Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Please Support My Walk for HIV/AIDS!

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to tell you about a challenge I have taken on and to ask for your help. On Sunday June 3, 2007, I will be walking with over 10,000 other people in AIDS Walk Boston.

In addition to pledging my time to this event, I have committed to raising money for AIDS Walk Boston that will go to AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, Inc. to help provide needed services to people living with HIV/AIDS. AID...


What does it do to your heart?

I have read several postings about security devices at doorways, and the wand they also use. If you get a zap when undergoing the search -- what does the zap do to your heart? Could it cause damage? Is the possible damage cumulative over time after years of this zap? Just curious. Bionic Barb


Electrophysiology Testing

When some of you had an Electrophysiology Test were you completely knocked out or did they just use a local anesthetic? I just read this from my own Dr.'s webiste;
"The site where the catheters will be inserted is cleaned, shaved, and numbed with a local anesthetic. Other than a sedative, patients having an EP study do not receive any anesthetics because they can alter how the heart functions."
I was completely put under and am now wondering if that had any outcome on my results.



I'm scheduled to see my cardiologist tomorrow at 3 and right after have my pacer check. I got a call a little while ago and the receptionist said they had to move it up. I asked what time. i was told 1:30. I told them I can't make it at then. I can't leave work any earlier than 2 so I wouldn't make it there until 2:30. I love how they think you can drop everything for their convience. If I knew yesterday maybe I could have worked something out. I don't have a job where I can just leave. (it was...


Guidant Problem!

I had a Guidant Insignia 1290 implanted in January of 2006. (This is NOT a recalled model at this time.) I have previously wrtten here about subsequent problems that began the moment I woke up from surgery and was experiencing constant shocking from the pacemaker, and how my EP who implanted it refused to even acknowledge that this condition existed.

This misery continued for several months until I found a new Electrophysiologist who took seriously my complaints of constant "shockin...


Body Fat Testing Follow up

So I called Medtronic (the maker of my ICD) to see what they had to say about me using the body fat tester at the gym. They told me they don't recommend using it because it can cause the device to give an unnecessary shock. Yikes, I don't think I'm up for risking it!



Hello to everyone. I recently flew and showed my pacemaker card and they took me back to do a pat down as not to go thru security device. On the way back at the Las Vegas airport they made me go thru the security and would not even look at my pacemaker card. I have a dual lead with a defibulator and I received a first class shock. What I need to know can this have affected my pacemaker settings. I have a Medtronic pacemaker 100% dependant. Does anyone have an answer??
Thanks ponyrider...


**Thank you all so much.**

Hello to everyone,
thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes last was so nice to hear from you all .just like having a big family.which basically this club is..thank you all.

For those of you that have been following the postings of Pacergirl (Susan) and my self on her trip to the UK from the States.....Sad to say it is all over now .....the week went so quick.and Susan is back home safe and sound and back to work today.
But what a lovely week we had...even...


The Sorin Group

Has anyone had an implant made by the Sorin Group company? I've been researching what the smallest ICD's are (unfortunately I wasn't able to do this in the hospital before they pressured me to get mine) and I found that the Ovatio DR model made by this Italian company has a significantly smaller ICD than made by Medtronic, St. Jude or anyone else for that matter. I'm pretty upset with my surgeon right now since I told him I wanted the absolute smallest one possible for cosmetic reasons. I guess...


Did your eyesight get better after?

I am 1 week post-op with my PM. For years I have been nearsighted (see things close up, but not far away). I could read and do close up things without wearing my glasses. But I needed the glasses to do things like driving and watching TV. I am still just out of the hospital, so I haven't been driving, but - I can see the TV just fine without my glasses, now. My BPM (beats per minute) was down to 36 before the PM, and now it is 60. Could the improved bloodflow have helped my eyes and hence eye...


Now A Two Pacemaker Family

In previous posts I wrote that I was implanted with a pacemaker in February of this year for second degree heart block. On May 15, my wife had an attack of ventricular tachycardia where her heart rate went to 210 bpm and she was rushed to the hospital. After a heart cath, it was determined she needed a pacemaker/defribulator to control the v-tach.

It has been nearly two weeks since the implant and she is doing very well (probably better than I am) and we hope to resume our "normal" da...


We are home again, home again jiggty a jig

Greetings Everyone! ;-)

My husband and I have returned home from our wonderful visit with Nina and Peter. We had a fantastic time! It was so wonderful to actually meet and chat with someone who has heart issues as I do. What great friends my husband and I have made in Nina and Peter. We shall remember this trip for the rest of our lives.

Travel was quite easy internationally speaking. No problems if one does not mind being personally body searched each time one enters a...


Scar question

Hi again. I was wondering what people's experiences have been in regards to the healing of their scar from the implant. This is the only surgery I've ever had and I wondered how long it has taken the redness of the scar for others to return to a more skin type color. I've been using Mederma on mine but it's only been 6 weeks since my surgery. I'm guessing it takes a long time for the red line to turn more skin color but I thought I'd ask and see what others experienced. Thanks!


Body Fat testing

So I was at the gym today and was going to test myself for bodyfat. They have this portable device that you hold on to and it sends a small electrical signal through your body to figure out your body fat. Anyway, I decided not to use it because I wasn't sure if it would interact with my ICD. Has anyone used one of these before with an ICD?


Thanks to all of you guys!

Hello everyone. Number one thank all of you who were concerned over the traumatic episode that i experienced. This place is a blessing! Well saw the pm clinic yesturday and got a tune up...The dr said that my icd was being too sensitive so that turned the icd part down a bit so it wo't jump to the conclusion that i was having cardiac arrest. Like some of you said it was a good thing that i had it, but you have to experience it to believe what a feeling! I know now what it is like to be struck by...


Official PM Member Now!

Hi Guys, Colleen Here
Last night i was at the bank and got the biggest shock of my life. The ICD fired off! I am soooo traumatized by this! My god what a feeling? Going back to pm clinic today to find out why this happened. Pray for me!



Happy birthday Peter !!

Hi Pete
Hope you had a great birthday yesterday.Sorry we forgot on the day!! Better late than never though!!
It sounds like you are all having a wonderful time together.
Say hi to everyone and have lots of laughs .
Take care and hope to hear from you again soon about your adventures-Regards from Kay



Happy Birthday Peter, a day late!

Peter, Nina, Tim and I have been out for Peter's birthday dinner last night. We enjoyed some wonderful laughs and had a fantastic dinner!

Peter's birthday was yesterday and I didn't see the posting here. So for everyone who would enjoy sending birthday wishes... Now is a good time to do that ;-)

We are due home in Wichita on Saturday night. We have had a wonderful visit here in the UK. The weather has been very sunny and war...



my bad.

lol It's May?? All this time I thought it was March.
I meant to say....

~*~Happy Birthday Peter.Nash: May 24, 1939!!~*~

No wonder when I was posting my message to Bob, I was having Deja Vu.
Now, another apology to dear Peter!
take care,


HR of 380 bpm?? physiologically impossible?

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't been around much - I've been focusing more on my neuro issues and have been focussing most on graduating on June 15 from high school (everyone said i wouldn't make it because of all the school i've missed and surgeries I've had) and then getting ready to move to Seattle to attend the UW. Anyways, I'm going on three years with my pacemaker as of two weeks from now (WOW) and it's pretty much completely helped my bradycardia. Now I'm dealing with tachy issues though....


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

My quality of life is better already and I know it will extend my lifespan.