Most Recent Messages in General Posting

CRT Placement

Honestly not sure which group to post in so I'll start here.  I'm about to get my first CRT pacemaker sometime soon - waiting to hear about scheduling.  My concerns are about placement.  I do not want to "see" the pacemaker after it's been implanted. This is very important to me on both a mental and physical (esthetic) side.  I'm also a very active lady who likes to backpack / hike, wear strapless tops, and participates in sports like Pilates...


When you finally allow yourself to take more meds...

A lot of people in this club have been following my journey for the last several months, and you are the ones who know the literal battle I've had with not wanting to titrate up my meds. Carvedilol to be precise. But lately, I've had a change of heart... no pun intended. 

I realized something rather important. No... I'm not kean on the idea of taking more Carvedilol, I'm afraid of kidney damage and more side effects. However... I had sort of an epiphany the other da...


Spirit World

I had a strange experience during what I assume was REM sleep recently and received what I can only describe as a 'visit' from a deceased relative. 

I don't (or didn't) believe in spirits and this is totally new to me.  It wasn't a relative I was super close to either. 

My heart was playing up and missing beats and as I walked up some steps (in a dream) and entered complete darkness, I thought my time was up! Then a luminescent and very real imag...


Pacemaker Tapping - Left Side Sleeping

Hello, I've been reading older forum posts on this, it's a weird one and seems to be a few different takes on cause / resolution.

Anyway, it's now just over two weeks since I received my PM and life has changed for the better, I feel like I'm thirty again and not in my mid 40's.

The only thing I am experiencing, not overly concerning just odd, is a tapping in my PM if I lay either on my left side or front. It's not painful, but feels like a rhythmic finger...


Patient app

Does anyone use the "Patient App"?  I tried putting it on my iphone through Biotronik, but it always says the server is having problems.  I would like to use it if it could help me.  I'm new to all this pacemaker that I had put in at the end of December.  Santa said I was naughty, so he gave me surgery for 2023.  Actually, I'm very thankful for this modern technology.  Does the Patient app only work on Android devices?  Thank you for your h...


Interesting interview

Saw these two items on the news today about a footballer's experience of heart failure on the pitch.

I didn't catch if he was still playing though.


not receiving email notifications

Now not recieving email notification's when someone posts an answer to my query.  Have to keep checking this site to see if any adds to my post.

Also only spell check in the subject line not in the message.

new to pace


New role health questionnaire

Hi.  I have an Abbott Gallant ICD for Cardiac Sarcoid.  Health wise things are stable. Work has not been easy though with the pandemic and generally being in a competitive business. 

I have just been offered a excellent opportunity with a new role that I am super excited about. They have though sent me a detailed health questionnaire asking a range of questions which include - Have I ever had a heart problem and have you ever been on medication. I hate sharing information...


Pacemaker pulsing me when on left side

I had my pacer installed in 2009. I only use it during sleep when heart pauses. Last year my use went down to only 4 episodes. I am currently on vacation and in the last month I've noticed when in bed if I lay on my left side it triggers the pulsing 6 times each time until I shift off that side.  Is this normal? I've never had this issue before.


magnetic scanners

I pace 100% of the time.  Is it safe for me to walk through a magnetic scanner at a sports event?  Ii've noticed many PVCs since I did it the first time and since (about a month).

Will my at home monitor pick this up?


Knowledge is key

I like to keep myself knowledgeable about things when it comes to health... and I don't know anyone personally who has had heart attack symptoms.. or a heart attack at all. Thank goodness... 

so I read up on this.. what are some symptoms if any pacemaker recipients have experienced? 




from Jodi

I signed up a few  days ago and yesterday and today I was unable to login in. I emailed the help center email.  in the interim I  started a new log in so I can still interact with the club.

I am scheduled for thurs or fri for a PM and am nervous.  I am a woman with large soft breasts (not overweight) and now concerned about the leads healing with the breast movements.

I am 65yo

I think I will sleep on my couch and not a bed I am nervous to have too much m...


Bpm going under 60 update

Rather than tack onto my other thread, I am starting a new one. This regards my heart bpm going to 58, 57 and 55 briefly in the ER. My cardiac nurse consulted with my cardiologist and called me back this morning.

She said, "there's no need to be concerned about your heart rate going below 60 when you were in the ER as long as it's not sustained that's normal for your pacer not to do anything. "

She said she rechecked my last pacemaker report and a...


Confused and working a plan

I had a 30 day post op appointment wth my EP -  I wat to shout him out!  

I had a bypass in 2007 and have seen many heart doctors and general practicioners.

My current one was said to be very well liked but tends to run behind.

My Pacemaker imp,ant was scheduked for 2:00 and happened at 5:30.

At this follow appointment the nurse came in thw waiting romm to announe "the doc doctor is running 3 hours behind"

I galnced around the room (hoping som...


choosing a pacemaker

Looks like my lengthly first post didnt get posted.

I just joined the apacemakerclub.

I need to make a decision tomorrow asap for a PM. I was in ER thurs after a Cardio visit. my PR was 36,  I knew it was 38 since spring or more and put it off.   on friday I was getting a PM, I had questions and wasnt able to ask them to the dr. until I was on the gurney at pre op. At first the PM rep came in and I asked questions, when I found out about getting a BlueSync. &nb...



Hi everybody,

I had my 3rd pacemaker installed in Nov. of 2022. They were going to replace the 20 year old wires at the same time. One is causing interference. But the last minute they decided not to to, I think mainly because of the complications it could cause (bleeding?) and my age of 87 back then.

Immediately after that, my pulse at home was sometimes normal, but often between 38-48! Still going on 15 months later. The nurse at my Electrophysiologist's...


Missing beats, early morning.

I am starting this new thread because I didn't want to hijack Lavender's thread below. However, Gemita's response to Lavender touches on a subject that I have woken up worrying about - a coincidence!

Just recently, I have noticed that when laying half awake in bed in the morning, I can hear my heart beating - a shushing sound in my ears. I am not worried about this, but the rhythm I am hearing is unsettling.

After about 10 or 15 beats there is a definite pause before t...


Heart going below lower bpm setting

Unfortunately, I spent about four hours in the emergency department today in the wee hours. I have been coughing for three days with a lot of mucus, and a runny nose. I had awakened at 2:30 AM with a super tight, burning throat and felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen.😵‍💫 My pulse oximeter read 90 and my normally low bp was rising. I went to the hospital emergency room thinking maybe I had pneumonia. 

Two chest xrays and tests for flu and covid were normal....


Left arm arthritis?

So for the past week or so I was experiencing on and off pain in my left arm. From wrist pain, to finger joint pain, palm, forearm, elbow, shoulder.. no numbness, no chest pain, nothing else but these short moments of what I thought was nerve pain.. and all these areas didn't all hurt at once.. it was literally one part hurt then it went away.. if I used my left arm then the pain occurred in my forearm for an example.. pain was never extreme nor did it last long maybe a few seconds or min...



Is anyone here a knitter? If so, do you manage to knit in comfort or do you experience pain at PM site? I've had my PM now for 5 months and still finding this activity a strain. Any ideas welcome.


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

Pacemakers are very reliable devices.