Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports


Hi everyone,

I just bought a Wellue O2 ring to wear during the night. I'll probably return it due to accuracy issues, but thought I would ask here first.

I am paced at 60-130, and use CPAP.

According to the graphs generated by the ring, my pulse will dip down to 46. If I am paced at a minimum of 60, is it possible for my pulse rate to go down that far below? I trust the PM more than the ring.



Heart rate with a new pm

First I'm 77, and do the treadmill every day at 2.5 mph.  Ok, no speed demon here. I had a St. Jude pm and routinely had a heart rate on the treadmill of 125 to 133. Two years ago I had it replaced with a Boston Scientific pm. Now my heart rate only goes up to 110 with the same speed of 2.5 mph. Is this a pm adjustment issue? 


How do you know when your Minute Ventilation is set right?

I started out with MV @ 10, then 12, then to 14, now back down to 13.

When set at 14 I felt it was way to sensative and would go to my Upper Rate Setting of 140 to easy and stay there. 

Trying to pay attention to my breathing (aerobic threshold) with breathing thru nose & talk tests. I use Power Meters for all my rides, but I recently changed from a Single Sided Meter to dual: I discovered I had a Power Imbalance. (Left leg was dominant @ approx 58/42%) So that threw...


Smart turbo trainer (cycling)

I had my CRT-D implanted last week and already thinking about cycling again. To start again I want to get on my Elite Smart turbo trainer with Zwift. Does anyone know if there are any issues using a smart trainer with the pacemaker? Thanks!


PM lagged response

Had a Biotronik Eluna 8 DR-T implanted in 2015. I'm now 77 and have had good results. Includes work outs walking and jogging. I still ski mostly blues but some blacks. Now, in the last year or so I have noticed a lag in response of the pm. When I go out for a walk I often get short of breath for the first 10-15 minutes. When I check my watch it shows a beat rate of from 65-75. But not always. Eventually it rises to anywhere between 115 and 135. I have discussed this with the PA who is ass...


Ablate or not Ablate... that is the question

My last 7 days Holter monitor showed very low burden of Afib/Aflutter (0.17%) and AV Node irregularities: AV Block 1, Mobitz 1, BBB. Just back from my appointment with EP, expecting my ablation to be scheduled soon. I understand that early ablation intervention in Afib is recommended, however, i am very concerned that AV issues i have can be made worse as a result of ablation and require PM as a result. I only had 2 episodes of Afib in the last year, one lasting 2 hours and another...


Closed Circuit Stimulation (CLS) for Athletes

I am a 54 year old endurance cyclist, cycle guide and coach, who, 6 weeks ago, had a pacemaker implanted for 3rd degree heart block. The pacemaker is a Biotronic Evity 8 DRT.

I will see my operating physician shortly and I was wondering if it would be necessary to have the upper pacing limit engaged (as this is currently disabled).

After 2 weeks, my physician told me that only my lower limit is set at 45 bpm (my resting heart rate is 38) and my upper limit is not engaged.&nbs...


Recovery Exercise Options

46 year old male very active and fit all my life and had arrythmia since I was young with no noticeable issues until the last few years, now after a junctional block forever grateful to the medical professionals and technology giving me back my lifestyle with a PM 2 weeks ago.

For rehab (since 2nd day after surgery) I have been doing a mixture of hill/step walking, assault bike (just legs) and lower bodyweight workouts (squats/lunges etc) trying to minimise any upper body movement...


Getting back to fitness

Hello there

I'm a 62-year-old, and until earlier this year I was pretty fit, did 1 or 2 5km runs each week and walking/Nordic Walking a lot.  I started getting dizzy spells in the Spring, and in August was diagnosed with complete heart block and fitted with a Biotronik pacemaker.

I've found it really hard to get my fitness back since, often feeling tired (although not dizzy) especially on steep climbs when hiking.  On these occasions my heart rate...


Pacemaker and Cancer

Are there any distance runners dealing with heart and cancer issues? Four years ago I had a pacemaker implanted. It probably took until this time to psychologically adjust to it. That includes other heart procedures as well. Just a few days ago it was confirmed that I have polycythemia vera, a blood cancer. Is there anyone who runs dealing with these twin issues? How are your medical conditions effecting your running? 


Marathon Heart or Chest Pain

I have a dual Medtronic pacemaker and I'm 55.  I just ran the NYC Marathon and at mile 22 I had heart or chest pain that really scared me.  I slowed down and finished.  The pain went away after a couple miles.  Is this a concern for future marathons or running?

Thank you for your support


Pacemaker's effect on VO2 max and value of workout heart rate data

The current settings on my pacemaker are 60 and 165. I recently had a very good effort on my bike and my Training Peaks software gave me a Threshold heart rate of 161. i understand by definition Threshold Heart Rate is 80 to 90 percent of your max heart rate.... and the VO2 bit for me is that my Garmin Software gives me a VO2 max value of 43/44.. Which fo a 69 year old is decent...

... So the question: Is my pacemaker causing my VO2 max to be understated or overstated?

For trainin...


Abbott Assurity #2272

I am a former elite cyclist now a biathlete and coach , was Diagnosed with AF, Aflutter , sick sinus and wiekieback . .. lots of fun . had an ablasion done to fix the AF and a Flutter ... but it made the other 2 problems worse.  Now they want to put in a pacemaker ( Abbott Assurity # 2272  dual  vent.)

I an aerobic athlete through and though .!!

does anyone have any experence with that Abbott pacemaker ?



Hi guys just had pacemaker fitted due to irregular heart beat I am 67 and have used weights all my life live for training im

planning on taking six week break and then returning to training taking it slow for first few weeks if anyone has any experience of this could you let me know if what I'm planning is sensible Or what would you advise 


Massage gun

I have received a massage gun as a gift...... is it safe to use it with my pacemaker?


Not getting stronger

     Good day. 41F, I have a Bi-venticular pacemaker for nonischemic heart failure.(not sure what's relevant) I have had this device for about 6 months. I healed pretty well, nothing bad. I am trying so hard to get stronger but it just won't happen. I am not doing anything crazy just walking, house work, desk job, cleaning, trying to be normal, not staying in bed but I do not get stronger it's so strange. I have had improvements yes but my legs are so heav...


Upper Rate Setting for Cyclist Boston Sci L131

I went in for my follow up 11 weeks after implant. I talked openly about my settings along with what some of my cyclist friends have shared with me. Dr said he normally only made 1 change at a time since one change can affect another setting. They changed my RightRate (MV) from 10 to 12. I asked about my Upper Rate which was set @ 140 (I've hit 160bpm a couple of times going hard on hills during mountain bike rides: MTB). ***Dr did say he would increase my Upper Rate to 170 also...


Unexplained up and down of HR after 30 min or HR >= 150

Hello all,
I have a pacemaker because of an AV Block II/III and I am an active runner (several marathons). My cardiologist and I have completely tested the "MEDRONIC Ensura" as far as the limits are concerned. The pacemaker is set to DDD. 
After a certain time or reaching a HR >=150 the system periodically takes me back about 10 beats and after about 6sec again 10 beats up. (in Polar Flow you can see the phenomenon very well). 
Now I suspect that maybe th...


Exercising after pacemaker

I've had my pacemaker for over a year now, and unfortunatly I haven't felt any significant improvment.. Aside from my heart beating up to 160bpm, my max pre-pacemaker was about 90bpm on the stress test. Anyways, I have been struggling to pushing myself and get exercise  with my pacemaker. I have anxiety and fear that has been holding me back from  just see how far I can go. This is partly due to the fact that, in previous attempts at working out (brisk walk/jo...


Aerobic Exercise

Hi. 61 yo, received pacemaker just over 2 weeks ago due to several cardiac arrests from SND. Also managed to get cracked ribs and sternum from CPR and an aspiration induced pneumonia on the way to getting my pacemaker (Medtronic W3DR01 Azure S) so not a fun time. How long before I can start doing non-weight bearing aerobic exercise? Am walking reasonable distances now (up to 5 km) but not tackling any hills.



You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker has ultimately saved mine and my unborn child’s life for which I am thankful.