Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Calcium in PM pocket

Someone posted a message here a week or so ago with a question regarding a lot of calcium his doctor was pulling-out of the pocket with his fingers during his device replacement. I responded that I never heard of such a thing and thought maybe it was a problem with his device that caused it, but that I really had no clue. I looked for that post so I could update my response, but it is gone. So hopefully he will see this.

So guess what? I am laying on the table during my 1st procedu...


Ear Buds

I need earbuds that will not interfere with my pacemaker! Had to return the power beats pro by apple. They messed with my pacemaker!! Any suggestions on a brand??


I am back with gratitude for all the thoughts and prayers

I am overwhelmed by all the well wishes, thoughts and prayers that I received from all of the kind people here! I am filled with gratitude. Thank you! It made me feel so much better after a difficult experience. For all those that don’t want to read the following long book that I wrote, I understand and apologize. The bottom line is; I am doing fine and expect to continue feeling good into the future. However, after 3 days in the hospital I only have a new simple dual chamber...


Having hard time logging in

Maybe it's just me. But the "app" I've always used and never had issues with - all of a sudden won't work without a considerable amount of tinkering with. This is just on my iPhone. 
Haven't tried my computer.  Will do that tomorrow.  
Any one else experience this.  


Curiosity Question to all

I'm curious about how others "got" their device.  Was it something that was planned in advance as part of an overall tx outline or was it something that was required on an urgent basis secondary to a health crisis?  

I'm in the former category as I've been working towards my CRT-P for about a year now.


pacemaker/stove top

Question.   I have to replace my stove top.    I also have a pacemaker.   I would like to have an induction stoptop installed.  Will it interfere with my pacemaker?


Afib Catheter Ablation

Hello, question for those who undergone Catheter Ablation for Afib. Was the proceedure successful?Complications? Recovery time? Thank you!


Good Dog

Hello 👋🏻 

wish you all the best in recovery-healing ❤️ 

can't wait to hear from you  🔜 

but meanwhile just heal ❤️ 



Good Dog

Thinking of you today, Dave! Prayers it all goes well. 


Kardia Mobile/Apple watch

I have occassional a fib as indicated on my annual pacemaker check.  One cardiologist suggested using a device like Kardia Mobile to check in order to avoid constant use of blood thinners.  Now I am hearing that these devices are not recommended for people with pacemakers.

I sometimes get good readings from my Kardia mobile and sometimes do not.  Does anyone use these devices to check for a fib?  Is there interference between the device and my pacemaker?  Are th...


Going to a theme park for the first time since getting pacemaker

I'm going to universal studios Florida for the first time since getting my pacemaker. I contacted Boston scientific and they told me I can't ride roller coasters or anything that go against gravity. I'm good physically to ride anything I just was curious if there's any other types of rides that would affect my device such a motion simulators. Thanks!


None of you drain my battery

Just to be clear from my last post, absolutely none of you drain my battery. I simply meant situations where I am out and about. In person situations. You see, I worked about 10 years in this area, 5 years as a cashier in a local grocery store, and the other 5 years as a reporter and photographer for our small town weekly newspaper. In a community with about 1200 people, I got to know pretty much everyone...and they know me. So every time I go to the store, people stop me and talk to me, whic...


asking for help

Since i did not want to hijack another's query.  Thought i would put my comment of this separtely.  To me asking for help is a sign of strength.   We all know how hard that is to do. I have found in recent years when asking make sure you are clear about what it is or where the  help is needed.

This past Nov. - March i had to hire a lawn service to pick up the fallen leaves.  Was unable to do becuase of torn tendon, arthritis in base of thumb and finger...


My thoughts on therapy...

I know many of you have encouraged me to get some therapy for my healing process, of which I have taken under advisement. However, I wish to clarify some reasons as to why I'm really not keen on the idea of seeing a shrink. You'd have to really know me to fully understand my reasoning, but I'll try and explain myself so you can at least follow along.

First: I'm extremely introverted. Yes, I worked for most of my life, usually in some form of customer service, which only...




Hi Dave, hope your good experience continues ❤️ and good luck 🤞🏻 

Best wishes for your next venture 🥰 





Ear buds

Is it generally safe to use wireless earbuds.?


My upgrade from a dual chamber to a CRT

Finally have my upgrade to a CRT with a new lead (3-lead) on this Tuesday at the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus in Cleveland! Had my pre-op testing yesterday with all my results posted to my Chart within a couple hours. The people there for the testing are wonderful; especially the Pacer Tech. Probably the most knowledgeable and nicest that I've ever had. The way that I judge that is; I felt better (mentally) leaving her office than before I walked-in.

BTW: I am hoping...


Patient App

Has anyone figured out how to get the Patient App to work?  I just get a message saying there's a problem with the connection.  I tried everything.  I would appreciate any help you can give me.  I have an iphone SE.


Thank you!


And the Count Down Begins

  Finally have a date for my CRT-P placement:May 1.  Yep, only 8 weeks away.  *sigh*  That's soonest available (short of an emergency which to date I'm not).  But I will be very busy during these next 8 weeks still exploring other options. 

I need to get a second opinion from a different system with regards to pocket placement options actual device.  My EP is knowledgeable but really, really, really does not want to do anything other than...


Tricuspid Valve repair/replacement

Does anyone have any suggeastions or experience in getting their tricuspid valve repaired or replaced?. What questions should be asked of the potential surgeons. I am seeing three different surgeon for opinions over the next two weeks and want to be informed as possible.



You know you're wired when...

Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.

Member Quotes

My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.