Most Recent Messages in General Posting


Does anyone know of any support groups in the St. Louis, MO area?


Thanks Blake

I see on our account that we put in our home town ect. I didn't know you were planning on making that info available at a later date. That will be great if you could. If you did not want that part to be seen you just note that and it would be deleted from the profile. Great Idea and do it soon if you can Blake. And if i might ask a question Blake how do I send a personal message now with the change. I sent a couple and got no answer so i don't know if they went through or not. Thanks again for t...


Travel plans for the UK

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers and to Fathers who are also the Moms. ;-)

Now..... time for an update on the travel plans..... just in case you guys are following this. My husband and I have our passports, tickets and I have been packed to leave for a week! We are leaving this coming Saturday morning to meet Peter and his lovely wife in London on Sunday morning. We are traveling from Wichita, Kansas. We have been friends for a long time (one year) and we are looking forward...


Before you read I have an Idea.

Sorry, I guess that wasn't the last 2 posts. I meant the post of Pacergirl and Peter.nash. About there meeting up in the UK. It sounds like so much fun. Bowlrbob


I have an Idea.

Because of the last 2 postings below why don't we see if Blake could set up a place under forums where we could list our country and home town. Then if we were setting up a vacation or even if we were going to be out and about on business we could look up other members. We could write them and if they were interested meet them. This would be a huge help when visiting a new area. We could avoid the usual tourist traps and have access to a guide who knows the best places to go. There would be no o...


iPods may cause pacemaker malfunction

By Liz Welter
Marshfield News-Herald

Grandma or Grandpa probably aren't tuned into an iPod.

But if they have a pacemaker, someone else's use of a portable music player can cause problems.

iPods were used in a study which demonstrated that the devices caused 50 percent of the pacemakers to malfunction.

The study found that iPods affected the pacemakers for a distance of up to 18 inches. In one case the pacemaker stopped working.



***Is'nt this just fantastic***

Hello there everyone.
regarding Pacergirls posting below....Yes we are nearly there, this time next week Susan and her husband will be here with my wife and I .. it is hard to believe all this has come from a click of a mouse on this fantastic site...I would like to thank Blake and co for their hard work in keeping this club up and running........ but also there would be no club without all the caring members there are here ...I would like to thank you one and all for all the support and ki...


happy mothers day

happy mother's day to all the moms on our site. to-day is our day so we must try to enjoy it as best we can. some of us are sick and worried but this site helps the most with that i find. my daughter was born in 1965 and then our son 1967. he was our centennial baby. canada celebrated 100 years that year. it was also the summer of love and there was a lot of celebrating at woodstock. we had two children we were dirt poor and i swear we were happier then or is it just my memory is tainted. one th...


Los Angeles

Does anyone know of a support group in the Los Angeles/Marina del Rey area?


Great site...

Hi Everyone

This is my first post on here, I hope i'm doing it all right!

I had my pacemaker fitted 23 March 2005 and cannot believe I have only just come across this site - I really could have done with chatting to you all about 2 years ago. My family and friends are fantastic but sometimes I think nobody really knows what sort of effect needing a pacemaker has on me mentally. It's great to know i'm not the only bionic person out there hahaha!

I had my pacemaker...


Auto Seat Belts

This is my first day, so forgive me I ask a stupid question.
Do any of you have and issue relative to your car's safety belt? Mine crosses directly over my PM. Resently I had to applied my breaks quickly and the SB snapped down hard against my PM. I saw my Dr the next day and she said no one ever mentioned this to her before. - Jean


you guys are great!


i must say i have really been enjoying this group. i can tell most of you are young. it's nice to hear the different things you feel with your devices, complications, how you cope etc. i have read so many messages that have validated how i am feeling and then the dr. say "it can't happen" no, it doesn't feel that way etc. it's like we should all band togewther and march saying....something. i have picked a few of you out that i can truewly relate to.

thank you,...


Thanks for the Rain Dance

Hi Pacers

We have had some rain and the tank is now at seven thousand gallons. The bore is running again so Maestro, your raindance/thoughts worked fine - a big thanks>

Have just booked my accommodation in Melbourne for when we see Rewired Aussie Girl. I really look forward to seeing my special friend. What a great positive to come out of having a pacemaker.

Lately I have found I get really tired. I do suffer from depression and anxiety. I have had a massi...


Anyone my Age


I was just wondering if there was anyone my age with a PaceMaker? I am 23 years old and my friends make fun of me becuase I am like an old person who was on a blood thinner and have a pacemaker....

Just curious!

Hope all is well with everyone...




To everyone who lives in Edmonton and surrounding areas..... let's get some sort of support group together..... where all can meet mutally - 1 - 2 times per month. It would be a good way to network, meet individuals who have a pm, and support individuals who may be struggling.....and have fun in the process! This system is great, however, meeting face to face would be even better!


cell phone

I noticed this posting about IPods....which led me to wonder how many people with pm's use cell phones, and do you notice anything happening good, bad or indifferent! I have been told to not use them at all, and if I have too then for a very short time, and to not use the same ear as the side my pm is on.



Doing some work on the site


I'm doing a bit of work on the site today -- mostly trying to stamp on some oddities with the chat. This may require a restart of the application, which takes about 30 seconds, although I will try to avoid doing so during daylight hours. If things go away, just wait a few seconds and try again.

I promise to try my best to avoid restarting things, but thought I'd post a warning just to be safe.


Chat should work fine

I believe that the slow response times for chatting are resolved, and that the list of active users is now working properly. Also, you should be notified when a user enters or leaves the chat room. Let me know, via private message, if you have any problems.


ipods and pacemakers do not mix.

I just heard this on the news, and I want to share it with you.
To make it easier than having to copy the whole article, and comments, I invite all of you, to visit:

I think you’ll all enjoy the comments.
Take care everybody,


missed beats

This seems a little elementary but I have a couple questions.
My pm is set for a minimum 60bpm. Is it possible for my heart to skip a beat if it's beating at that minimum 60bpm. Lately it seems that it's missing beats occasionally.
I'm also having occasional tics or twitches below my left pectoral. These twitches keep beat with my heart. It's been just uncomfortable but lately, it aches some in that area. I'm getting dismissed by the doctor's office on this one. Has anyone else d...


You know you're wired when...

Your friends want to store MP3 files on your device.

Member Quotes

Think positive and go out and take on the world.