Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Feeling more stable

I have survived the day. My vomiting has stopped so the problem with not keeping my meds down is no longer a problem. My SOB is because I think I have a chest infection as well. Coughing like mad, still have the horrible headache, sore throat and muscles.
Thank you all for you wonderful comments and suggestions



Hi, I have an awful headache, SOB, stuffy head, a cough and I have been vomiting every hour or so. I had to sleep sitting up because I can't seem to catch my breath!

I am really sick. I've taken my heart meds, but I could only keep them down for about 20-30 min. My question is how long does it take for my body to absorb the meds? My heart races each time I get sick! The last thing I need is an attack of tackycardia!

If I don't feel better soon, I will call for some help....


feeling funny

i had my pacemaker put in 2 days ago and now every once in awhile i feel a flutter in my chest and was wondering if this is normal?


New Medication

My cardio Dr gave me a new beta blocker med, Bystolic. Generic name is Nebivolol. It supposedly has less side effects than the current beta blockers and is new to the market.
Has anyone used it? How did it work?
I have a DR Medtronic implanted pacemaker and bradycardia. The beta blocker is to control my extra beats and help the blood flow through the heart.
Thanks for any feedback.



just want to let everyon know ,that digoxin was recalled,if you have not heard it by now


what goes here?

I had a pacemaker/defrbrllator inserted in February. I am more tired after the insertion than before. I work full time and am getting depressed about always being so tired. Is this fatigue expected? Does it get better?


Thanks for the response on , Will I ever feel nornal again

A big thanks to Janetinak,TraceyE, Walkerd,Verer,CyborgMountainHuffer ,
Hot Heart,Renee14150,Electric Frank,Pacergirl,and Denise713. Your wonderful insites, wisdom, and support has given me the faith and courage to keep a positive ' tude,' and knowing that patience and persistance will many times reward one with what they want. Blessings 2 -u- all !!!!


pacer inducted muscle twitching

I had my first pacemaker inserted at age 21. My replacement was put in about 9 years later. I am currently 30.

Recently, my doc told me that I have a compromised or broken lead and therefore my pacers is helping to conduct the electric current and my muscle twitches almost non-stop. Has anyone else had this? what are my surgical options? coping options?



Does one ever feel normal again?

I've had my PM for 7 weeks now with 3 pm checks . I still feel at times shortness of breath and at other times not really normal. I do have a bit of regurgitation apparently as well. Any one feel the same way? Any thoughts? Thanks for the help!


Mammogram Tomorrow read article that..

Read some articles that some ladies have had their leads damaged during routine mammogram.
Anyone else had one done...should I be worried?
Of course I'll let the technician know I have one.


Digoxin and Lepressor

hi all does anyone ever heard that digoxin(Lanoxin) and Lepressor taking together can have a bad mix and cause you to have a bad v Tach happen i have read that but i take the too combined together and i had no probelm.question is has and one taken the two meds and gone into V Tach i personly donot beleaive it could happen but wonder if it happened to other people???
newy pete
Keep on Paceing all


Atrial flutter

Anyone care to hop on the Flutter Bus with me?

It's been a long ride so far......going on 8 hours of constant flutter ranging from 120-150bpm and that's on 150mg of Toprol XL.....I especially like the intermittent revs up to 180. Those are nice.
I wish I had a tachometer to watch when that happens. Someone needs to lay of the gas pedal, it ain't me.
Frank quit rev-ving me up like that. You little sick and twisted, thang you. I know I made your toupee blow off your head wit...



I've been a member here for a long time; having had a PM almost 4 years now but haven't been on lately as I have been recovering from a revised total knee surgery.

After a walking stress test where his heart rate went to 153 in about a minute on the treadmill, my Cardiologist implanted my husband with a PM the next week. He did not turn it on yet as he is going to do an ablation 3 weeks from date of the implant. My hubby's heart rate goes from 48 to 70s and then to 98 or more...


My Husband's PM & Future Ablation

I've been a member here for a long time; having had a PM almost 4 years now but haven't been on lately as I have been recovering from a revised total knee surgery.

After a walking stress test where his heart rate went to 153 in about a minute on the treadmill, my Cardiologist implanted my husband with a PM the next week. He did not turn it on yet as he is going to do an ablation 3 weeks from date of the implant. My hubby's heart rate goes from 48 to 70s and then to 98 or mo...


Lipitor vs Zocor vs etc

My prescription insurance limits me to a set amount per year. I'm already taking Plavix (stent) which is like $350 for a 90 day supply and need to continue. I've been taking Lipitor, also very expensive,although my cardiologist has said we could try Zocor (which has a generic equivalent) for a lot less money.

Has anyone noticed different side effects between Lipitor and Zocor? Any other relevant info?


DC Cardioversion

Has anyone had a DC cardioversion since pacemaker implant. I have had two of them now since my pacer implant 8/08, and am wondering the efficacy of them, as well as any potential damage to my pacer hardware.
I am having non-stop uncomfortable runs of arrhythmia and fear another hospitilization very soon if things don't settle down pretty quick.
Cardioversion shocked me into accelerated junctional rhythm, but I left the hospital in atrial flutter with variable AV block.
Every time...


Plavix-Acid Blocker Warning

The FDA has issued a stern warning to doctors about mixing the acid blockers Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, Prevacid, or Protonix with Plavix. A new study shows the proton pump type acid blockers interfere with the anticlotting ability of Plavix.

Non PPI drugs such as Zantac, Pepcid, Axid, and Tagamet didn't have the effect.



Pain Meds

Well hello friends hope you all are doing well. I had a Dr visit yesterday that didn't turn out well. I am potentially in A-fib and also having PMT still. I sometimes wonder if having a complete removal of a SA Node is the cause of the extra amount of problems.
I had a question about pain meds. Has anybody had to go on pain drugs to manage your pain from the amount of surgeries you have had? I have had 5 surgeries so far and this last one has been torture on my body. They have said multi...



I am a 40 year old healthy BOY! I was implanted with a dual boston scientific Pacemaker on August 20th 2008 for a failed tilt table tests which revealed a 5 second pause. All was great post PM until January when I went into A Fib for the first time. That was a crazy feeling. My Cardiologist converted me on a Blast Dose of Flecainide, and sent me home on a small 50mg dose twice a day. That worked for about 3 weeks and then I started having PVC's in mass quantity. Cardiologist uped the dose to 100...


Anyone being woke up with head rush things?

Ever since an adenosine stress test after my pacemaker I have these strange electrical surge feelings and head rush things at night. Has anyone else had the same experience? The cardiologist says the pacemaker is fine and the adenosine goes out of you fast but I know what it feels like and it feels like the painful electical rush of the drug opening all the bloodvessels at once. I have not felt normal since the test Feb. 11th. If anyone else has had a similar experience I would l...


You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.