Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Hot Springs

Hi all, I've just joined this group recommended by a family friend who's also got a pm, I've had mine for coming up 4 years.

I have a question about going in a Hot Spring as have read conflicting reports that you can or cannot go in them - has anyone been to a Hot Springs or heard if it's OK or not OK?


Dave(aka Pacey McPacemaker) rebuilt 2019 


Any other mountain bikers?

Hi all-

I'm now 2 weeks post-op from my placement of my Boston-Scientific ICD (Resonate EL w/ dual chamber pacing capacity).  I'm a 43 year old w/ no known health issues.  I mountain bike competitively, and had just finished a big training block and mtb stage race the month before this happened, and felt stronger than I had in my 20's. 

On the day things happened, I felt great. I had done a 4 hr trail ride the day before, but am pretty diligent abou...


working out after Pacemaker

5 weeks out from Pacemaker procedure,keep hearing different  opinions about weight training

ready to start training again,should i wait a couple more weeks ?




When can I start using the driver and play my nine holes of golf?



Hi I had over 20 years of AF had 3 ablation Iver 12 cadioversions and 18 months ago had AV Node ablation my question is that I do a bit of indoor cycling classes and I find that my pacemaker does get up to speed when exercising and my legs just have no energy and when I feel my pulse it seems to not beating fast so the blood doesn't get to my legs that quick another so have to keep stopping.

If there is anyone out there who has had the same problem would be interesting. Kind regards...


An exercise setting only?


Has anyone had any seetings on their Medtronic where it performs differently at the higher exercise rates like above 140?



Exercise and Golf

Early April was my first visit to the cardio EP doc since impantation 12/2022. They advised everything was good. We discussed exercises that I do and they said to refrain from push ups and should presses that could potentially damage the leads. That said the doc and PA said I can golf. I've played 3 rounds thus far and the motion seems similar to the push up and should press movements. Wondering if anyone has any advice for golf and exercising along withreferences for safe exercises...


Heart Rate vs Time with a Boston Scientific L331

The images posted in the Gallery under "rmarkley" are the heart rate results from my recent bike trainer ride. The trainer and the workout were controlled by Zwift. My heart rate was reasonable for the first 2/3 of the training, then dropped to the 60s and 70s for the rest of the training. Even though the work level was constant, there was nothing I could do to get my heart rate back up where it should be. I tried deep breathing, rapid breathing, and deep, rapid breathing....


Push-ups/Bench Press with an ICD?

Hi all, I'm so glad I found this community. 

I have a question about those of you who may have not just a PM but a dual device and working out your chest. What do those who have the same device do with weight lifting? Particular of the chest? (push-ups, bench press, incline, etc) My understanding is the leads are more prone to wearing down vs. a traditional PM and it's tricky with chest excercises. 

Further context: I am in...


Drop in Heart Rate afte riding on Bike Trainer for a period of time

The following is a description of an event that occurs with some regularity. I will be riding on my bike trainer for, say 30 minutes, with a heart rate of ~130-140 bpm. Suddenly, the rate will drop to 70-80 bpm, and stay there. Nothing I do will make the rate increase. Fortunately, it does not affect my ability to continue riding, with no apparent loss in power. Maybe 10-15 minutes laterm my rate will go back up to the original levels.

Does anybody have an idea why it does this, and how...


Still Feeling Faint

I had my pacemaker inserted due to having episodes of fainting. These faints seemingly happened randomly, but something that was at least consistent was that they'd happen after smoking marijuana. The last episode of this happening was when my heart stopped for 4 seconds, beat a few times, and then again for 6 times, before beating normally again. I had dropped to the ground, falling backwards. I could feel myself feeling faint, and it happened extremely quickly after smoking, however, I...


How long till can rejoin bjj an only going lightly with instructor

How long till can rejoin bjj an only going lightly with instructor and ovbiously being careful and doing kickboxing no sparring. Obviously will shower before and after. Also did not find a section for tattoos? With medatronic as long as it's five inches away it says its fine also not going near it just the left arm an only going to top of outside of shoulder not on top or anything and down my arm? Washing it three times a day obviously and have other tattoos an know how to take care of th...


Pace limit


I'm new to pacemaker club and really pleased that I can have the opportunity to read of other people's experience post pacemaker implant and maybe get the opportunity to find an answer to my questions.

Having had a Medtronic pacemaker implanted last January I have been able to be a lot more active since my diagnosis of total heart block.

When I try to run however, anything above a brisk walk and I have to stop immediately. Very hard to explain my s...


Lead anchor moved after exercising

I had my first pacemaker at the age of 4, 22 years ago, and i haven't had really any issues since then.

i've been exercising more during the pandemic, and i just kept doing it. nothing heavy, no gym, just body weight exercises at home. Last week while i was doing some pushups i felt a strange pain/discomfort below the collarbone, close to the pacemaker. i didn't think about it too much, but the morning after, i still had a slight pain/discomfort, so i decided to go to the ER...



Does anybody golf. How long after surgery can you star playing again


Returning to my pre pacemaker race pace

Does anyone have experience with how they've had their pacemaker settings adjusted on the high end to allow for road races?  My legs have felt a little heavy while I'm racing. This keeps happening at about the 9-11 mile mark in a half marathon.  I'm wondering if it can be related to lack of oxygen or something similar to that.

I have a Boston Scientific pacemaker model L331 that was installed about 16 months ago.



Relocating pacemaker?

Trying to figure out if my request is reasonable and can be done safely? Pacemaker was inserted approx 2 years ago, left side close to armpit, shaving and application of deodorant, under bra strap, etc. touches it.  Exercise causes my left arm to tingle and fingers go numb, yes it’s also painful, it’s on top of fracture in rib.  Asked to have it moved almost from day one.  Have been told repeatedly it’s impossible, would involve complete redo?  Have tried...


V tach, Semi Vtach, Pre Vtach?

Almost 60 year old now, When younger , did commute year round 4 years never missed a day. Also did 4 long distance  rides with loaded bike, biggest one was 8000 miles Alaska to Boston.  Also did Ironman triathlon, marathons, Mt Washington hillclimb, etc. Total lifetime bicycle miles is approx 55,000, with a few years/periods totally off the bike due to marriage/work/kids/etc. When I am riding, I stack the miles on. 

For the past 23 years have been riding hardboo...


Body analysis scale

Are the body analysis scale dangerous and interact with the pacemaker?

What kind of analysis scale can you recommend?

best regards 

and best pace and peace



I had  an ICD fitted 2 1/2 years ago with no interventions in that time.

I have always been an amateur race driver of classic cars and motorcycles but both licence authorities , the MSA and ACU have refused my licence renewal to race due to the ICD even though if I just had a pacemaker I could race

does anyone have experience of this issue . It seems counter intuitive as I can drive / ride on the road with  a DVLA licence




You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.