Most Recent Messages in General Posting

New to PM Club

I would just like to say how helpful and informative plus calming all of your posts have been for me since I just received my Pacemaker in February. According to my recent check up, I have not had any episodes of atrial flutter since this was put in and I hope it stays that way as it was ruling and ruining my life. Thank you all so much--keep those posts coming!


This June 46 years pacemaker wearer

How many years for you?


Complete extraction of pacemaker and leads

Hi! I'm member here since 3 years, but only because our daughter got a PM aged 6 (Syncopes, AV Block 3)

Eversince the implant the pm showed only 1% or 0%. Now one of the leads is too short so action is needed.

The docs have put the pm down to 30 since 2 months and nothing happened, no dizziness or syncopes, nothing. They are now recommending to remove the PM because they think it's not necessary anymore and to give her heart the possiblity to grown without leads and have a...


Solar flare/geomagnetic storms

Here in the USA, we are slated to experience what could be a pretty powerful solar flair/geomagnetic storm today and tomorrow. I've been experiencing really strange headaches that last a few seconds, and I'm slightly nauseous but it doesn't feel like my normal medication issues. As a highly sensitive person, I'm wondering if it has something to do with the impending solar event. 

Here is an article I read about it for reference. 




I had a pacemaker placed on February 22. I have been having shortness of breath only when walking a good distance, but none otherwise. I had my first device check two weeks ago and the cardiologist said all was fine, but this bothers me. I feel great otherwise. What could be the problem and will I adjust?


Symptomatic while pacing

I have now had my PM for nearly 6 months and have had a lot of difficulty getting it set right. I have had 5 adjustments going from DDR to VVI then back to DDR and with rate response turned on and then off after a severe episode of PMT. I do not know all the settings but the P-R intervsal is set to trigger at 0.225 sec (slightly long) and what what is called atrial blanking increased to full (to block the PMT) and then reduced to allow the PM to track up to 125 bpm. My initial problem was&nbs...


help with login to this site

Can anyone help me with login proceedures to this site? When i signed up it said i would receive a verifcation email, which i never did. I was able to post once, but then the next time i went to login it would not accept my password. i clicked the "forgot my password" button, but got an error message with computer text. I then sent emails to both the info and sales email addresses listed at the bottom of the website but got no response.


Today i used my w...


Differences between QRS during procdure vs QRS post=procedure

Trudging through my operative report from recent pacemaker placement, I see that when the LBB lead was being placed they measured QRS at 125ms at the "sweet spot" where lead was implanted.  However, post-procedure ECGs measured the QRS at 152 (down from 164 pre-placement).  Can anyone shed some light regarding the differences in QRS measured during the procedure vs the QRS measured after the procedure (like 3 or 4 hours later)?  Is something like this common?  (I...


Up Date with New Game Plan

Just home from the hospital . The original game plan was to impant a Medtronics CRT-P but they had to change course mid-procedure becuase they could not find any vessels that would allow them access to the left ventricle lead implant location. The back-up plan called for the installation of a  2-lead, Medtronic Azure system for Conduction System Pacing which is what happened.  I hadn't researched this option quite as thoroughly as the CRT-P but it had been discuss...


Don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands

It's unfortuneate, but with the health system in the USA, possibly in more areas, we have to constantly research and second guess our care providers. If you take your doctor's word for everything, follow their instructions to the last detail, you might find yourself fighting for your life. 

Lately I've become such an advocate for my own health care, that I check every result, every test, and question every decision made. Why? Because it saves my life! The latest ex...


The Time has Arrived....

After what felt like much drama and waiting 6 lifetimes, I am due to get my CRT-P tomorrow.  I'm ready, excited,  hesitant  and very aware that my life is about to take a huuge step in what should be a good direction.  I'll meet my new Medtronic buddy tomorrow around mid-day and spend the night for observation. Lucky me get's two incisions: one in the chest for the device itseslf, and another in the groin which they'll use during the procedure to...


Outsourcing of Pacemaker Monitoring to Third Parties

I received a letter today informing me that my physican requested some "rhythm management" company "assist with the on-going management of your implanted cardiac device by using remote monitoring. ... If you have an automatic monitor, data received from your implanted cardiac device will automatically be sent to us on a routine basis."   

This is not the pacemaker clinic, nor my EP, nor even the manufacturer of my device and monitor.  Evidently, it is...


Recurrent pericarditis

Does anyone here have experience with the biologic, Arcalyst, used to treat recurrent pericarditis? We are in the process of getting this approved by my insurance. My EP wasn't sure if I would have to have treatment or atleast consultation with an infectious disease doctor before starting it because I have latent TB (positive skin test but clear chest x-ray). His nurse called and said that the Arcalyst rep said that I was cleared to start the process because of this. I'm still a littl...


update to my question about wearing an emergency pendant

Thanks to everyone for letting me know it is ok.  Today the sales consulant said the same thing.  Did say they had one pacemaker user there with out any problems.  At this time after touring that location decided to keep looking  as it was built in 1988 and we have new ones just being built.   With better curb appeal.

  Athough they did say with my food sensitivites would have a hard time eating there.  Which i knew.

new to pace


Cardiac scardiosis

Hi, I'm new here. Dual lead Boston implanted Dec. 2023. 48 yr old w/Bradycardia. Just had cardiac looks like I'm dealing with Cardiac scardiosis. Anyone here been diagnosed with that? Looking for information, encouragement, hope. Cardiologist thought I have pacemaker induced myocardial due to lower ef (40-45%) that wasn't present at implant 4 months ago. I felt better for a little bit after 1st surgery, then started not doing well with exertion and lots of "...


In-road vehicle charging

I wonder how this will affect us? The article is behind a paywall but there's sufficient to get the gist of it.


Changing Password

I've very recently had to delete part of one of my posts on Good Dog's recent thread.  This was to remove words / sentences / changes that I did not write or make.  Somebody had accessed my account. 

I decided to change my password immediately and could not do so, because the system wouldn't allow it.  

Clearly, this means that we cannot use our usual means of deterring hackers on this site. 

I have written to the administrators...


Wireless VHF Microphone

dear members.

I hope that all who read this are doing well.

I am doing quite well myself and my heart failure issues seem completely stabilized.

(CRT-D and Bisoprolol/Epleronone)

Im writing this post today, because I had some strange episodes I think might be related to my new Seinheiser VHF Wireless microphone. I am a part time singer.

I THINK I had palpitations during  different gigs

(Not sure what is was, I had while being on stage, and  I had...


wearing a help i have fallen pendant

Is it ok to wear a "help i have fallen pendant" for  someone who is a pacemaker user.   I am thinking of moving to an Independent Living  facility and they provide an Emergency Pendant.  Have asked the sales consultent to check for me.

new to pace


Blink cameras

Today my guy brought some Blink cameras into the house to learn about setting them up 

As soon as both were plugged in, I got a weird feeling sort of like when a lead is tested at interrogation. I immediately left the room and called Boston Scientific to ask about interference with my CRT-P. The gal I spoke with said that anything that uses Bluetooth or wifi can potentially interfere but just stay six inches away. I was probably five feet from the cameras. She had...


You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

Member Quotes

Pacemakers are very reliable devices.