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Hey everyone!

Now, apart from Tracey E, are there any other Pacer Chicks or Pacer Boys in the Florida area! I am coming to Florida for Christmas and New Year and already hope to visit Tracey, but just wondering if there are any others out there I could say hi to, just to meet up and have a meal and a good ol chat!

I have now got a map of Florida up in my kitchen and we are now planning what we are going to be doing! Would love to catch up with some PM owners!! ...........


A couple of rough days

Just wanted to get some moral support I suppose. I've had my PM for 3 months now and for the most part I'm feeling really good, but the last few days I just can't help but feel like something is not right. I get the odd sensation that I may pass out like I used too. It is not nearly as bad but still feeling something unusual. I already get lots of PVC"s but they seem to be worse the last few days. I also feel off balance. Im so worried that perhaps the lead has moved or something. I had to have...



hello all,
i recieved my pm about a year and a half ago for sss. I had passed out. I had a really tough time after the pm went in and it turns out the problem was anxiety related. Today i completed the 3rd half marathon I have completed since I got the pm. I hope this is encouraging to others who may be struggling with a new device.
Take care friends


PM Moved

I am getting so discouraged. I had my pm repositioned 3in lower and placed in a dacron pouch just 11 days ago. I went out to get the newspaper when I bent over to pick it up I felt my PM slip back up about two inches. I'm back to that irritated uncomfortable feeling again.

Have any of you experienced this (movement) after a repositioning, Is there any hope other than a 3rd surgery?

I think it's time to find a different EP, I have totally lost faith in my doctor's abilit...



Dear Kiwi:
You are having much the same symtoms that I had before I had to have a pacemaker. The dizziness is a real symtom and apparently you still havent had the irregular heartbeat feelings that tells you that something is indeed wrong. You are young to have this but I understand that if you have had the tests its just the natural pacemaker that are sending too many messages and hence the irregular heartbeat. I had to have an ablation which means I have to have a pacer and am 100% dep...


Getting Ready for Surgery

Hi all
I was just told on Friday, I need to have a pacemaker, totally unexpected and I am scheduled for surgery this week! I live in Brisbane Australia, and am a 45 yr old female. I'm feeling very nervous and I am still in shock from this news from the cardiologist.

About 18 months ago while flying on a plane to NZ, I had what was diagnosed at the time as a vasal vagal episode. I passed out and seizured for about 2 minutes but my husband said he thought I had died. Apart from...



  • by djt
  • 2008-09-28 06:09:12
  • Coping

hi everybody i have just had a pm fitted two weeks ago and i am experiencing like an uncomfortable pulse every 3 hours day and night so bad that it can wake me up i can set my clock by it as it happens 13 minutes to the hour every 3 hours. has anybody any ideas.



I will wait for you in chat cheers Billie


Still low after 2 years....

I haven't been on the site for a good while but feel really low at the moment and didn't know where else to go? I have my pacemaker 2 years, and mostly I go by the day without giving it much thought, I 'spose I'm just getting on with things but I keep getting very depressed, and seem to spend half the time thinking I'm going to die. I know this sounds ridiculous, it's all "retrospectively" as my Doctor put it, and he's right I should be grateful that nothing 'bad' happened and I h...


Anyone Use a Coated PM?

3 attempts to keep a PM implanted have all ended in an inflamed incision area, appearing that tissue eroson is inevitable. Several bacterial cultures have all come back negative.

I called St. Jude this morning, and the tech said my Doc could order a "coated" generator.

Has anyone used a coated generator to prevent tissue inflammation/erosion , and did it help?

What type of material is the coating? PTFE (Teflon) perhaps?

@60bpm, is your pouch working O...


At the risk of being called a nutter!!

Hi to all,
I have this wierd thing that goes on in my head from time to time ..mainly when I am in heart failure and water retention.

For example if.. I have an afternoon nap as I "nod off" I seem to have people in my head talking about all sorts of thing that I know nothing about... I seems to start with just a thought and then all this nonsense... it must only last a few seconds because I wake up as soon as I am "off" ...SOB and my heart all over the place.... and it feels hor...


The contraceptive pill

Hi all!!!! I havent posted a message on here in a while, Have been doing well though and cant believe that it has been nearly 6 months since having my pacemaker fitted!! I have got used to a lot of the feelings i get now with my pm and although i do still think of it everyday, i have accepted its just another part of me now.
Any how what i am posting on this site now is probably a strange question, But does anyone know if i am allowed to be on the contraceptive pill? The night before i got...


more counselling needed

hi everyone ive been bowled over by some of the stories i have read here. so many people have gone through so much it is hard to think that they just keep going.i thought once i had the pacemaker fitted it would all be over and done with operation wise. in three days i go in again to have more procedures done i wasnt expecting to have to do this again.i suppose i hadnt really thought about it.i had to make the decision to have one very quickly and i had no counselling . when all said and done...


pookie and princess come to chat?

thanks jessie


End of Life Issues

Sorry if this is a morbid topic but it's one I've given alot of thought to. I wonder what happens if say you have a terminal illness and you are nearing the end. I have an ICD/PM and it concerns me that I won't be able to die. I've heard some stories of people who struggled to die due to having these devices. My husband & I prepared our medical directives in 2004 while updating our wills. They are pretty general and I wonder if I should add something relative to this unforeseen event in my life....


Thank You

Hello Folks,

Thank all of you that commented and offered encouragement or advice in reply to my recent posting. I shall be eternally grateful. I am looking at my options and unless an unexpected problem jumps up I will be making drastic changes in my care so far as my pacemaker is concerned.

I will continue to read the postings here because to tell the absolute truth, I have learned much more here than I have from all of the people I have dealt with regarding my pacema...



I have had my second pacemaker and batteries implanted four years ago. Now im a senior and high school and will be off to college next year. My doctor said there are four years left on my battery but is unsure about the leads. Do you guys think I will be able to make it through my first couple of years in college without needing another surgery. Basically how long should my leads last if I take REALLY good care of them???


Going back to work Oct 7

Hi all surgeon has released me from my Aug 1 hi risk bypass. Cardioligist releaseing me to go back to work Oct 7 with restrictions. What I dont understand and I dont know if it is going to matter or not maybe someone can answer. I work in a plant that makes tires, the dept i work in is the pressroom where the rubber is heated to 350 to 400 degrees to form the tire we have 30 presses that make two tires at once. both doctors when all this started where agianst me working in such a hot invironemen...


Thanks, I love you guys

Hey, I just want to thank everyone who commented on my post about my complications. They were so inspiring and just what I needed! And ela-girl, your message made me feel great. I still heart Gershwin... and UVa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to Old Navy after school and I will just say that trying on clothes with a Holter was an interesting experience... The fitting room attendant probably thought I was going to blow the place up! Anyway, my mom rescheduled her appointment so now I feel better. Than...


After all this time...

It's now my turn to take care of myself. One of the things about having a family is that as a parent, we tend to put our lives on hold. Well, it's my turn now. I get to meet with the EP surgeon this week to arrange to have my device removed. It will have been implanted for three years come November and I have tried to get it out since the middle of November, three years ago. So finally it's my turn.

The surgeon has already said that both lead extraction and generator extraction will m...


You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

Thank you technology! My life is much improved.