Most Recent Messages in General Posting

New Ventricular Tachycardia

I'm a 62 year old woman who has a St. Jude dual lead pacemaker implanted February 2019. I wore a holster monitor which showed one episode of v-tach. My cardiologist back then stated he was sending me to EP and in all likelihood, I would get a defibrillator/pacemaker. The EP didn't believe I needed a defibrillator, but noticed I had sick sinus syndrome. So I received a pacemaker. I've been lucky with no issues until last fall. I moved to another state and got a new Cardiologist &am...



My oh my, has this industry grown, as well as given hope and life to people with technology that didn't exist 70 years (or so) ago. Think about that! We are all here today telling our stories, and cheering others on. I am so excited to see what innovations are just around the corner.

I was hooked up to my first pacemaker on August 6, 1963. Yup! I am celebrating 60 years of life this weekend! My first generator was external, and the size of an old-time ham radio. I had open heart sur...


"Poll" - what sensations have you had from your pacemaker pacing or running tests?

I understand why doctors woulnd't want to tell you up front that you may feel when your pacemaker does something to your heart as it may result in more people noticing, actively looking for, or otherwise convincing themselves of having these sensations even if they're not present. In a way this post also risks having the same effect here for new members.

Still, I'd err on the side of knowledge being power and would love to collect your lived experiences if you're willing...


Induction cookware

I recently bought a small pot. The package says "induction ready". I do not have an induction stovetop. In looking this up, I read about the magnet in the pot which reacts with a magnet in an induction stove top. Most articles say to not get close to an induction stovetop with a pacemaker. None of the articles mention the pot being a problem for pacemakers. Any insight? Of course I will not be placing the pot on my pacemaker 🤪


The pacemaker "twitch" sensation, now on ECG

Some of you may remember me posting about a "twitch" sensation in my chest that started occuring the day after I first had my pacemaker implanted. It freaked me out at first, now I'm more used to the sensation, but it's still something that I feel and notice multiple times a day.

At my pacemaker checkup earlier this week I mentioned this to my EP and the person performing the pacemaker tests (I'm not sure what their title is, are they nurses?). We played with setti...


UK Cardiology diagnostics


This might be of interest to UK NHS patients.

Here's the link to a BBC news item.

Delays in diagnostics and follow-up consultations and treatment have been getting steadily worse, not helped by Covid and a recent spate of long-term pay and condition disputes within the NHS.

Anything that the GPs can do at the primary care level is to be welcomed instead of them having to go through the forelock tugging ref...


Wearable ECG monitoring (personal "holter monitor")

Hello friends,

I'm not sure yet whether this falls in the category of compulsive checking of your heart or personal empowerment/understanding, but regardless, does anyone have experience (good or bad) of using a consumer continuous ECG monitor?

I've come across two products, the Frontier X2 and QardioCore. The Frontier does appear to place itself much more as a "very fancy sports heart rate monitor" but does include continuous ECG for up to 24h whereas the&n...


pacemaker movement

Hi, I have had my pacemaker a little over 2 months. Lately, if I turn onto my right side while sleeping the pacemaker rises up and can be see like a ridge.  I was told to push it back down. I did this a few times now it does not seem to go all the way down. Please help.


Increased usage

Had Medtronics for 13 months now. Went in for 6 month device check and hace appointment with cardiologist in 2 weeks. 

Technician said device was being used 44% in top chamber and 0% in lower. Last visit it was 33% so a fair sized increase. No real explanation other than "normal" resting rate may be lower than 60 bpm and maybe it's when I am asleep. 

I will ask my cardiologist but thought I would see if anyone has similar experience....


Atrial Fib and Varicose Veins

Hi friends,

I'm 59 y.o and have had varicose veins for a long time.  So has my mother who is now 88.  I got a pacemaker in Feb 2020, Mom got one two years later.  We have also both had atrial fib to some degree.   Both varicose veins and atrial fib also run in our family more generally.  I was curious to know if there is any correlation, because apparently varicose veins form because the valves in the veins that are supposed to prevent blood f...



Has anyone had a .watchman implanted for afib. My .dr keeps pushing it 


Panic Attack

It's been 3 weeks since my Pacemaker Procedure!! I'm trying to get used to it. Last night out of the blue I had a Huge Panic Attack!! I haven't had a Panic Attack in 5 years. I had low Heart rate for the last 5 years. So that Panic Attack was Brutal. Heart rate got up to 110. Took me 2 hours to calm down. Has anyone else ever had a Panic Attack fews weeks after Getting their Pacemaker??


Pacemaker newbie

Hi all!  Just got my pacemaker 3 days ago.  I'm still processing this happened.  I'm 66 and a few months ago I had some slight dizzy issues and noticed walking uphill was causing shortness of breath.  Long story short, doc had all the usual tests done but NOT a EKG.  Everything was completely normal.  Then 2 weeks ago I got a Apple iwatch because I'm a type 1 diabetic (not juvenile, I was 38 when diagnosed) and I wanted to keep closer tabs on my gluco...


new poll on arrhythmias

thanks to whomever started this new poll.

On the summary page from my  last remote transmission of June 20,2023, i had  1744 Atrial high rate  episodes.  And 1 venticular high rate episode.

new to pace


Big increase in pacemaker dependency

Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

Yesterday at my 6 monthly check up I was told that my bottom chamber has gone from 15% pacing to 84% pacing in the space of 6 months.  Has anyone experienced anything similar or such a big jump in useage in a few months and what was the cause?

I have type 2 2nd degree heart block but my cardiologist thinks it may have progressed to 3rd. He took a whole of of bloods to check for any electrolyte imbalance, also kidneys, thyroid, liver...


My story

Hi all, hope everybody is well. Recently my story was featured in an article for the Victor Chang Research Institute website. The institute is a leading cardiac facility based in Sydney, Australia. I am fortunate to have been treated by the executive director, Jason Kovacic. Their team were amazing and I felt like I was in the best hands possible. I'm the one in the hospital bed given the devil horns sign...LOL.



Why are there no rechargeable pacemakers?

I understand that getting a new device every 10 years has benefits, and that there are other reasons to "open you up" like lead complications, but it still seems strange to me that there are no rechargeable pacemakers, or for that matter, pacemakers with longer battery lives.

Pacemakers have come down in size but don't necessarily last longer. Why are they not just slightly smaller but with a higher (let's say double) capacity?

Or for the case of rechargeable one...


Happy Birthday!!



Another famous member

So, Mr Netanyuha joins the worldwide club of pacemaker users.

Not much information on why, but apparently he had a problem recently and had some sort of monitor fitted. According to the news, he had become dehydrated from sitting in the sun too long.

When the monitor alerted him to the fact that something was wrong, he was whipped in and now belongs to our exclusive group.

Get well soon.


Home monitor NOT transmitting for almost a year!

Hello,  I received a Patient Portal message a few days ago stating they did not receive my transmission.  I was out of town and had forgotten to plug it in when I got to the hotel. I assumed when I plugged it in, it would send that night.  I sent a message back apologizing for not plugging it in!  I called the company the next day to see if they could verify it for me.

When I called, I was told they have not received a transmission since August, 2022!!  I w...


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.