Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Micra rate response

Does anyone know how rate response works on the Micra? Is it motion based like Medtronic's traditional pacers? I read that some of their newer ones are also using minute ventillation but haven't heard anything about the Micra and what it uses. 

I was expecting to get Aveir, but now my eps have conferred and decided Micra is a better choice. More research for me! If you know me, you know I don't go into anything without learning as much as I can.


thanks Lurker(doc dx) for your concern as to my safety

Sorry i could not come on line to this group as i did not have any electric from Oct 8-16(still use a desk top).  Then i left Oct 14-21 an of course Yahoo Mail did not recogonize my device, i tried to use.  Hence no way to contact anyone.  came home to one account 176 emails and 8 spams an the other account 149 emails and 6 spams.  Was going to set up another email just before the hurricane came through, did not have time.

Was quite surprised  and pleased to see...


Dyson airstraits

Hi everyone!

I have a pacemaker since I was 13. Now I have my fifth pacemaker, it's a medtronic crt-d. I got a dyson airstrait as a present and there is a warning about pacemakers. Does anyone who used this product before? I'm afraid to try it because of my pacemaker’s shock feature :)))


Our Thoughts Are with Our Southeastern U.S. Members Affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Dear Pacemaker Club Members,

As Hurricane Helene and Milton have made their impact felt across the southeastern part of the U.S., we want to take a moment to express our deepest concern and support for all our members who have been affected by these devastating storms. Our hearts are with you during this challenging time, and we hope that you and your loved ones are safe.

We understand that natural disasters can pose challenges for those with pacemakers, whether it involves access...



Hello! is anyone a smoker?. I've had a pacemaker for two years and I smoke cigarettes. I talked to my cardiologist about the negative effects of smoking on pacemaker wearers and said that there are the same negative effects as for those who do not have a pacemaker , so it does not directly influence the functioning of the pacemaker. But i dont't know ..I would like to quit smoking to avoid complications but it's really hard .. 


Pacemaker clinic today 😃

I had my cardiologist appointment and pacemaker clinic today to check my device. I am pleased to report that since they turned up my RV voltage to 4.5, my pacemaker is working perfectly. They tested all three leads, and I only noticed that familiar sinking feeling on the RV lead. They haven't tested it in a long while due to my sensitivity to testing that particular lead. She asked permission and we decided to test.  

I am pacing 0 percent on the atrial

100 percent on the...


radiation therapy

Has anyone here had radiation for prostate cancer ? It seems there are certain risks when you have a pacemaker. If someone has had radiation what was your experience with it ?



Hi All,

Its been nearly 10 years since i posted and if i'm being honest, i never actually thought i would have to post again. I am/was a fit and active 44 year old male but was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy back in 2011 and given an ICD as a preventative measure, with very few issues over the ;ast 10 years with the exception of 3 shocks (Inappropriate) but all in all, feeling great. I have been super active throughout this time with cycling/running/weights etc, feeling very fit! It...


New to Pace.

from #2 daughter

Okay, just checked on her, she’s fine. No power but has gotten groceries and she’s packed and ready to go on holiday tomorrow.

Doc DX


New To Pace

Anybody hear from New To Pace after the storm?  I know she evacuated.


New Repeat Prescribing Guidelines

According to a recent article in Pulse Magazine, (a magazine for GPs in the UK), guidance has been issued by NHS England for repeat prescribing practices.  E.g. medicines that are automatically re-prescribed for a given period of time. Some of your meds for long term conditions may be prescribed in this way, so you may see the effects of this guidance at some point if you are in the UK.  It says,

‘’Published today, the NHS England-commiss...


Pacemaker dependent

My father went to see a EP for lead capping second opinion. His original doctor categorized him as pacemaker dependent.  When we saw the second doctor, he categorized him not as pacemaker dependent because he turned off pacemaker for a couple of minutes, he saw the pulse are 40-50s, though he is 100% pacing because it is set at 60 pulse/min. I am confused. 


Have started another Poll on whether you are Sick or Healthy?

Hi everyone,

I have started another Poll.  Yawn.  The purpose of this lighthearted Poll is to try to assess our level of general health.  Never easy to define I know.  The Poll is not intended to be specific to one health condition, say that of having a pacemaker or ICD.  Instead, it aims to cover all our current health conditions, both chronic and acute, to see what impact these might be having on our well being and perhaps placing...


3D Scan


I would love ke to get my teeth straightened I am considering Invisalign, I would need a 3D imaging so they can make the moulds.

This is a new Dentist that i am seeing,he says it's fine but I wanted to check in with the forum and ask has anyone else had a 3D scan.

Thanks for reading 



bras without straps to help alleviate shoulder tenseness

I find that the bra straps are causing shoulder tenseness issues on one side of where the pace maker is.predominenrtly. When as an experiment I decided to remove the strap it creates far less stress on my shoulder.

a strapless foundation.  The post-surgery bra strap pad is not doing the job.

are there any strapless sports bras that anyone knows of that can support the area.

Thanks in advance.




another hurricane in Florida

To let those who know me, i will be staying with a friend for this Hurricane as now am in a manadatory evacuation zone.

new to pace



What are the rules for posting?

I am new to all this and alot of things worry me,

I am also old and forget what I have posted or asked.

Was reprimanded for posting simular questions because I forget what I have asked before.

I have found this sight to be helpful however with this new device added to my life I don't need criticism 

So if someone would let me know the rules I would appreciate it.


Half shoulder replacement and PM


My mother is due for a pacemaker at the end of the month.  We have a telephone consultation on Thursday.
Does anyone know if it will be a problem putting the pacemaker in on the left side if my mother has already had half a shoulder replacement done three years ago on the left shoulder?

many thanks


Are you healthy or sick?

Hi everyone,

When our new Pacemaker Club is launched, we will apparently have the ability to create our own polls to gather feedback and spark important discussions but until that time comes, I want to seek your help to start a new Poll.

About a year ago there was an interesting post about whether we considered  ourselves to be healthy or sick?  There were some excellent responses.  The original poster has unfortunately deleted this post which is a pity because...


Continuous Glucose Monitor

Does anyone who has a pacemaker use a continuous glucose monitor?  I really want to use one, but the literature says that there has not been enough testing done.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.