Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Doing Great!

Forgot to mention that I am doing well. Came home Friday & am always glad to be back in my home with my hubby and especially my dog. They really get you up and going with a joint replacement these days! More pain this time than with the right one 4 years ago but the left was ever so much more involved (a train wreck as the surgeon said). Should not have waited so long. Anyway, it is now behind me and I am so happy, looking forward to a quick recovery. Physical therapy in the hospital bega...


They do match!!!!!

Hello Everyone - A great big thank you to everyone who wished me well on my knee replacement. And, especially to our little Valerie. I have never, ever been as astonished, surprised, astounded, etc. as when she walked into my hospital room not long after my surgery! God could not have sent a better angel! She is surely one of the most special people I have ever known and to think she is just 21. We will see really great things from her as she continues her education & begins her career. Sh...


"Endless pain" response

Hello again, everyone. Thank you to all who responded. I forgot to mention in my post that my doctor is with a large university medical center, in fact one of the biggest in the country and listed as the "best" in my state. So going to another for a second opinion is very difficult for me, especially as I also rely on public aid (medical) in my state to help me (if they do, that is).

I also have concerns about a possible blood clotting issue because the swelling in my arm just began o...


Just saying Hello!

I just found your site&signed on.After reading some of the messages, I guess I've been lucky. My PM was installed& I volunteered for a research program in my area.The only thing I don't like about the pacer is the every other month phone checks.Are they really as good as an office check? They never tell you anything when their done but I guess since it's still beating I'm okay!
So far there have been no problems. I've had my PM since2004.Thanks for letting me talk.Till next time,


Doctors And Drug Sales Reps

The following, written by Patricia Barry, is from the June, ‘07 issue of AARP Bulletin. If this is an accurate description of the thoughts and actions of the people promoting prescription drugs, I have to wonder what the thoughts and actions are of a representative promoting medical devices such as pacemakers, joint replacements, etc.

Doctors Still Chummy With Drug Sales Reps

“There's a big bucket of money sitting in every office and every time you go in, you reach your...


I got it done

I got my Pm on the 6th. Dr says it is two wires but has a defibualator. To speed up heart and shock if it quits beating.
Paces 24/7.
I sure have been sore and hurt. IT WAS DONE IN dALLAS,TX.
It is getting better, but sure am weak.

Is it nornmal to feel really warm around cest, under arms, and back. I just started noticing it on the 8th of this monh.

my only restrictions are not to raise arm above head of lift heavier than a gallon of milk.

I can...


Just quick up and

a thank you Blake. I had forgot my password since you the new setup here. The change over happened during the busiest time and I forgot to write it down.. My nephew was a basketball team and the ended up winning the district games. They were one game away from winning state but lost the last game before the state finals Then in May I got a really bad cold that lasted three weeks and turned into bronchitis. Question Can coughing affect the pacemaker settings. Since then every now and then I will...


Endless pain?

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I've written and am curious about whether anyone else has ever experienced what I am feeling right now.

I've had two prior pacemakers try to expel themselves from my body. Usually due to infection, an infection could not be found. A third machine was placed on the same side as the other two but deeper down under the muscle--that was in May, 2006. It's over a year later and the pain I began having after that surgery just won't end. The pain is t...



I wanted to say sorry to everyone that I haven't gotten to get on and post on anybodys questions. I read over some of them and just wanted to sum up everything in one thing so I wouldn't have to spend a lot of time.
Sharon we all do think of you and pray for you and hope that knee is getting better. Valerie your heart is amazing thank you for supporting me through this last hospital stay this past week.
To the others who are facing problems with doctors and any other issues. I hav...


fast heart rate

Its been a while since i have posted anything but just recently i have noticed my heart rate is up tp 125 or so that is even in the morning just waking up,my upper threshold is something like 177 but is this normal could it be a-fib or from stress which i have been under alot the last couple of weeks i have had my pacemaker since 12/05 and never have noticed this before any ideas ?
Thanks Valerie



Wow, Sharon will be very happy to read these encouraging messages when she comes back.

I really want to visit again b/c she is just the sweetest person. She emits this light around her; like a glow...then again it could have been the light above her hospital bed, lol jk
Anyway, I'm not sure how much is too much in regards to visiting, so I'm thinking maybe one more time...I'm not too sure....suggestions please? hehe. thanks.

It was quite an adventure getting there thou...


Is pregnancy a problem?

I am new to the pm world, so I was curious if pregnancy has more complications with a pacemaker than a normal pregnancy? I am 28 and had a catheter ablation that went awry, which led to me having heart block, and then the pacemaker...but I really want to start a family soon...any advice out there?


Sharon's Update

Hi pacers,
Well, I saw our wonderful Sharon today at the hospital (the same hospital she had her PM implant) and her knee replacement went well.
She is in good hands. The nurse on call was very nice to her and he said, "I just met her when I got on shift today, and she is just lovely", so as you can see, she has that instant effect on people.
She wanted to tell all of you that she truly appreciates all of your thoughts and prayers, and that you are such wonderful people on this s...


Here's a thought.

I heard this on my radio station that I wake up to each morning.
Is 99.9% is good enough and this does sound like a pretty good average. This means that approximately 2500 pacemakers would be improperly installed during a 1 year period. I guess that a 99.9% average is good enough depending on what it is you are talking about. Bowlrbob



Has anyone had the Defib part of the Pacemaker go off and how did it feel.
I think mine went off twice yesterday.



I recently found this site and was glad to see all the optimism and positive information about PMs and heart disease. I have read about 20 threads and feel there are many people here that can be of assistance to me and others with questions and concerns.
I am 29 years old, and just had a PM implanted 2 weeks ago. After the first week of headaches and soreness past, I began to feel so much better! I still have to take it easy though, as not to disrupt the leads of course. For someone who has...


direct tv anyone?

Hi people,
Have you heard of that new show coming out on TNT, called “Heartland”? The important thing I wanted to point out is that there are no cute guys on there….or at least on the preview.
Hahaha, jk, not what I came to post for, haha, but rather it looks interesting and apparently some of the “extras” are actual cardiologist, or so I’m told.
Keep your eye open for the previews if you have no clue what I’m talking about, which is common at times, hehehe.
It usually comes...


New knee!

Hello Friends - Tomorrow I am getting my knee replacement and ask that you to please think good thoughts and say a prayer. I expect it will go very well and I will be back on line Friday or Saturday. Though it is just a few days I will miss checking to see what is going on with everyone. Thanks for always being supportive. With a both artificial knees and my pacemaker I am really going to be "bionic". Hope nothing else needs replacing!!!


How are you going Blake)

Hi Blake,
I was wondering how you are now Blake.?
We are all quite concerned. If you are able to just give us a quick update on your recovery from your ablation.
This website has helped us through our problems and we are all hoping you are making a good recovery-Take care-Kay


Blue Moon

Hello Everyone - Have you all enjoyed seeing the "Blue Moon" which occurred last night? Here in Orange County is was absolutely brilliant and I expect it will be again tonight. Don't know what a "Blue Moon" is, you say. That is when there are 2 full moons within one calendar month. Doesn't happen too often, hence the saying "once in blue moon". Just a little trivia for the day. Blessings to each and every one of you!


You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.