasn't able to get my rate much over high 130's. She did at first although not to concerned had scheduled a appointment at the hospital for a rate check while on a treadmill. About 5 minut...


Bob Quick’s Journey

I'd like to briefly post about someone I encountered about 6 years ago and have been following off and on since. He's an inspirational story for anyone encountering heart issues and feeling down about themselves

Bob Quick is an ICD recipient who also has 20 stents in his heart. He is also a recovering addict who just celebrated 18 years sober. I met Bob when he was riding his bicycle across the country to raise...


Golfing after 9 weeks of pacemaker surgery?

Can I golf after 9 weeks after pacemaker surgery?


data transfer technic like Bluetooth, a risc of interference?

...what is about the data transfer technic from all the stuff, we use, like bluetooth or other? Are the monitors, chest straps, headphones, watches, handys really passiv?

Bosoton says:

Use precautions: As this wireless technology usually uses Bluetooth, maintain at least 
a 6 inch (15 cm) separation between the activity tracker and implanted device due to 
Bluetooth technology. This is a device or application that may track steps taken, 


Heart rate monitor, Aktivity tracker, Chest strap and pacemaker: bostons information; what is your expierence or knowledge

Boston technical service:

As you may see from our online EMI Guide*,

...the recommendation for “Activity Tracker” or "Heart Rate Monitor" devices is to “Use Precaution” and keep minimum distance of 15cm from implanted device.
For any device in which the recommendation is to “use precautions”. Check with your...


Mountain climbing

Hello everyone I was wondering has anyone on here climbed at high alititute? Iv done some climbing to around 5000m before getting pacemaker. And really  want to get back to it.  I'm 41 year old man and have the pm for 1 year. With no other health problems. Thanks 


You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.