Most Recent Messages in General Posting


Hello everyone,

I've had my pacemaker for three years and no problems until this last few weeks. I get an awful stinging/burning sensation when moving my left arm across my body. Anyone else experienced this? 


Recent change in heart rate after extended period with bradycardia

Early in 2023 my resting heart rate abruptly dropped to about 40 bpm (often falling to the mid/upper 30s overnight and sometimes during the day).  I’m currently 63, and for most of my adult life, I’ve had a resting rate in the low to mid 50s, as I’ve been a runner and cyclist since my teen years.

I was diagnosed with sinus node dysfunction, and along with bradycardia, I experienced chronotropic incompetence (heart rate wouldn’t go above 120 during vigorous e...


PLSVC - Incidental-oma

During the placement of my PM about 2 months ago, one of the "complications" that they ran into is that apparently I have what is callled a redudant or Persistant Left Superior Vena Cava.  This was one of the main reasons that they were unable to successfully manipulate the leads for CRT device into place and instead went with Plan B of the CAP device that I have (and I'm very happy with -so far).  The EP mentioned it briefly in his brief mtg w/ my famil...


Question about remote adjustments and PVC burden

Recently I got my device report and I noticed it mentioned not only my PVC's have went from 40-400 an hour which is concerning. But it also said I was adjusted remotely. I'm not sure how that is even done, but that would have taken place on the 21st. Yesterday, five days later, I was down all day, very lethargic and felt horrible. When I checked at my wrist for heartbeat etc., I noticed that I was having pretty bad PVC's, every few heartbeats was a PVC. By last night, I was feelin...


Leaving comments in old threads

I am still finding members are leaving comments in very old threads - please see post below from member tuck3lin.

Our current computer system doesn’t automatically bump new comments to the top of the new message board, so any comments you leave in older posts or even add to posts that are more than say a month old, may not be seen, unless you create a new message.  Furthermore, we are still not receiving “notification” of comments or of private messages...


Pacemaker home monitor

I have had a pacemaker for 13 years. The first one was 10 years and now my second one is 3 years. I have a StJude with Merlin home remote. It is still working on a landline which costs me $60 a month. They once before, about 5 years ago sent me the equipment to make it WiFi. It didn't work with our Wi-Fi for some reason so I just stayed with the landline 

Well my remote I have is beat. I'm getting calls asking if it's working because they haven't seen it. So today I...


Why doesn't the auto mode switch of my pacemaker prevent all pacemaker medicated tachycardia episodes?

Why doesn't the auto mode switch of my pacemaker prevent all pacemaker medicated tachycardia episodes?


Medical Bracelet

So I have been wondering if getting a medical bracelet is a good idea for those with pacemakers. 

anyone own one? 


Paced percentages

Curious ...

what's the percentage of pacing for your artrial and ventricle?


my atrial is 100% paced 

ventricle 70% paced


i read that ventricle pacing over 40% increases your chance of heart failure... anyone have info on this?

for people that are 100% atrial and ventricle paced do they rely solely on rate response to help tell there heart how fast to beat?


thanks for all your answers and info!



New pacemaker in 9 year old

Just wanted to put a little post on, my daughter, 9 years old, has just got her first pacemaker last week. The difference in her is incredible! All my fears since finding out about her heart block when I was 24 weeks pregnant until the moment she was in recovery after her operation have calmed and I just look at my amazing little girl quickly recovering being more funny vibrate and raring to go than ever before. What a magic machine she has inside of her and what a wonderful medical team she...


Upon death - pacemaker donation

I'm in the process of redoing my Will and was wondering if anyone had experience with donating pacemakers after death.  I've read that they can be refurbished and used in dogs and that there is a program associated with the University of Michigan that sends them to impoverished countries.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience with setting up paperwork to assure this occurs and if it needs to be in my Will.  I'm a designated organ doner as well.


CRT device when do I need one ?

Glad to have found this useful forum on pacemakers . I am 45 years old , I had a heart attack 2 years back  & had a CABG .

Currently my e.f is 32-33 % & am on heart failure medicines such as diuretic ,arni & ivabradine.

My e.f has remained the same since my surgery even after taking these meds .

I go for 25 minute walks in the morning & evening and am never breathless. If I exert myself by sweeping the floor ( vigorous hand activity) for say 10 minutes o...


Feeling confused

I'm a 53 year old male and I've had my pacemaker for 2 weeks now. I was admitted to the hospital with critical Heart Block and I also have high blood pressure. All of this is brand new. Started passing out on March 1st of this year, where we found my BP at 210/115 and started BP meds. Brought my BP to 130/90 within 3 weeks but still passing out. After many tests cardiologist says to the hospital you need a pacemaker now and we need to monitor you 24/7. My heart was stopping multiple t...



I saw a report in major media sites recently that the Cleveland Clinic did a study that found that xylitol, the artificial sweetener, doubles one's chances of a heart attack or stroke, in large amounts.

I believe that people taking statins and diabetics have dry mouth problems, and so there may be members on this forum using xylitol products to help dry mouth.  I use it because of having Sjogren's Syndrome, chewing xylitol gum after lunch at work to clean my teeth, and...


No stable threshold

Can anyone tell me what "No stable threshold found" would mean? I tried checking my manual but couldn't find anything on it..


59YO CHB Dual Lead Pacemaker

New member, never thought I'd have a pacemaker at 59! I'm active duty military, good physical condition, former college football athlete, no other serious health issues in my life.

It started about a year ago when I noticed I was getting a little light-headed when I would stand at attention. Didn't think too much about it, just dealt with it. About 3 months ago I was working in the yard all day, nothing out of the ordinary for me. It was warm but not oppressive heat and I wa...


Pacemaker Festival?

Hi.  It's been a while since I came on here, but I just recently watched a video of a guy attending a redhead festival and I know there's been a blonde festival... So, I'm wondering....are there any pacemaker festivals where people with pacemakers unite together?  You know, young recipients wonder if there is anyone around them like them and so something like this would help them to make friends with fellow pacemaker recipients.  


Advice or just negative input

I've noticed there are a few members that find it their mission to debate on some people's posts. This is a place to come for help and support, not to be patronized and made to feel as though your thoughts and questions aren't important. I'm actually thinking of just leaving this group, as it's becoming more like social media than a support group. 

If someone feels a certain way, it is no one's place to debate with them. They feel that way for a reason. Ther...


Weed-wacker and lawn Mower

I'm abut 2 days away from the 6 week post-implant mark (not that I'm counting.... *haha*).  I know what exercises and range of motion I can  now engage in but forgot to ask about activities like using my battery operated weed-wacker or gas powered, push mower.  Mother Nature has been having a field day and I'm now faced with jungles of tall grasses and weeds (think 3+ feet tall.)   I'm not worried about EM fields but more so if these are safe activities for...


2 lead pacemaker

I had AV node ablation in 2021, and received a PM 2 weeks later.  Due to the ablation, I'm Pacer Dependent.  My cardiologist wants to replace my 2 lead PM with 3 leads....My ejection fraction is low and so is my blood pressure, with symptoms of heart failure.  

Anyone else, pacer Dependent?  I'm a little nervous to change out one PM for another, while being dependent on the pacemaker I have...



You know you're wired when...

Microwave ovens make you spark.

Member Quotes

I am an avid scuba diver.