Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Where to get info?

I forgot to ask how do so many of you know what leads you have in you? I have a Medtronic pacemaker and I looked on my card and I can't find any information about that.



Has PM ever made anyone feel bad all over?

Hello again. I have a Medtronic installed 12/06. It was last adjusted 10/07.

I feel really bad much of the time....chest pressure, mild nausea, weak and generally just feel bad. Worst in the morning and gets better as the day goes on. The cardio says my heart is fine and there is nothing wrong. (PM is for atrial fibs, which it mostly has stopped, however the feelings are much the same as when I had A-fibs)

I have been to internist and gastro and taken dozens of tests,...


Ringing in Ears

Just been for an ultrasound for the ringing in the ears. Doc thought it might be a blocked artery but I am glad to report there is nothing wrong. Is this yet another sign of getting older!

By the way I am now nine weeks after op and all the people that told me to hang on in, you were right, it is getting better and I am due my test of effort as the french call it next week to verify that I am doing well without the beta blockers.

I am cycling and walk but cannot wait unti...


Thanks ela-girl, shocked!

I just wanted to tell you both for the nice chat tonight. I didn't mean to "wig" out on either one of you... my computer crashed and by the time I got it back up, you were both out of chat.

I appreciate the great help here on this site!



Go to chat if you want...I'll be up for a little longer!


Just curious...

I'm pretty new to this site, but, I'm just curious, where is everybody from? I just think it would be interesting to do a roll call type list, for instance, just repond w/your username, state, or country if outside U.S.A., age, & number of devices. I tried looking at the Member List, but, it was very time consuming to look at each one, I guess I'm lazy...

For example, maybe just respond like this...w/myself as an example:

Username: morgysmom (my daughter has an ICD)



hi to all
im 26 years old girl from iran.i wonder why iran is not in list of so eager to know other people in iran who has pacemakers.unfortunately we dont have a site in iran.i thought i could find them hear.but when i searched,i release that iran is not in the list.would u please add iran.
best wishes for everyone


Radar Gun

My son-in-law is a police officer and the other day he was showing me how fast they can lock in the speed with the radar gun (speed gun). I was standing next to the gun and started to feel weird. He turned the gun off and moved away and the feeling went away. We did it again (maybe not too smart, but I wanted to know if the radar gun did it or it was just me) - the same thing happend. Are there any police officers out there with pm's who have experienced the same or heard about it. I know it mig...


can i play wii?

hi everyone. It is me again! I hope u are all doing well. I was wondering if we are able to play the wii if we have a pacemaker. I have never played it before and some friends invited me to play next week. Please let me know what your experiences are. Thank u in advance and God bless.


heart rate vs respirations

greetings all:
i have sick sinus syndrome and had my medtronic implanted 12/07 with the rate response on which is great for me. my question is: my respiration rate does not seem to match my heart rate when the rate response activates. that is, with my longstanding bardycardia my respiration rate was low to match the low heart rate. but now that my heart rate is up to normal or a bit above normal, my respiration rate seems to still be low as though it is not recognizing the increased need fo...


EP Study Tomorrow

Hello everyone!

I am going to the hospital tomorrow for another EP Study. Please keep me in your thoughts, and keep your fingers crossed that my doctor is able to induce the arrhythmia and "fix" it!




Wi-Fi in laptop

Just got a new laptop with Wi-Fi integrated. Was working with it over the weekend with the Wi-Fi turned on and felt weird. Does anyone know if Wi-Fi can affect the PM? I'm going to do some research but thought I would check here as well.




returning home

hi everyone returning home to canada in a.m. it has been lovely but it is time to return. it will take us 2 full days . we had a lovely holiday. going out for dinner then hit the sack early. we will have a computer on the way. hope to make chattanooga tennesee by to-morrow night . hope everyone had a lovely weekend! jessie


Red Skin

I woke up this morning and have a large red skin mark or rash around my pacemaker (actually larger than pacemaker). No bumps or anything but a large red skin circle. I think that I slept on my pacemaker side last night. I had this before, but the next day it went away. Should I be worried ? Pacemaker impact 2001, with 2 years left. I hope its nothing, tired of doctors...


Care of child with PM


I found one document which contains general guidelines for Child care with Pm.

Here it is....



Just wanted to give a shout out to our friend, bowlrbob, who is having a birthday tomorrow!!! Bob, you've been a great friend to many and we appreciate your sharing your experiences with us and explaining the rate drop response feature for pacemakers. I know you've helped many--especially all us NCS patients. We have to stick together! You are a super friendly guy and a bright spot around the site. Thanks for being you. You were one of the first people I met on this site and were very kind...


Searchable Gallery?

Mr Webmater, sir. is it possible to make the gallery searchable or have pics linked to a username? I love the gallery, but sometimes you want to put a face to the name and it's not designed for that purpose.



Happy Easter!

Jesus has risen! Enjoy you family and friends. But don't forget the real reason we celebrate Easter. Have fun having your Easter egg hunts! I know we will. Happy Easter to all you Pacermaker Club "family".

God bless you all,



How do you get an EP?

hi all and Happy Easter !
I 'm having problems and ended up in the ER last Thursday. I had chest pain and I had a sort of "quivering" feeling in my chest. by the time I got there ( 2 hours) all was normal on the EKG. I also have COPD and had a hard time breathing and so they gave me a breathing treatment and different asthma spray "that is not so hard on my heart".
I'm having a problem with my cardiologist. He does not explain anything, just gives me meds and tells me to come back in 3...


Thanks to E-Frank & Bowlrbob

Just wanted to send a general "Thanks" for continuing to provide us with information on our PM settings and what they mean to our feelings of well-being. I am referring to your recent responses on "Rate Drop" and "Rate Response" questions. Good info in easily understood language is always appreciated. ThankYou,



You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.