Most Recent Messages in General Posting

We are at the Airport ;-)

Hello everyone,
For those following our journey, (others please disregard) we have arrived at the airport and we have made our way through airport security. It's been a while since I have had a stranger touch me like that! No problems traveling with the pacemaker. The journey to meet Peter and Nina is going to be worth every mile we travel. My husband and I are very excited about the trip! I'll keep everyone posted as the day and miles go by. Presently in Wichita, Kansas..... Soon to b...


IPod MP3 Interferes with PM

I just read a post on an Apple site which documented some research done in Michigan by a student.

He discovered that the IPod interferred with patients' PM in 3 different ways:

Oversensing of events
Telemetry interference
Inhibit of PM occurred in 1.2% of study group.

I am taken aback by this finding, but I do believe it is correct.
For more info, google "IPod interferes with pacemaker"


Help! Is there anyone out there like me?

I am so frustrated. I recieved a PM on Mar 23 at Mass General Hospital where my Doctors don't have anyone else like me. They can't seem to figure out how to set my PM. I have second degree heart block and a very high hear rate when I exercise. Before my PM my heartrate would drop from 160's or so to the 80's and stay there for a couple of minutes causing me to become dizzy and light headed. Then my rate would jump back to the 130's even though I was resting. Now that I have my PM it seems it...


Question re Leads

This may be a very stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway. I know someone in this very helpful group will have the answer. If I had a different brand of PM implanted, would the leads also have to be replaced? In other words, could the existing leads still be used? Betty


Skipped beats

Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone could help me with a problem I've never seen on here before.

When I crouch down and bend over e.g. when looking under something, or cleaning the floor, my heart pauses. It feels like it's skipping a beat and doesn't do it any other time.

I've had my pacemaker (for heart block) since January and have had many settings problems but I'm worried that this is more of a placement issue as it only happens in those positions. My p...


knowledge seeker

Anyone recommend a good book on AF that is really helpful?

any members in greater Boston who know about the bestg AF Dr's around here? Jim in Newton, MA


Thank you

I just got several very thoughtful and helpful responses to my postings.My question:
Is there someway to e-mail the individual person to thank them or ask a specific question based on their response. Jim


Feeling tired all time

I got St. Jude Pacemaker in November of last year. I was very tired all the time. I thought after I got I would my pacemaker I would have more engery but I don't. I felt real good for a couple of weeks after getting it but after I went back to work, tireness came back. I would like to get up and walk in the mornings before work (I used to walk 2 miles before I went to work), but I don't have the energy. Sometimes I think something else is wrong.



Well, I need to get with the times b/c my computer smarts are....well....not present. I have computer "not-smarts"

This "avatar" that like a picture I can put from my computer to this site or something? If so, then I saw some people have it, but you need like a 10000 X magnifying glass to see what in the world the picture is, lol.
thanks :)


Hello from Finland

Hello all pacers!
I just want to say hello to everybody and wish you all good spring.
Summer is coming soon and here in Finland everything
in the nature looks very beautiful.
As you everybody know,Finland is also called; the land of thousands lakes.
Esa Karhu


Implanted Defibrillators Are Getting Better

By Ed Edelson
HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, May 11 (HealthDay News) –– Implanted defibrillators, which deliver occasional jolts to the heart to keep it beating regularly, are becoming much more reliable, experts report.

"What really sticks out is the continuous improvement and the fact that we see a very low level of electronic failure," said Dr. Robert J. Hauser, a senior cardiac consultant at the Minneapolis Heart Institute, who led a study of the devices made by three...


Market Research Study for those with pacemakers or ICD's

If you have heart problems, a pacemaker or survived a heart attack we need your input for a medical market research study. We are in the process of coming out with a new medical device and need your expertise. If you are interested in participating we will come to your house and interview you and pay you for it. You won't even have to leave your own home. This is only taking place in the Boston and Chicago area. You will be compensated $150 for this 2 hour opportunity. If you are interested and...


A Special Day Indeed :)

Pacemaker: a zillion dollars
Pacemaker replacement: one billion dollars
Prescription Meds: 8 million dollars
Doctors check ups: one thousand dollars
Trips to the ER: 800 dollars
Getting a terrific response from Smitty: priceless.

Smitty: May 15, 1929

Some memorable quotes by the birthday boy:
*** May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet...


Anyone from central Wisconsin?

If you read my replies in the topic below about iPods and pacemakers, you'll see that I wrote to the reporter about the misconception that pacemakers are only for "old" people. You can see a copy of what I sent her in that topic posting.

Anyway, she just responded to me:

"Hi, thanks. This would be a good story if I can localize it to central Wisconsin. Do you know anyone in our area with a pacemaker that is not an elderly citizen? Our hospitals are not very helpful in conn...


Lawn mowing.....

With the lawn mowing season fast many cut the lawn with a gas or electric mower? In doing so, do you notice anything different happening - numbness in that arm, tightness? Do you have any concerns with this happening or does the feeling(s) subside?


pacemaker resetting

has anyone ever heard of a pacemaker resetting itself because it can't pick up the signal because the voltage is too low?



Does anyone know of any support groups in the St. Louis, MO area?


Thanks Blake

I see on our account that we put in our home town ect. I didn't know you were planning on making that info available at a later date. That will be great if you could. If you did not want that part to be seen you just note that and it would be deleted from the profile. Great Idea and do it soon if you can Blake. And if i might ask a question Blake how do I send a personal message now with the change. I sent a couple and got no answer so i don't know if they went through or not. Thanks again for t...


Travel plans for the UK

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers and to Fathers who are also the Moms. ;-)

Now..... time for an update on the travel plans..... just in case you guys are following this. My husband and I have our passports, tickets and I have been packed to leave for a week! We are leaving this coming Saturday morning to meet Peter and his lovely wife in London on Sunday morning. We are traveling from Wichita, Kansas. We have been friends for a long time (one year) and we are looking forward...


Before you read I have an Idea.

Sorry, I guess that wasn't the last 2 posts. I meant the post of Pacergirl and Peter.nash. About there meeting up in the UK. It sounds like so much fun. Bowlrbob


You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

I can bike a 40-50 tour with no trouble.