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Chat times?

As I am new to this site, and have a zillion questions... here is another:

Is there any scheduled chat times, or are chats just when folks just happen to meet up in the room? Thanks!


Helping my Dad

Hi I am 73 years old female and I had a pacemaker put in in Feb. 2007 because I had atrial fibrillation and palpitations which I tried to take medication for for about 5 months. I ended up with an ablation which stops the feeling of the afib but it is still happening so I have to be on coumadin to thin my blood in case of blood clots. I am 100% dependent on my pacemaker. My Dr. told me if I get shot and the bullet hits the pacemaker and saves my life I will be dead because the pacer will be...



I had a PM put in 8 wweeks ago.I fainted 4 timesin the hospital and flatlined for 15 seconds,my doctor told me he believes it was from a virus.I was fine until a week ago I started getting head aches and a slight woosy feeling.It has lasted 5 days already.Has anyone else experienced these symtoms and what did your doctor do .Thanks for any help.



Easter is a wonderful day for all. A day created for all men and women of this world. We tend to celebrate it in different ways, but for me, I celebrate it with being the day my Lord has resurrected from the dead. For that day brought a gift to all who live on this earth. A day of hope has been given to us all. May Angel's come to watch over our children as they hunt for eggs. May you find peace at a local church. May your hands be touch by the spirit of the Lord. May your heart continue to bea...


How soon to return activity to "normal"?


While reading through many posts it appears many patients have received different directions on how to deal with post-op activities. I was told after receiving my pacemaker not to lift my left arm over my shoulder for 4 weeks and no more than 4 pounds. I am nearly at the 4 week mark. However, many folks seem to have received information not to lift their arm for something like 6 - 8 weeks. I don't want to be overly cautious, but I don't want to do anything that will disturb...



Hello! I just joined and have a child with a pacer. Any other parents who have lil ones with one? I'd love to chat. Thanks!


short of breath

Hi Happy Easter to all.

Well I know it is not my pacemaker, and it is me, any suggestions on how to get rid of the short of breath, anxious feeling. Felt like it yesterday, went to bed and even dreamed about being short of breath and woke this morning with it on my mind again.

Any help greatly appreciated.




Has anyone had your ep said to your cardiologist and primary that he will put in a two lead Medtronic and then you find out there is only one lead. What would be the reason? Do you have any ideas? aldeer


Happy Easter

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter :) I hope everyone has a very safe and happy weekend....... Safe Travels for anyone going anywhere :)

Britt <3


Update on my passing out

Hi all!
Sorry it's taken me a little while to post but so much has happened. When I left things last time I had passed out again and had fractured my face and my lovely cardiologist had told me they were passing on me. I went to my family dx and they set me up with a new cardiologist who immediately put me in the hospital on Monday. I for the first time met an "EP" that you guys are always talking about. I got more answers in 1 hour than I had in 3 months with the other group! Karen alot o...


PM Scar

Hi all,

I have PM scars on both side of chest. When i go along with friends for places like beach or waterpark i feel awkward as this brings attention to me, because of my young age i prefer not to discuss my medical history with most of the people.

Is there anyway apart from Plastic surgery to hide scar ot to minimizes its appearnce.

Will be very glad to get the solution.



you all are awesome

I am a new member today and I got more support from all of you then I got from my family. I went to a chat room for the first time ever and everyone was great. Thank you for all the information and for opening up to a stranger! If anyone wants to reply to my postings but to shy send me a Private Message.


Would anyone like to chat?

It is 7:22 est and I am going in the chat room. Would anyone like to chat for a few minutes. We don't have to talk for a long time, just a short chat????????????

If so, please join me



Chat Time

We seem to constantly miss each other on chat. I wonder if it would be a good idea if we put the time in when we logged in. It would give us an idea of when those we want to chat to are in the habit of logging on. Just a thought. Cheers all Billie


lots of questions

I am a 24 year old college student who received a pacmaker last friday. I have lots of questions that I think the DR was not answering honestly. I enjoy working on my car and doing home improvements but I was told I cant use power tools. I do a lot of a shopping, will the anti theft doorways you walk through in the mall upset the pacemaker? How long will my arm and chest be tender? Will I beable to play competive sports again? How long will the battery in the pacer work for before it needs to be...



anyone up for a short chat? jessie


Tired All The Time

Hello. I have had my pacemaker for 3 months. I started working 2 weeks after my implant. I now feel tired all of the time, and have decreased appetite. I take heart meds, and I just feel more tired than usual. Has anybody gone through this?


Abdominal pacemackers and pregnancy

Hi,this is my first time on this website and I'm hoping someone out there has been through a pregnancy with an abdominally placed pacemaker. I'm in the very early stages of pregnancy for the first time at 44 and I just had my last pm change in May and they were forced to locate it under my abdominals (very painful). They had to place new leads externally and the ventricular lead touches my diaphragm and sometimes causes a spasm that feels like a shock. I'm worried that during pregnancy this wil...


Constant Upset Stomach

Hi, I'm new here and just had my pacemaker installed on Feb. 26, of this year. I've been home from the hospital for two weeks now. And I have had a constant upset stomach. Sometimes so bad I throw up or just can't function. Does anyoen have or had the same problem? If so what do you do about it? How long does it last?

My Mother has had her pacemaker since Oct. 2007 and she has the same problem.

Please help!


Thanks to Frank

Thank you Frank for explaining everything.

I find it very difficult to ask my cadiologist as I have the language barrier here in France. Unless I put a question on this site I am left in the dark.

Sorry if I started a scare but reading this made me nervous but now I shall settle down for the evening.



You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

One week has passed and I must admit that each day I feel a little stronger.