Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Rate Response turned off........

Hello Pace People, I will be turning off my r/r on Mon. During a recent exercise test my h/r exceeded 135 in a 2 minute tread mill run with the r/r off. Doc wanted to keep it on anyway with some of his new settings. Long story short, the settings have caused a great deal more pvc.pac, than before and I am tired of going back.(3x in 2 weeks) I had the r/r off for 6 weeks last year but returned to r/r as my h/b would not increase with exercise. What no one would tell me is b/blockers will no...


Anyone having tingles and numbness in feet since PM?

I had my pacemaker placed in December. I had to have an adenosine stress test in Feb. and since then I seem to be having a lot of tingles, going to sleep feeling and numbness in the feet, legs, arm and hands. Has anyone else had anything like this or do I have something else to worry about? The cardiologist said he has never heard of adenosine doing this. Just wondered if anyone else has had these symptoms. Thanks all!


Junctional Rythym- Update

Hello All,

A couple of weeks ago I had an appt with my Cardiologist and the Medtronics Tech. At that time they said I now have Junctional Rhythm. They had me wear the holter monitor for 24 hours. The nurse called me this week and said that a different Dr. in the group had read the results and says that I have normal sinus rhythm, I do have 5 irregular beats per hour and that my heart rate was on average 64. My pacemaker is set at 50. I am going to see my Cardiologist on Tues. Hopefull...


CHF @ 24?

Hello everyone!

I have had my pacemaker for over a year now, but recently I have been experiancing some strange symptoms. I have been having issues with fluid retention in my face and neck, and also in my legs and feet. I seem to get short of breath much easier than I did just a few months ago, and I have a hard time breathing when I lie down.

I informed my EP, and he told me to stop taking Florinef (which I already had) and to just keep an eye on it. I had an appointment...


Toprol XL

It appears that I'm in the wrong profession:
I'm going to start selling Toprol XL on the street.

"Get your Toprol here, ladies and gentleman! I've got the "real" thing. None of that hard to obtain- metoprolol crap.....just the good "gold in pill form" good stuff."

Should I carry anything else for ya'll. I'm here to serve you, in my sidewalk pharmacy.

For all you serious folks out there: Don't get the wrong idea. This is a joke....


Toprol XL

Is anyone else's pharmacy claiming dificulty in obtaining generic Toprol XL (metoprolol).
I was due for a refill, and let's just say I'm thankful that my pacemaker kept my heart beating......I about died at the cost.
When I questioned the triple digit increase, I was told that there is a shortage of generic so they had to give me the "real" thing. (as if my body knows the difference between them, but my pocketbook sure does now)
Goodness gracious!
They said that they were ha...


Should I or shouldn't I

Hi again, this is Bathboxers. Thankyou to the people that have relied to my message. I have been to see my GP today,and even she is doubtful if a pacemaker is the answer for me, and I have asked for a 2nd opinion as several of you have advised. The cardiologist thought I was too young to have 1 fitted not too old, thats a laugh. Anyway, I will keep you posted when Ihave seem another Cardiologist, this 1 I will see privately, as I live in the UK. Many thanks,


three down 2 to go

Hello to my fellow tickers. I just want to say YEAH so far so good. I am typing this from my hospital bed and have successfully started the Tykosin. Received my thrid dose and so far no signs of Torsades, two more to go and I will be on my way home. THe only issue I have had thus far is it is Effecting my hypotension a bit, BP 80/50 but it has drastically decreased my resting HR and the PVCS. hope you all have a good night


Can anyone help me

I have a duel chamber pacemaker been having alot of chest pain doc says being paced in the right ventrical can cause chest pain due to sometimes being more sensitive in that area. He is telling me he can put it in my left ventrical and should feel better. Please if anybody knows for sure please let me know


hoping for good results

Well yesterday I went and saw my EP. My ICD check revealed what was anticipated, increase # of episodes of AT and also increasing duration :< Resting HR alone was 120 in the office. We talked a bit and although my options at this time are very limited, we are going to admit me to the hospital and try tykosin again. I am a tad nervous as last time I was on this medication I had my device fire several times. But also in saying that I am looking at the brighter side that it did give some relie...


Low Blood Pressure

Does anyone here have hypotension, and if so, what kind of symptoms do you experience along with it? I believe my blood pressure has dropped a bit (it's always been low) and is causing the dizzy spells I sometimes get, both sitting down and standing up/walking. I've been healthier than usual recently, walking several miles a day on my treadmill, and eating very, very well. Can getting in better shape cause an already-low pressure to drop? My GP didn't seem too worried about it; she suggested tha...


Need Help!!

Dear Folks,
Last time I asked about GERD and Endoscopy. I would like to thanks to everybody who has response.

But just yesterday when I met with Internist and did Ultrasound, founded multiple stones on my Gladbladder (size vary up to 7,4mm). Internist suggested remove Gladbladder soon to avoid any complication.

My question are
1. Does anyone here has experience with Gladbladder removal?
2. What is negative side effect (quality of life) if we don't have gladbl...


Radiofrequency ablation and devices

Obviously we're all here because we have or know someone with a pacemaker or ICD.
My question:
Anyone out there have a previously implanted device and endured radiofrequency ablation afterwards.
I know the statistics on ablations, but don't know many who've had devices already implanted at the time of the ablation. I'm concerned about the safety of my pacemaker hardware and whether or not RF energy has any possible damaging effects to it.
I'm not completely sold on what my do...


ablation #3

I am scheduled for my 3rd ablation on feb. 26th. Actually i had just an EP study in the early 90's and then 2 actual ablations last year(feb. and july). I had dual pathways in my AV node that they found in the 90's but couldn't fix bc they couldn't do cryo. I had the ablation in feb 08 for afib and they also got rid of one of the av nodal pathways. The ablation in jul 08 was bc i went in to a-flutter so my EP went back in and did PVI. Now i am having almost constant bigeminy so he is going t...


Good news... I think

Hello Pacer Chicks and Pacer Guys!
As many of you know, I have been having a lot of trouble with climbing stairs. I get out of breath and my legs feel like lead. Well, I had a visit to the cardiologist and he ran a bunch of test on me. It turns out that I was right all along. I have T.B. which stands for the dreaded "Tired Butt" So the outcome is excellent. All I have to do is get off the computer and get outside, do some stairs, some walking or any other fun activities I can think of. I a...



Hi All,
I was diagnosed with GERD and suggested to do an Endoscopy and make sure the best treatment .

With Pacemaker I am not sure if we can have an Endoscopy.
I have no scedule to meet with my EP till next June.

Any advice?

Warm Regards,




does anyone else take this??? how does it make you feel?? my doctor mentioned it may cause migraines......

also, i went to see my EP today and told him that I feel like i have poor circulation- my arms, legs, hips, head, and many body parts are always falling asleep especially when i am laying down and he said it was not a heart problem..... well what kind of problem is it??? i also have trouble after i eat, i start to feel hot and flushed and get light headed.... he didnt seem to...


Plavix VS Coumadin

A friend of mine who is a heart surgeon said that the side effects of Plavix were way easier to deal with, and that Coumadin was only 1 1/2% better at preventing strokes than Plavix. Apparently with Plavix, you don't need to be drug in for blood tests all of the time. Also, Life Extension had a good artical on Vitamin K and Coumadin doses. Vitamin K has more roles than just clotting, and Coumadin can deprive the body of it.

Has anyone switched to Plavix? Anyone have any imput? I'...


Drug Costs, Effectiveness, Lipitor

I am in the US. Just calculated my probable drug costs for 2009 at about $3000 after insurance and out of MY pocket. Yikes. Three drugs are the issue: Plavix (75 mg had a drug eluding stent placed July 08) might need to take "forever." Lipitor (40 mg) needed "forever" and Amiodarone (400 mg-tried Toprol and Sotalol, but on those my ICD fired 8 times). They are trying to get me off Amio and may consider Ventricular ablation.

Lipitor is $1400 a year. Zocor is like Lipitor and has a US g...


Generic for Toprol XL

My mail- in pharmacy sent me a letter saying they can no longer get the generic for Toprol XL. I asked at my local CVS and they agreed it's almost impossible.
Of course, I'll have to pay a much larger Co pay for the brand name. Has anyone else run into this problem?? I know many of you are also on this drug...



You know you're wired when...

You can finally prove that you have a heart.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.