Most Recent Messages in General Posting

OK, I thought I saw everything with the Medtronic ICD ads on TV, but I was wrong!

As many of us know, recently Medtronic started putting ads out into the media to peddle their merchandise. I thought that was about the worst I've seen.

Today I just starting seeing an ad from Johnson & Johnson telling us to ask our doctors if knee replacement was right for us too.

This isn't just about the greed of these companies anymore. These companies have all but hijacked the medical profession!

A common denominator I've noticed between these ads on TV by t...


Chest pain and discomfort

Hello Everyone,

I recieved my PM on March 23 so it's been about 7 weeks. From the beginning I have had a pressure in my chest that seems to come and go. They told me to take Advil because there may be small amounts of fluid around my heart. It seemed to help but it keeps coming back. Yesterday the pressure became much worse, advil does nothing now. Last night I could not lay down flat I had to sleep propt up with three pillow. If I tried to turn on my side I would get a sharp pa...


A "Heart"felt Thanks!

Hello My Friends, A big thank you to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. You really made it extra special. It is amazing to me how we are all so close but would not know one another if we passed on the street. Strange but wonderful! This has been a very special day and I thank you again. Blessings to you all.


how far can they go?

After reading Cathryn's post about airport security, I was reminded of an incident that happened to me. Two years ago, I was traveling to Jamaica with a mission group from my church, and I was fine with the US security checks. When we got to the Jamaican airport, I was taken into a closed room and patted down. The female agent then asked me to show her my scar. I was wearing a t-shirt and had to pull it up to show her. I thought this was uncalled for, but I needed to board another flight with my...


Information , please

Hello. I been looking online for a support group.

A friend of mine has a son who recently had a pacemaker put in. He is in his earlier 20's, and he is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to some of this. He really needs someone to talk to, and I was hoping maybe someone knows of a group for young adults .
I would appreciate any feedback or information.
Also, feel free to send me an email with information at

Thank You in adva...


bi-vent w/ ICD pending 5/10/07 HELP

Need encouragement & more information ... esp. whether to include the ICD. I'm 65 yr old female with EF of 30.




Fasssst Pulse

Hi guys, its me back again! I wasn't feeling well for the past couple of weeks. This is my question, Has anyone had a high pulse rate and the BP is fine? Sometimes my pulse goes to 110!

stay well, Colleen


Discomfort in pacemaker area.....

Hi everyone.....

I got my pacemaker about 9 months ago and have felt pain and a pinching sensation in my left collar bone and around the pacemaker, since the time it was implanted. It only gets worse when I do any physical activity, like yard work. I asked my EP aboiut it and he said that it was caused by irritation from the pacemaker on my collar bone....he kiddingly suggested that I gain weight, but then, how do you gain weight in your collar bone area? Since I am 57, I don't nee...


St. Jude touts pacemaker's longevity

Company says just-approved Zephyr can last up to 14 years
Pioneer Press

Which company's pacemaker is the one that keeps going and going and going for the longest period of time?

Little Canada-based St. Jude Medical announced regulatory approval Thursday in the U.S. and Europe for its new Zephyr line of pacemakers. Among other innovations, the Zephyr has an expected 14-year lifespan thanks to a new feature that conserves the amount of ener...


*~~!HaPpY bIrThDaY sHaRoN!~~*

Sharon (auntiesamm): May 7, 1940

I remember it clearly: October 31, 2006, around dinner time.
I came on this site, so very nervous; I’d thought I just drop a line.
My implant date was set, yet my knowledge on the subject was so barren,
But here came a wonderful person, and her name is Sharon.

Sharon mentioned that she lived near by in Rancho Santa Margarita,
And I had a sudden thirst for a Strawberry Virgin Margarita :)
After this initial craving, I...


Pacing more often now

I just had an interrogation on Thursday and found out that I am paced 32% of the time now. In July, right after I got my PM, I was only paced 5% of the time. Each interrogation shows the numbers creeping up. The tech tells me that this is normal, but it is a little concerning for me. Does this mean eventually I'll be at 100%? I don't know why I am worried about it, but at 42 years of age I don't look forward to that. I guess I just want a little reassurance from those who have been where I...


Thank your for this site

Hi everyone,
I got my first PM inserted in November last year and since then this website has been a precious help. Thank you for setting it up and thanks to all of you to share your experience. As I have just read it in a recent post, we may have our family and friends, it is always different to talk to people who really share it for real. I have felt really good for the past 3 months, even if I did felt a bit sore and uncomfortable for the first 2 months. I had my operation done in Scotla...


Is Donating Blood Possible, Now?

I have been donating blood for a long time at the local blood bank. But, I haven't for a while, awaiting for my PM. Their screening is pretty tough when it comes to heart related problems, and such (lots of questions). I haven't checked if I can still donate. Does anyone do it post PM implant? Thanks.


Good morning,

After battling CHF for over 9 months that became progressively worse, I was implanted with a Medtronics Adapta on the 18th of April. Never before had I experienced anything like this. Up till the implantation, my biggest complaint was the inability to breath due to all the congestion that kept building up. Everytime I simply moved, it felt like I just ran the 440. I managed to end up with 3rd degree heart block and a pulse rate in the upper 20`s.
The day I was taken to have this thing impl...


New Heart Now Never Missing a Beat


I am 37 and just received a PM. I am not sure how I should handle this. It is all too wierd. I had to get the PM because I was felling chest pains with shortness of breath and lightheadness. I had an angiogram which showed I had fgreat arteries. The doc concluded that I needed the PM. Once I got done with the op, It was so emotional I was crying because I could breath deeply. I immediately had tons of energy. I have so much energy that I have been having trouble sleepin...


St. Jude Medical Gets Pacemaker OK

Thursday May 3, 10:29 am ET
St. Jude Medical Receives U.S., European Marketing Approval for Zephyr Line of Pacemakers

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- Heart device maker St. Jude Medical Inc. said Thursday it received Food and Drug Administration and European marketing approval for a new type of pacemaker.
The approvals cover the Zephyr family of pacemakers, which are designed to save time by automatically performing follow-up testing before a patient sees a doctor.




Dear All,
My father has got a pacemaker implanted almost a year ago. I just wanted to ask whether anyone knows whether going to a high altitude will do any harm to the pacemaker. actually he is planning for a trip to a high spot. Please reply me as soon as possible.


one year

Well one year ago I got my pacemaker. It's hard to believe that time has already gone by. I can tell that my energy has improved with it and as more active. (though I felt fine beforehand) Even though I don't always post or answer questions I'm glad I found this site. I enjoy reading other answers. My husband/family are always there for me but they don't understand everything. Thanks for being here.



Good Morning Fellow Pacers,
I am scheduled to have lead extraction and a whole new unit installed in Burbank on May 16th. The surgeon noted that I would be getting a Zephyr model from St. Jude. I realize the press release just came out on this yesterday but I wondered if anyone oversees has already gotten this model and if so how do you feel it is working? I currently have an older St. Jude model and have had so many problems (this is my 4th surgical procedure in 2 years). The problems...



I have taken the Alaska cruise and enjoyed it. I would say to just stay on the ship and enjoy the scenery. When you go ashore in the towns in Alaska there will be 2 or 3 ships in port with about 2000 passengers each. The side walks are so full of people you can hardly walk down the street. There are a couple of train trips that are worthwhile. They get you out of town.


You know you're wired when...

You’re officially battery-operated.

Member Quotes

I am very happy with mine. I am in the best shape of my life. I lift weights, compete, bike, golf and swim.