Most Recent Messages in General Posting

HRT and PMs

Further to my question as to whether there were any ladies with PMs on HRT, here is my answer to the comments received. I had my St Jude Victory DDR PM fitted 16 days ago and wondered whether HRT is permissible for ladies with PMs. Prior to the PM issue I had been intending asking by doctor if I could go on HRT.


Forgive me, but I need to post this.

I'm wondering why, when legitimate pacemaker/ ICD questions are asked, hardly any replies are made; but when someone posts a sob story, everyone rallies around that, and replies pour in?
Wasn't this site created to help inform and support pacemaker and ICD recipients? The key word here being RECIPIENTS.
Often times, one person gets all the support, at the expense of informative replies to all other legitimate members with important questions.
The comments ratio on several posts pr...


chat room

Any one up for chatting? 9am in saskatchewan.



hi we are going to take the alaskan cruise from seattle on the 19th. as we are canadian we will fly from seattle and end up in victoria and of course will take the double bus to tour victoria and to have tea at the famous victoria hotel empress something or other. has anyone else ever gone and are there any suggestions as to what things to see. there are skads of them to pick from and we want to do something each day but not a lot of walking right now for my husband. so any suggestions would be...


What about sex?

Thank you for the FAQ's. It addresses most of my initial concerns and questions. I received my pacemaker less than a week ago. One issue I missed has to do with sex. Is this a concern? Do I need to wait a while for sex or is that even an issue? I didn't have restrictions before the pacemaker was installed. Will I now?


Help us start a List!

Ok. Many members have been asking about all those initials and abbreviations that are always floating around this web site being used like they are common vernacular. SO...I suggest we help each other out and post what we know so that reading posts will be easier (and maybe we'll all get a little bit smarter in the process)! :) I'll even start!

VVS = vasovagal syncope
NCS = neurocardiogenic syncope
SCD = sudden cardiac death
BPM = beats per minute

Now it...


EP visit

ela-girl and randrews, you asked me to keep you posted on the EP visit. I can't seem to get the private messages working so I will post here. Visit went well, the ep says I have VVS. He is taking me off all meds and he raised my bpm to 70 (was 55)for now. I keep getting light headed or dizzy episodes caused by v v s and he feels that by raising the bpm that will help get me away from them. When I have not had any for awhile he will start lowering the bpm. If this does not work he said we can try...


guest speaker

The Hospital for Sick Children cardiology department is having their annual gathering in September 2007. We would love to host a guest speaker who is also a famous (or not-so-famous) pacemaker recipient. We are looking for a sports person or a singer or someone who tends to be inspiring. We usually host a guest speaker, last year it was a magician, illusionist.
We have about 100 children and their families who attend. It is run by the fabulous medical team at HSC.
Is there any way...


cat scans and pacemakers

I just wanted to know if anyone ever had problems when they had a cat scan? I just had a cat scan today, I have had many in the past, so I'm very used to them, but today something strange happened, I was fine when they were scanning me, but when the machine started moving around me, I felt my heart starting to beat hard, it reminded me of when I have my pacemaker turned off to see how my heart is beating, It was getting harder and faster, so I told them to stop, they thought I might be...


HRT and pacemakers

Are there any ladies out who have a pacemaker and who also take HRT?


More Questions!

I went back in yesterday for another visit. I put off going to the ER the night before because I knew that they couldn't do anything for me. I have had my pm for 7 weeks now and this entire time has been up and down for me. My heart has started to do most of the work and has gone back into tachycardia once again. I didn't think that this would be possible as they have burned so much of my AV and SA Node. As they changed more settings on the pm they told me that overtime I would just start to ada...


I'm Back

Hello Everyone!

I've been away for a while as I have been busy taking care of my Mom who after four months after my Father's death and my PM implant began suffering with a bit of depression and anxiety.

My Mom has always been a very strong woman when it comes to moments of crisis, she has always been someone's "Rock of Gibraltar."

After the crisis of my Father's death and my surgery passed, the reality of my Father being gone and all the concerns of being a new...


Newer Wires in ICDs May Have More Failures

Implanted Defibrillators: Wire Trouble
Study Shows Newer Wires in ICDs May Have Higher Failure Rates Than Older Models
By Salynn Boyles, WebMD Medical News

They were supposed to be more reliable, but the wires now used in devices implanted to protect the heart actually appear to be less reliable than earlier versions.

In a newly reported German study, the annual defect rate was as high as 20% after 10 years of use for wire leads used in implantable car...


Support Groups in Rhode Island

Does anyone know of any support groups in RI or maybe even Southern Massachuesetts? I am a 44 year old female ane would love to find other people to talk with!


unsuccessful lead revision

Am 16 mos. post PM implant for 2nd degree HB and vaso vagal syncope. Went in to have my ventricular lead replaced due to a gradual decline in its sensing ability but my Ep found scar tissue and new capillaries had grown around the lead where it enters the vein totally blocking it. After 1 1/2 hrs. attempting to insert the new lead he gave up and closed.

Now before removing the old pm and inserting a new one on the opposite side he'd like to do a tilt table test saying this...


Three strikes and you're out!

Has anyone had this experience? In the past 10 months I have been into surgery, first to implant the PM and then to repair the leads twice. In each case I have become very ill two days after returning from the hospital. I mean sick in bed! No appetite, weak, sick to my stomach for two or three weeks! The Drs can't figure it out. They say you must of caught the flu in the hospital. Three out of three times? Could a PM make you sick like that in recovery? Help



I have moderate to advanced arthritis in one of my hips and tomorrow I will have a fluoroscopy with cortisone shot. I was wondering if any of you have had this done and if it gave you nay problems with your pm. Also, did you have to take antibiotics before the procedures. I have to take that for any dental work.
Thanks in advance.


Small shocks

Last night I was awakened by what felt like small shocks or pin pricks in the area of my heart. I am 100% paced because of a complete heart block, have had my pacemaker for 3 years and never had this happen. It worried me, lasted about 15 minutes, with some shortness of breath, but I didn't get out of bed (was too worried to get up)
Has this happened to anyone else? Should I mention it to my EP or cardiologist? I am fine today.



cortizone and PM

I have had 3 spinal injections with cortizone where they used an xray to guide the needle in. No problem with PM. I did have to stop warfarin for 5 days prior to the procedure.


Honeymoon with recent PM implant

I'm 22 years old and I just got a pacemaker implanted a week ago. I'm getting married in 3 weeks and we're planning on flying to Colorado for our honeymoon. What do you think about flying so soon after having a pacemaker put in? I've never flown, so I'm a little nervous about that, plus flying across the country with a new pacemaker (I live in VA).

Also, my family is traveling to Disney World in June. I'm hesitant about riding the rides with shoulder harnesses because of the contact i...


You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.